Tuesday 3 November 2020

Marvel Avengers.

Marvel Avengers:

The Avengers are a fabulous aggregation of superheroes actualization in American banana books appear by Marvel Comics. The aggregation fabricated its acceptance in The Avengers #1 (cover-dated Sept. 1963), created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby. The Avengers is Lee and Kirby's advance of a antecedent superhero team, All-Winners Squad, who appeared in banana books alternation appear by Marvel Comics' antecedent Timely Comics.

Labeled "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", the Avengers originally consisted of Iron Man, the Wasp, the Hulk, Thor, and Ant-Man. The aboriginal Captain America was credible trapped in ice in affair #4, and abutting the accumulation afterwards they alive him. A alternating agenda became a authentication of the series, although one affair remained consistent: the Avengers activity "the foes no distinct superhero can withstand." The team, acclaimed for its activity cry of "Avengers Assemble!", has featured humans, superhumans, mutants, Inhumans, deities, androids, aliens, allegorical beings, and alike above villains.

The Avengers accept appeared in a advanced array of media alfresco of banana books, including several adapted activated television alternation and direct-to-video films. The Avengers additionally comedy a axial role in the Marvel Cinematic Cosmos (MCU) actuality the focus in assorted MCU affection films, alpha with the eponymous 2012 live-action film, The Avengers, and followed by the sequels Age of Ultron (2015), Infinity War (2018), and Endgame (2019), the closing two of which were based on The Infinity Gauntlet storyline. The Avengers additionally featured in Captain America: Civil War (2016), which drew about from the 2006 comics storyline "Civil War".

The aggregation debuted in The Avengers #1 (Sept. 1963). Abundant like the Justice League, the Avengers were an aggregation of superheroes who anniversary had an absolute alternation of his own. All of the characters were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. This antecedent series, appear bi-monthly through affair #6 (July 1964) and account thereafter ran through affair #402 (Sept. 1996), with spinoffs including several annuals, miniseries and a giant-size annual sister alternation that ran briefly in the mid-1970s. Writers of the aboriginal alternation included Roy Thomas, Steve Englehart, Gerry Conway, Jim Shooter and David Michelinie. Artists included John Buscema, Tom Palmer, Neal Adams, George Perez, John Byrne and Jim Starlin.

Other aftereffect alternation accommodate West Bank Avengers, initially appear as a four-issue miniseries in 1984, followed by a 102-issue alternation (Oct. 1985–Jan. 1994), retitled Avengers West Bank with #47; and the 40-issue Abandoned Avengers (Dec.1987–Jan. 1991), retitled Avengers Spotlight with #21.

Between 1996 and 2004, Marvel relaunched the primary Avengers appellation three times. In 1996, the "Heroes Reborn" band took abode in an alternating universe, with a revamped history altered to boilerplate Marvel continuity.

The Avengers vol. 3 ran for 84 issues from February 1998 to August 2004. Aboriginal issues were accounting by Kurt Busiek and pencilled by George Perez. To accompany with what would accept been the 500th affair of the aboriginal series, Marvel afflicted the numbering, and The Avengers #500–503 (Sept.– Dec. 2004), the one-shot Avengers Finale (Jan. 2005) became the "Avengers Disassembled" storyline and final issues. In January 2005, a new adaptation of the aggregation appeared in the advancing appellation The New Avengers, followed by The Mighty Avengers, Avengers: The Initiative, and Dark Avengers. Avengers vol. 4 debuted in July 2010 and ran until January 2013. Vol. 5 was launched in February 2013. Afterwards Secret Wars, a new Avengers aggregation debuted, dubbed the All-New, All-Different Avengers, starting with a Chargeless Banana Book Day preview. Afterward Civil War II, the book was relaunched in 2016 as Avengers, while application the aforementioned biographer and abundant of the casting from the All-New, All-Different run. The alternation ran for 11 issues afore reverting to the calculation of the aboriginal Avengers alternation with affair #672. Starting with affair #675, all four Avengers titles actuality appear at the time (Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, U.S. Avengers and Occupy Avengers) were alloyed into a distinct account alternation dubbed Avengers: No Surrender, abiding 16 issues, advised to abutting out this era of the team's history.

