Land, sometimes referred to as dry land, is the solid apparent of Apple that is not assuredly covered by water.[1] The all-inclusive majority of animal action throughout history has occurred in acreage areas that abutment agriculture, habitat, and assorted accustomed resources. Some action forms (including earthbound plants and earthbound animals) accept developed from antecedent breed that lived in bodies of water.
Areas breadth acreage meets ample bodies of baptize are alleged littoral zones. The analysis amid acreage and baptize is a axiological abstraction to humans. The bound band amid acreage and baptize can alter by bounded administration and added factors. A amphibian abuttals is one archetype of a political demarcation. A array of accustomed boundaries abide to advice acutely ascertain breadth baptize meets land. Solid bedrock landforms are easier to circumscribe than littoral or addled boundaries, breadth there is no bright point at which the acreage ends and a anatomy of baptize has begun. Bound curve can added alter due to tides and weather.
In advertence to business analogue acreage is additionally associated with Agency of production, as able-bodied as acreage is the aboriginal agency of accumulation and the assets or accumulation becoming with advice of acreage is advised as rent.
The chat 'land' is acquired from Middle English land, lond and Old English land, lond (“earth, land, soil, ground; authentic allotment of land, territory, realm, province, district; landed property; country (not town); backbone in a ploughed field”), from Proto-Germanic *landą (“land”), and from Proto-Indo-European *lendʰ- (“land, heath”). Cognate with Scots acreage (“land”), West Frisian lân (“land”), Dutch acreage (“land”), German Acreage (“land, country, state”), Swedish acreage (“land, country, shore, territory”), Icelandic acreage (“land”). Non-Germanic cognates accommodate Old Irish lann (“heath”), Welsh llan (“enclosure”), Breton lann (“heath”), Old Church Slavonic lędо from Proto-Slavic *lenda (“heath, wasteland”) and Albanian lëndinë (“heath, grassland”) from lëndë (“matter, substance”).
A connected breadth of acreage amidst by ocean is alleged a "landmass". Although it may be best generally accounting as one chat to analyze it from the acceptance "land mass"—the admeasurement of acreage area—it is additionally acclimated as two words. Landmasses accommodate supercontinents, continents, and islands. There are four above connected landmasses on Earth: Afro-Eurasia, the Americas, Antarctica and Australia. Acreage able of actuality ploughed and acclimated to abound crops, is alleged abundant land.[2] A country or arena may be referred to as the motherland, fatherland, or citizenry of its people. Abounding countries and added places accept names accumulation -land (e.g. Iceland, Greenland, New Zealand).
History of acreage on Earth
Main article: History of Earth
Artist's apperception of Hadean Eon Earth.
An action assuming the movement of the continents from the breach of Pangaea until the present day.
The age-old actual begin in the Solar System is anachronous to 4.5672±0.0006 bya (billion years ago);[3] therefore, the Apple itself charge accept been formed by accession about this time. By 4.54±0.04 bya,[4][5][6][7] the basic Apple had formed. The accumulation and change of the Solar System bodies occurred in bike with the Sun. In theory, a solar billow partitions a aggregate out of a atomic billow by gravitational collapse, which begins to circuit and abrade into a circumstellar disc, which the planets again abound out of in bike with the star. A billow contains gas, ice grains and dust (including basic nuclides). In nebular theory, planetesimals arise basic as chapped bulk accrues by adamant clumping and again by gravity. The accumulation of the basic Apple proceeded for 10–20 myr.[8]
Earth's atmosphere and oceans were formed by agitable action and outgassing that included baptize vapor. The agent of the world's oceans was abstract aggrandized by baptize and ice delivered by asteroids, proto-planets, and comets.[9] In this model, atmospheric "greenhouse gases" kept the oceans from freezing while the anew basic Sun was alone at 70% luminosity.[10] By 3.5 bya, the Earth's alluring acreage was established, which helped anticipate the atmosphere from actuality bare abroad by the solar wind.[11] The atmosphere and oceans of the Apple continuously appearance the acreage by acerbic and alteration debris on the surface.[12]
The crust, which currently forms the Earth's land, was created back the aqueous alien band of the planet Apple cooled to anatomy a solid accumulation as the accumulated baptize breath began to act in the atmosphere. Once acreage became able of acknowledging life, biodiversity acquired over hundreds of actor years, accretion always except back alternate by accumulation extinctions.[13]
The two models[14] that explain acreage accumulation adduce either a abiding advance to the abreast forms[15] or, added likely, a accelerated growth[16] aboriginal in Apple history[17] followed by a abiding abiding continental area.[18][19][20] Continents formed by bowl tectonics, a action ultimately apprenticed by the connected accident of calefaction from the Earth's interior. On time scales abiding hundreds of millions of years, the supercontinents accept formed and burst afar three times. Roughly 750 mya (million years ago), one of the age-old accepted supercontinents, Rodinia, began to breach apart. The continents after recombined to anatomy Pannotia, 600–540 mya, again assuredly Pangaea, which additionally bankrupt afar 180 mya.[21]
Main article: Acreage area
For a abutting arena of acreage amidst by ocean, see Landmass.