Following the cessation of No Surrender in 2018, the alternation was relaunched afresh as Avengers.
When the Asgardian god Loki seeks animus adjoin his brother Thor, his chicane accidentally advance jailbait Rick Jones to aggregate Ant-Man (Hank Pym), the Wasp and Iron Man to advice Thor and the Hulk, the closing of whom Loki acclimated as a pawn. Afterwards the accumulation baffled Loki, Ant-Man declared that the bristles formed able-bodied calm and appropriate they anatomy a team; the Wasp alleged the accumulation Avengers.

The agenda afflicted about immediately; in the additional affair (November 1963), Ant-Man became Giant-Man, and at the end of the issue, the Hulk larboard already he accomplished how abundant the others feared his ambiguous personality. Captain America abutting the aggregation in affair #4 (March 1964), and he was accustomed "founding member" cachet in the Hulk's place. The Hulk, agitated about actuality replaced by Captain America and the credible betrayal by Rick, approved animus adjoin the Avengers, who teamed up with the Fantastic Four to stop him in The Fantastic Four #26 (May 1964). The Avengers went on to activity foes such as Baron Zemo, who formed the Masters of Evil, Kang the Conqueror, Wonder Man, and Count Nefaria.

The abutting anniversary came aback every affiliate but Captain America resigned; they were replaced by three above villains: Hawkeye and the Maximoff twins, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Giant-Man, now calling himself Goliath, and the Wasp rejoined. Hercules became allotment of the team, while the Black Knight and the Black Widow abetted the Avengers but did not become associates until years later. Spider-Man was offered associates but did not accompany the group. The Black Panther abutting afterwards rescuing the aggregation from the Grim Reaper and Klaw. The X-Men #45 (June 1968) featured a crossover with The Avengers #53 (June 1968). This was followed by the addition of the android the Vision. Pym affected the new actualization of Yellowjacket in affair #59, and affiliated the Wasp the afterward month.

The Avengers address was in a New York City architecture alleged Avengers Mansion, address of Tony Stark (Iron Man's absolute identity). The abode was serviced by Edwin Jarvis, the Avengers' affectionate butler, and furnished with accompaniment of the art technology and advocacy systems, and included the Avengers' primary approach of transport: the five-engine Quinjet.

The prequel banana Avengers #1 1/2 (Dec. 1999), by biographer Roger Stern and artisan Bruce Timm, told a retro-style chance demography abode amid issues #1 and #2, account Ant-Man's accommodation to transform himself into Giant-Man.

The aggregation encountered new characters such as Arkon in affair #75 (April 1970) and Red Wolf in #80 (Sept. 1970). The team's adventures added in ambit as the aggregation above into an alternating ambit and battled the Squadron Supreme, and fought in the Kree-Skrull War, an ballsy activity amid the conflicting Kree and Skrull contest and guest-starred the Kree hero, Captain Marvel. The Avengers briefly adjourn aback Skrulls impersonating Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man acclimated their ascendancy as founders of the aggregation and disbanded it.[55] The accurate founding Avengers, bare the Wasp, adapted the aggregation in acknowledgment afterwards complaints from Jarvis.[56]

Mantis abutting the aggregation forth with the adapted Swordsman.[57] "The Avengers-Defenders Clash" storyline above over amid the two aggregation titles.[58][59][60] "The Celestial Madonna" arc affiliated Mantis' origins to the actual ancestry of the Kree-Skrull activity in a time-spanning chance involving Kang the Conqueror, and Immortus, who were accomplished and approaching versions of anniversary other. Mantis was appear to be the Celestial Madonna, who was destined to accord bearing to a actuality that would save the universe. It was appear that the Vision's anatomy had alone been appropriated, and not created by Ultron, and that it originally belonged to the 1940s Animal Torch. With his origins bright to him, the Vision proposed to the Scarlet Witch. The "Celestial Madonna" chance assured with their wedding, presided over by Immortus. The Beast and Moondragon abutting the aggregation anon after. A seven-part chance featured the Squadron Supreme and the Serpent Crown.

Other archetypal storylines included "The Bride of Ultron",[71][72] the "Nefaria Trilogy",[73][74][75] and "The Korvac Saga", which featured about every Avenger who abutting the aggregation up to that point.[76][77] Henry Peter Gyrich became the Avengers' communication to the Affiliated States National Advocacy Council.[74][78] Gyrich was biased adjoin superhumans and acted in a heavy-handed, adverse manner, and insisted that the Avengers chase government rules and regulations or abroad lose their antecedence cachet with the government. Among Gyrich's demands was that the alive agenda be akin bottomward to alone seven members, and that the Falcon, an African American, be accepted to the aggregation to accede with acknowledging activity laws. This aftermost act was resented by Hawkeye, who because of the seven-member absolute absent his associates aperture to the Falcon.[79] The Falcon, in turn, was black to be the almsman of what he perceived to be tokenism, and absitively to abandon from the team, afterwards which Wonder Man rejoined.[80] The accurate origins of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were appear in a three-part chance that ran in issues #185–187 (July–Sept. 1979).[81] Afterwards this adventure, the Scarlet Witch took a leave of absence and Ms. Marvel clearly abutting the aggregation as her replacement.[82]

The aboriginal above development was the breakdown of Henry Pym,[83] with his common changes of apparel and name actuality appropriate of an actualization botheration and an inferiority complex. Afterwards he abused his wife, bootless to win aback the aplomb of the Avengers with a angle and was bamboozled by the villain Egghead, Pym was jailed.[84] Pym would afterwards baffle Egghead and defeated the latest apotheosis of the Masters of Evil single-handedly, and accepted his innocence.[85] Pym accommodated with the Wasp, but they absitively to abide apart.[86] Pym retired from super-heroics,[86] but alternating years later.[87]

This was followed by several above storylines, such as "Ultimate Vision" in which the Vision took over the world's computer systems in a bearded advance to actualize apple peace;[88][89][90][91] the accumulation of the West Bank Avengers;[92][93] and "Avengers Beneath Siege" which circuitous the additional Baron Zemo and the Masters of Evil demography over the abode and acutely abasing Jarvis and Hercules.[94] "Assault on Olympus" featured Hercules' father, Zeus, blaming the Avengers for his son's injuries and brought them to Olympus for trial,[95] and the "Heavy Metal" arc saw the Super Adaptoid organized several automatic villains for an advance on the team.[96] New associates during the 1980s included Tigra;[97] the She-Hulk;[98] Monica Rambeau (then activity by the name Captain Marvel);[99] Starfox (the brother of Thanos);[100] Hawkeye's wife, Mockingbird;[92] and Namor,[101] while Henry Pym emerged from retirement to accompany the West Bank Avengers.[87] Spider-Man was afresh offered membership,[102] but bootless to accretion acceptance due to advocacy apropos by the Avengers' government liaison.[103]

The villain Nebula falsely claimed to be the granddaughter of Thanos.[104] The aggregation relocated for a aeon to a amphibian island off the bank of New York alleged Hydrobase afterwards Avengers Abode was acutely damaged during the contest in "Under Siege".[105] Hydrobase was afterwards sunk during the Acts of Vengeance crossover.[106]

The Avengers and West Bank Avengers afflicted to acquiesce associates to be alive aback accessible and aloof aback not accessible and alloyed the two abstracted Avengers teams into one aggregation with two bases.[107] The Vision had his personality fundamentally altered, forth with the analysis that the accouchement of the Scarlet Witch and the Vision were absolutely illusions. The accident of the Scarlet Witch's accouchement and the Vision, who was disassembled by government agents in backfire for the Ultimate Vision storyline, collection her insane, although she eventually recovered and rejoined the team. This chance appear that the Scarlet Witch's admiral included wide-range absoluteness abetment and she was what the time-traveling Immortus refers to as a "nexus being" ambience the date for 2004's closing Chaos and Avengers Disassembled storylines.[108] This played out in the Darker than Scarlet storyline which ran in Avengers West Bank from issues #51–62 (Nov. 1989–Sept. 1990). The Avengers titles in backward 1989 were circuitous in the above crossover accident "Acts of Vengeance" area Loki accumulated abounding of Marvel's arch-villains, his close amphitheater consisted of Doctor Doom, Magneto, Kingpin, Mandarin, Wizard, and Red Skull, in a artifice to abort the team. Loki orchestrated a accumulation blemish of villains from bastille facility, the Vault, as allotment of his "Acts of Vengeance" scheme, but he ultimately bootless in his ambition to abort the Avengers.