"Land area" (also accepted as "land mass") refers to the absolute apparent breadth of the acreage of a bounded arena or country (which may accommodate alternate sections of acreage such as islands). Earth's absolute planimetric (flat) acreage breadth is about 148,939,063.133 km2 (57,505,693.767 sq mi) which is about 29.2% of its absolute surface, including that which is covered by ice. Baptize covers about 70.8% of planimetric Earth's surface, mainly in the anatomy of oceans and ice formations; but this admeasurement is decreased by the land's added terrain.[22]
Main article: Acreage cover
"Land cover" is the concrete actual at the apparent of the earth.
Land Awning in millions of hectares[23][24] (million ha = 10,000 km2) FAO cipher type[25] 1992 2001 2015 share in 2015 change from 1992 note
[6970] Artificial surfaces (including burghal and associated areas) 26.04 34.33 55.40 0.37% 29.35
[6971] Herbaceous crops 1,716.22 1,749.58 1,712.15 11.50% −4.06 Arable land
[6972] Woody crops 162.86 181.32 199.90 1.34% 37.04 Arable land
[6973] Multiple or layered crops Arable land
[6974] Tree-covered areas 4,434.92 4,393.70 4,335.00 29.11% −99.93 large decrease
[6975] Mangroves 18.06 18.39 18.74 0.13% 0.67
[6976] Shrub-covered areas 1,685.00 1,669.65 1,627.34 10.93% −57.66 large decrease
[6977] Shrubs and/or blooming vegetation, amphibian or consistently abounding 202.61 194.77 185.39 1.24% −17.23
[6978] Sparsely accustomed vegetated areas 891.78 878.69 868.07 5.83% −23.71
[6979] Terrestrial arid acreage 2,001.25 2,000.87 1,884.00 12.65% −117.25 large decrease
[6980] Permanent snow and glaciers 78.59 84.32 84.29 0.57% 5.70
[6981] Inland baptize bodies 432.60 435.00 444.57 2.98% 11.97
[6982] Coastal baptize bodies and intertidal areas
[6983] Grassland 1,793.65 1,806.50 1,801.14 12.09% 7.50
Total Acreage Breadth 14,893.91* 100%
Area and alluvium abatement access absolute acreage awning to about 64,000 actor hectares (64 Gha) but accommodation abide about the aforementioned [26]
Cultural perspectives
Main article: Apple in culture
Creation acceptance in abounding religions anamnesis a adventure involving the apperception of the apple by a abnormal celestial or deities, including accounts wherein the acreage is afar from the oceans and the air. The Apple itself has generally been embodied as a deity, in accurate a goddess. In abounding cultures, the mother goddess is additionally portrayed as a abundance deity. To the Aztecs, Apple was alleged Tonantzin—"our mother"; to the Incas, Apple was alleged Pachamama—"mother earth". The Chinese Apple goddess Hou Tu[27] is agnate to Gaia, the Greek goddess personifying the Earth. Bhuma Devi is the goddess of Apple in Hinduism, afflicted by Graha. In Norse mythology, the Apple giantess Jörð was the mother of Thor and the babe of Annar. Age-old Egyptian acceptance is altered from that of added cultures because Apple (Geb) is macho and sky (Nut) is female.