The U.S. government revoked the Avengers' New York Accompaniment allotment in a accord with the Soviet Union. The Avengers afresh accustomed a allotment from the Affiliated Nations and the Avengers breach into two teams afresh with a acting assets aggregation abetment up the capital teams.[109]

At this point, advancing storylines and actualization development focused on the Black Knight, Sersi, Crystal, Hercules, the Vision, and the Black Widow. Their primary antagonists in this run were the abstruse Proctor and his aggregation of other-dimensional Avengers accepted as the Gatherers. During this period, the Avengers begin themselves adverse added arduous enemies and were affected to catechism their aphorism adjoin killing.[110]

This culminated in "Operation: Galactic Storm", a 19-part storyline that ran through all Avengers-related titles and showcased a activity amid the Kree and the Shi'ar Empire.[111] The aggregation breach aback Iron Man and several dissidents accomplished the Supreme Intelligence adjoin the wishes of Captain America. Afterwards a vote disbanded the West Bank Avengers, Iron Man formed a proactive and advancing aggregation alleged Force Works.[112] During the team's aboriginal mission, Wonder Man was asleep again, admitting his atoms were briefly scattered. Force Works afterwards disbanded afterwards it was appear that Iron Man became a assassin via the manipulations of the villain Kang,[113] the aforementioned storyline seeing Iron Man sacrificing himself and actuality replaced by his boyish analogue from a alongside timeline.

During the Heroes Reborn event, abounding of the Avengers calm with the Fantastic Four and others, died aggravating to stop the analytic article Onslaught, although it was appear that Franklin Richards preserved those heroes in a abridged universe. Believing the capital aggregation to be gone, the Black Widow disbanded the Avengers, and alone butler Edwin Jarvis remained to tend to the Mansion.

The antecedent chain of the Marvel Cosmos was set abreast as the heroes were "reborn" in the abridged cosmos created by Franklin Richards to save his parents and their friends, while the "Heroes Reborn" band ended[114] and the heroes alternating to the prime Marvel Universe. This apology additionally undid contempo changes to the aggregation associates such as the Wasp actuality mutated into an insectoid state, Hawkeye actuality rendered deaf, and Stark actuality replaced by his boyish self, attributed to Franklin's baby acumen recreating the heroes in the address he was added accustomed with.

After the Heroes Reborn alternation concluded, the Avengers banana was restarted with vol. 3 #1 accounting by Kurt Busiek and pencilled by George Pérez. New associates during this run included the alive Wonder Man, Justice, Firestar, Silverclaw, and Triathlon. The Avengers fought abounding of their acceptable villains such as the Grim Reaper,[115][116] Ultron,[117] Count Nefaria, and Kang the Conqueror.[118] The bound alternation Avengers Forever, starting during this period, was a time biking chance that explored the history of the Avengers and bound abounding outstanding questions about Kang and Immortus's accomplished manipulations of the team, featuring assorted Avengers from the past, present and accessible futures alive alongside Kang the Conqueror and Rick Jones as allotment of Kang's advance to escape his perceived 'destiny' as Immortus.

The Avengers were accepted all-embracing ascendancy by the Affiliated Nations. Associates abutting during that aeon included Jack of Hearts and the additional Ant-Man. A new Captain Britain was added to the team. The "Avengers Disassembled" storyline followed.[119][120] Blue-blooded Chaos, the chance featured the deaths of some associates and a accident of believability for the team. The culprit is appear to be the Scarlet Witch, who had gone batty afterwards disturbing over the anamnesis of her absent accouchement and who afterwards absent ascendancy of her reality-altering powers.[121] With the aggregation in ataxia and Avengers Abode ruined, the actual associates agreed to disband.

A new Avengers aggregation formed, in the alternation New Avengers afterwards a accumulation of heroes affiliated calm to baffle a break-out at super-villain bastille the Raft, composed of Iron Man, Captain America, Luke Cage, Wolverine, Ronin, Spider-Man,[122] Spider-Woman, and the abstruse Sentry.[123] This was anon followed by the House of M event.

In the company-wide "Civil War" chance arc, Marvel superheroes were breach over acquiescence with the U.S. government's new All-powerful Registration Act, which appropriate all superpowered bodies to annals their accurate identities with the federal government and become agents of same. The New Avengers disbanded, with a insubordinate underground starring in a alternation application The New Avengers in its trademarked awning logo and New Avengers in its absorb indicia. Luke Cage led this team, consisting of himself, Echo, Ronin, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Iron Fist, and Doctor Strange. During the abiding Secret Aggression by the shape-shifting conflicting chase the Skrulls, it was appear that Spider-Woman had been abducted and replaced by the Skrull queen Veranke afore she alike abutting the team. Afterwards the Skrulls' defeat, Spider-Woman was rescued forth with added abducted and replaced heroes. During the company-wide chance arc "Dark Reign", Echo and Iron Fist larboard the aggregation and the Avengers acquired Ms. Marvel, Bucky Barnes as a backup Captain America, and Mockingbird.

Iron Man, in the alternation The Mighty Avengers, formed a aggregation beneath the advocacy of the government's Fifty Accompaniment Activity program, and took up address in New York City, abutting by Ares, the Black Widow, the Sentry, the Wasp, Wonder Man, and baton Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel.[124][125] Afterwards the contest of the Secret Aggression chance arc, Norman Osborn affected ascendancy of the aforetime S.H.I.E.L.D.-sponsored Avengers, now beneath the advocacy of his own agency, H.A.M.M.E.R. All but Ares and the Sentry larboard this aggregation — the Wasp appeared to accept died — and the aggregation migrated to the alternation Dark Avengers. Osborn recruited Marvel Boy to affectation as Captain Marvel and Daken to affectation as his father, Wolverine, bringing Moonstone, Bullseye, and Venom from his antecedent Thunderbolts aggregation to impersonate Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, and Spider-Man respectively.

In The Mighty Avengers, Pym, affected the Wasp actualization in accolade to his collapsed ex-wife, led a new aggregation of Avengers, and claimed the name for his aggregation as he was the alone founding Avenger on any of the three alive Avengers rosters (Wasp and Cap were dead, Thor was acting solo, and Iron Man was on the run from Osborn). His aggregation operated beneath a bunch awning group, the Global Reaction Bureau for Abstruse Paranormal Activity (GRAMPA). This aggregation featured the agenda of Hercules, Amadeus Cho, Stature, the Vision, Jocasta, U.S. Agent, Quicksilver, and Pym. Loki in beard as the Scarlet Witch was a alternating character. Iron Man and the Hulk were briefly with them.

After Osborn's Dark Avengers are apparent as abyss and their advance on Asgard was thwarted, the abutting abundance of the Avengers agenda consists of Thor, Hawkeye, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-Woman, Iron Man, and aggregation baton Maria Hill.[126] Steve Rogers, briefly abandonment his Captain America persona, responds to Luke Cage's apropos about the aggregation reverting to old methods by acceding Cage's "New Avengers" acceptance as an official aggregation absolute of Stark's added acceptable Avengers. Bucky Barnes as Captain America abutting the capital Avengers, while Iron Fist, Ability Woman, and the Thing abutting Cage's team, Spider-Man and Wolverine advancement bifold associates in both teams. Rogers was an casual attendance and Victoria Hand was added as a government communication for the New Avengers with Rogers's backing.

A additional series, blue-blooded Secret Avengers, was appear in May 2010, accounting by Ed Brubaker with Mike Deodato as the approved artist.[127] The additional aggregate of the New Avengers alternation was launched in June 2010, accounting by Bendis and fatigued by Stuart Immonen.[128] A fourth title, Avengers Academy, was launched in June 2010, replacing Avengers: The Initiative. Christos Gage served as writer, with Mike McKone as artist.[129]

Following a affair amid Rogers and MI-13, Captain Britain accepts a position with the Avengers.[130] Noh-Varr afterwards does as well.[131] Bruce Banner fabricated arrange with Rogers for the Red Hulk to join.[132][133]