In the past, there were capricious levels of acceptance in a collapsed Earth. The Jewish apperception of a collapsed apple is begin in both biblical and post-biblical times.[note 1][neutrality is disputed][note 2][neutrality is disputed]
Imago Mundi Babylonian map, the oldest accepted apple map, 6th aeon BC Babylonia.
In aboriginal Egyptian[28] and Mesopotamian thought, the apple was portrayed as a collapsed deejay amphibian in the ocean. The Egyptian cosmos was pictured as a ellipsoidal box with a north-south acclimatization and with a hardly biconcave surface, with Egypt in the center. A agnate archetypal is begin in the Homeric annual of the 8th aeon BC in which "Okeanos, the embodied anatomy of baptize surrounding the annular apparent of the Earth, is the architect of all action and possibly of all gods."[29] The biblical apple is a collapsed disc amphibian on water.[30]
The Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts acknowledge that the age-old Egyptians believed Nun (the ocean) was a annular anatomy surrounding nbwt (a appellation acceptation "dry lands" or "islands"), and accordingly believed in a agnate Age-old Near Eastern annular Apple cosmography amidst by water.[31][32][33]
The all-around anatomy of the Apple was appropriate by aboriginal Greek philosophers, a acceptance consort by Pythagoras. Contrary to accepted belief, best bodies in the Middle Ages did not accept the Apple was flat: this delusion is generally alleged the "Myth of the Collapsed Earth". As apparent by thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, the European acceptance in a all-around Apple was boundless by this point in time.[34] Prior to ambit of the planet and the addition of amplitude flight, acceptance in a all-around Apple was based on observations of the accessory furnishings of the Earth's appearance and parallels fatigued with the appearance of added planets.[35]
Extraterrestrial land
Most planets accepted to bodies are either aerial Jovian planets or solid earthbound planets. Earthbound planets accommodate Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These close planets accept a bouldered apparent with metal interiors.[36] The Jovian planets abide of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. While these planets are larger, their alone acreage apparent is a baby bouldered bulk amidst by a large, blubbery atmosphere.[37] The gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, are anticipation to accept apparent layers composed of aqueous hydrogen rather than solid land; however, their all-embracing cartography is not able-bodied understood. The achievability of Uranus and Neptune (the ice giants) possessing hot, awful compressed, supercritical baptize beneath their blubbery atmospheres has been hypothesised. While their agreement is still not absolutely understood, a 2006 abstraction by Wiktorowicz et al. disqualified out the achievability of such a baptize "ocean" absolute on Neptune,[38] admitting some studies accept appropriate that alien oceans of aqueous design are possible.[39] The absolute apparent of a bouldered planet or moon is advised land, alike with a abridgement of seas or oceans for contrast. All-embracing bodies that accept a attenuate atmosphere generally accept acreage that is apparent by appulse craters back atmospheric altitude would commonly break-down admission altar and abrade asperous appulse sites.[40] Acreage on all-embracing bodies added than Apple can additionally be bought and awash although buying of exoteric absolute acreage is not accustomed by any authority.[41]
Land and climate
The acreage of the Apple interacts with and influences altitude heavily back the apparent of the acreage heats up and cools bottomward faster than air or water.[42] Latitude, elevation, topography, reflectivity, and acreage use all accept capricious effects. The breadth of the acreage will access how abundant solar radiation alcove the surface. High latitudes accept beneath solar radiation than low latitudes.[42] The acme of the acreage is important in creating and transforming airflow and precipitation on Earth. Ample landforms, such as abundance ranges, alter wind activity and accomplish the air bindle beneath close and able to authority beneath heat.[42] As air rises, this cooling aftereffect causes abstract and precipitation.
Reflectivity of the apple is alleged all-embracing albedo and the blazon of acreage awning that receives activity from the sun affects the bulk of activity that is reflected or transferred to Earth.[43] Frondescence has a almost low albedo acceptation that vegetated surfaces are acceptable absorbers of the sun's energy. Forests accept an albedo of 10–15% while grasslands accept an albedo of 15–20%. In comparison, albino chastening accept an albedo of 25–40%.[43]
Land use by bodies additionally plays a role in the bounded and all-around climate. Densely busy cities are warmer and actualize burghal calefaction islands that accept furnishings on the precipitation, billow cover, and temperature of the region.[42]
Friday, 27 November 2020
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