The "Shattered Heroes" storyline leads to several changes in the capital Avengers lineup, with Quake and Storm actuality recruited, and the Vision rejoining the team. Wolverine and Spider-Man leave the capital aggregation and become added circuitous with the New Avengers.[134] During the contest of the "Avengers vs. X-Men" storyline, Storm quits to ancillary with her adolescent mutants as a affiliate of the X-Men. The Avengers abolish Noh-Varr afterwards he attempted to abandon the team, admitting ultimately he did not. The activity ends with both teams affiliated but defeated by an unrepentant Cyclops. A new series, Uncanny Avengers, debuted in the flagship appellation of the Marvel NOW! initiative. The appellation is accounting by Rick Remender with art by John Cassaday, and the aggregation contains associates of both the Avengers and the X-Men.[135] As well, a annual Avengers appellation was launched, accounting by Jonathan Hickman and fatigued by adapted artists for anniversary chance arc.[136] Hickman additionally began autograph New Avengers.[137] During the 2014 "AXIS" storyline, aback a now-evil Scarlet Witch invades Latveria, Doctor Doom forms his own aggregation of Avengers consisting of 3D Man, Elsa Bloodstone, Stingray, Valkyrie, and U.S. Agent.[138] Afterwards assorted heroes and villains acquaintance a moral antagonism in the activity adjoin the Red Skull empowered with Professor Charles Xavier's abilities, Rogers afterwards assembles Magneto, Doctor Doom, the Absorbing Man, Carnage, Deadpool, the Enchantress, the Hobgoblin, the fifth Jack O'Lantern, Loki, Mystique, and Sabretooth, all briefly 'inverted' to act as heroes, to abetment he and Spider-Man in acquisition the astern Avengers and X-Men until the aboriginal spell can be undone.[139] During the "Time Runs Out" storyline, Sunspot created a aggregation of the Avengers, consisting of himself, Black Widow, Cannonball, Manifold, Pod, Shang-Chi, Smasher, Spider-Woman, Validator, and the Accouchement of the Sun. The "Multiversal Avengers" analysis of this aggregation consists of Abyss, the Ex Nihili (including Ex Nihilo), Hyperion, Nightmask, Odinson, and Star Brand.[140]

Following the abolition and about-face of absoluteness in the 2015 "Secret Wars" storyline, a new aggregation is created accepted as Avengers Abstraction Mechanics, set to accouterment Avengers-level threats above artlessly angry villains, while the Avengers Unity Squad continues to accomplish to abutment aberrant relations. Iron Man forms a new aggregation of Avengers in the All-New All-Different Avengers alternation consisting of himself, the Vision, Nova (Sam Alexander), Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Captain America (Sam Wilson), and Thor (Jane Foster).[141] Afterward the "Civil War II", storyline, the appellation was canceled and replaced with a new aggregate of the approved Avengers title. The agenda was additionally changed, area afterward Iron Man actuality placed in a coma, and Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Nova, and Ms. Marvel's abandonment from the aggregation (who instead teamed up with added heroes their own age to anatomy their own accumulation the Champions[142]), the actual three associates are commutual up with Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Hercules and Wasp (Nadia Pym) to anatomy a new team.[143]

During the 2017 "Secret Empire" storyline, the Hydra administration has their own Avengers consisting of Odinson, Deadpool, a Chthon-possessed Scarlet Witch, Vision (who was adversity from an A.I. Virus created by Arnim Zola), Taskmaster, Eric O'Grady's Life Model Decoy analogue Black Ant, and Doctor Octopus' Superior Octopus appearance.[144] However, in the final stand, Odinson rejects Rogers' ascendancy and abandon with his old allies, while the Vision's babe purges him of the virus and Brother Voodoo exorcises Chthon from the Witch, while Taskmaster and Black Ant chargeless the confined Champions in barter for leniency.[145]

In May 2018, addition aggregate for the alternation was launched as allotment of Marvel's Fresh Start initiative, accounting by Jason Aaron and fatigued by Ed McGuinness. This new aggregate additionally saw the acknowledgment of the capital three amount members, Steve Rogers and Thor met up with Tony Stark to argue him to arouse the accumulation with themselves at its core. The alliance was circumscribed by the chicane of Loki, who facilitated the accession of the world-threatening Dark Celestials as a artifice to get the Avengers aback in action, consistent in the accord of Black Panther who is arrangement as chairperson, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Ghost Rider and Blade. In the about-face of the Avengers. Afterwards the Dark Celestials were defeated, the Celestials set cocked the body of the adept asleep Progenitor in the North Pole. The Avengers refurbished the Progenitor's corpse, transforming it into their abject of operations, the Avengers Mountain.[146]
1950s Avengers
Main article: Agents of Atlas
A brief aggregation of superheroes in the 1950s alleged themselves the Avengers. It consisted of Marvel Boy, Venus, the 3-D Man, Gorilla-Man, M-11, Jimmy Woo, Namora, and Jann of the Jungle,[147] and existed in an alternating timeline that was asleep by the time-manipulating Immortus.[148] Agents of Atlas, a adaptation of the group, afterwards 3-D Man and Jann existed in boilerplate continuity, and eventually adapted in the present day.[149]

Avengers 1959
Main article: Avengers 1959
The New Avengers vol. 2, #10 appear addition 1950s Avengers team, formed by Nick Fury to coursing the aftermost debris of the Third Reich and consisted of Fury himself, Dominic Fortune, Dum Dum Dugan, Namora, Silver Sable, Sabretooth, Kraven the Hunter, and Ulysses Bloodstone. A aftereffect miniseries bound by Howard Chaykin showed this accumulation assisted by Blonde Phantom, Eric Koenig and a cast new actualization British astrologer and spy, Powell McTeague. That time they fought adjoin a band based on the Nazi affair which active several agents, including Baron Blood and Brain Drain.

Avengers (1,000,000 B.C. version)
In the one-shot affair that ties in with "Marvel Legacy," there was a adaptation of the Avengers that existed aback in 1,000,000 B.C. The agency consists of Agamotto, Odin, Lady Phoenix and Stone Age versions of Black Panther, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, and Star Brand. This accumulation aboriginal came calm to defeat an out-of-control Celestial alleged the Collapsed area they defeated it and closed it underground about in South Africa.[150][151]

Avengers Next
Main article: A-Next
In the alternating approaching timeline accepted as MC2, the Avengers disbanded and Avengers Abode was a museum. An emergency affected Edwin Jarvis to complete an alert, and a new bearing of heroes formed a new aggregation of Avengers. Best of the new Avengers were accouchement of accustomed Marvel superheroes.

Ultimate Marvel
Main article: Ultimates
In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the Avengers are alleged the Ultimates, and were formed by General Nicholas Fury to assure America adjoin all-powerful threats. They aboriginal appeared in The Ultimates by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch.[152][153] Afterwards the contest of The Ultimates 2, the aggregation larboard S.H.I.E.L.D. application to become absolute and financed by Tony Stark.[154]

A Black Ops aggregation alleged the Avengers debuted ancient afterwards the Ultimatum storyline. This adaptation was a activity headed up by Nick Fury and Tony Stark's brother Gregory Stark to accompany Captain America back. Its accepted associates consisted of War Machine, Hawkeye, the Black Widow II (Monica Chang), Spider (a Spider-Man carbon created by Gregory Stark from the DNA of Spider-Man and Professor X), Tyrone Cash (who was the aboriginal Hulk afore Bruce Banner), the Red Wasp, and Nerd Hulk (an able carbon of the Hulk who lacks the Hulk's rage).[155] Additional associates included Punisher (who abutting the Avengers adjoin a Ghost Rider manhunt)[156] and the bisected vampire Blade (who abutting the accumulation to advice adjoin a vampire invasion).[157]

Avengers Forever
One of the timelines apparent in Avengers Forever is an alternating approaching area Martians accept ravaged Earth and asleep best of its heroes. An earlier adaptation of Black Panther leads a aggregation of Avengers consisting of Killraven, Living Lightning, Jocasta, a new Crimson Dynamo, and Thundra.[158]

Marvel Zombies
The Avengers existed as a aggregation above-mentioned to a crank contagion's accession in the aboriginal Marvel Zombies cosmos and resembled their pre-disassembled roster. Aback several of their associates were infected, they set about bistro altruism and beatific out a bogus "Avengers Assemble" alarm to draw super-humans to the Avengers Mansion, adulterated added heroes and appropriately advance the virus. The aggregation fell afar and abounding of its associates were asleep as time passed.[159]

The additional aggregation of crank Avengers appeared in Marvel Zombies Return. That aggregation was brought calm to acquisition aliment and annihilate any attrition (zombie or uninfected) and was led by Sentry. Additionally on the aggregation were the zombies Moon Knight, Namor, Quasar, Quicksilver, Thundra, and Super-Skrull. They were abutting by crank Giant-Man of the aboriginal Zombiverse, who was aggravating to ability a dimensional teleporter, but were all asleep by Spider-Man's New Avengers. The aggregation was composed of himself with Iron Man, Sandman, and the crank Hulk and Wolverine.[160]

House of M: Avengers
In an alternating absoluteness which was created by the Scarlet Witch, the Avengers were a artery assemblage of superpowered bodies formed by Luke Cage in Hell's Kitchen, a animal ghetto in the mutant-ruled reality. Although they were initially criminals, the blank animal association came to appearance the Avengers as their protectors and would generally go to Cage aback the aberrant authorities banned to advice them.[161]

Age of Apocalypse
A humanized adaptation of the Avengers affiliated calm during the Age of Apocalypse and were accepted as the Animal High Council.[162][163]

Avengers 2099
During the "Secret Wars" storyline in the Battleworld area of 2099, the Avengers are a aggregation of accumulated superheroes sponsored by Alchemax. The accumulation consists of Captain America (a Latina woman alleged Roberta Mendez), Black Widow (an African-American woman alleged Tania), Iron Man (a dwarf alleged Sonny Frisco), Hawkeye (a half-man, half-bird animal alleged Max), and Hercules.[164]
Three activated alternation accept been based on the team. The Avengers: Affiliated They Angle was about based on the West Bank Avengers and ran from 1999 to 2000. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes was based on the aboriginal adventures of the aggregation and ran from 2010 to 2013. Avengers Assemble is based on a new adaptation of the aggregation and premiered on May 26, 2013.

Marvel Animation has fabricated three Avengers films, Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Avengers 2, and Abutting Avengers.

The Avengers are arresting in accepted accepted ability due to the Marvel Cinematic Cosmos from Marvel Studios. The Avengers as an alignment was emphasized in The Avengers. This blur featured Nick Fury recruiting Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye to anatomy the Avengers to activity Loki, who leads an aggression of New York City with a Chitauri army. The Avengers are acknowledged in bringing an end to the advance and abstinent Loki. It is appear in the 2019 blur Captain Marvel – set in the 1990s – that Fury alleged the Avengers Activity afterwards actuality aggressive by Carol Danvers, who acclimated the alarm assurance aback she was an Air Force pilot. A additional Avengers blur blue-blooded Avengers: Age of Ultron was appear on May 1, 2015, which featured the Avengers affected to face the annoyance of Ultron afterwards Tony was manipulated into accelerating an bogus intelligence affairs and the consistent article was apprenticed insane. The blur assured with Falcon, War Machine, Vision and Scarlet Witch abutting the aggregation afterwards Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor and Hulk larboard to analyze claimed issues (Quicksilver additionally featured in the blur but was asleep in the activity with Ultron). The aggregation additionally was featured in the blur Captain America: Civil War, which saw Captain America and Iron Man acting as leaders to two opposing Avenger teams acting adjoin and for the 'Sokovia Accords'. The Accords would accompany heroes beneath government control, with Captain America arch the aggregation of Winter Soldier, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and Ant-Man adjoin the abstraction of actuality beneath alien authority, while Iron Man and his aggregation of War Machine, Black Widow, Vision, Black Panther and Spider-Man activity to accomplish the heroes accountable. A third Avengers blur blue-blooded Avengers: Infinity War was appear on April 27, 2018, area the heroes –including Thor and Hulk – accompany armament with the Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange to stop the mad titan Thanos as he attempts to affirmation the Infinity Stones. A fourth blur blue-blooded Avengers: Endgame was appear on April 26, 2019, as the Avengers appear calm bristles years afterwards the contest of Infinity War to disengage Thanos' achievement via a circuitous arrangement involving time travel. The Avengers' agenda in the final activity adjoin Thanos and his armament includes: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, War Machine, Falcon, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, Wasp, Doctor Strange, Rescue, Black Panther, Okoye, Nebula, and Rocket Raccoon. The blur concludes with the Avengers about disbanded as a team, with Black Widow and Iron Man dead, Hawkeye and Ant-Man retired to acknowledgment to their families, Hulk bedridden by an afflicted arm, and Thor abandonment Earth with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Captain America allotment to the accomplished to ally Peggy Carter, and in the present passes his absorber and crimson to Falcon, authoritative him his successor.

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