Tuesday 3 November 2020



Pokémon,[a][1][2][3] additionally accustomed as Pocket Monsters[b] in Japan, is a Japanese media authorization managed by The Pokémon Company, a aggregation founded by Nintendo, Bold Freak, and Creatures. The authorization was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995,[4] and is centered on fabulous creatures alleged "Pokémon", which humans, accustomed as Pokémon Trainers, bolt and alternation to action ceremony added for sport. Works aural the authorization are set in the Pokémon universe. The English byword for the authorization is "Gotta Bolt 'Em All".[5][6]

The authorization began as Pokémon Red and Blooming (later arise alfresco of Japan as Pokémon Red and Blue), a brace of video amateur for the aboriginal Bold Boy handheld arrangement that were developed by Bold Freak and arise by Nintendo in February 1996. It anon became a media mix authorization acclimatized into assorted altered media.[7] Pokémon has aback become the highest-grossing media authorization of all time,[8][9][10] with $90 billion in complete authorization revenue.[11][12] The aboriginal video bold alternation is the second-best-selling video bold authorization (behind Nintendo's Mario franchise)[13] with added than 368 amateur copies sold[14] and one billion adaptable downloads,[15] and it spawned a hit anime television alternation that has become the best accustomed video bold adaptation[16] with over 20 seasons and 1,000 episodes in 169 countries.[14] In addition, the Pokémon authorization includes the world's top-selling toy brand,[17] the top-selling trading agenda game[18] with over 30.4 billion cards sold,[14] an anime blur series, a live-action film, books, manga comics, music, merchandise, and a affair park. The authorization is additionally represented in added Nintendo media, such as the Super Smash Bros. series.

In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game accompanying licensing of Pokémon, arise that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. The Pokémon Aggregation All-embracing oversees all Pokémon licensing alfresco Asia.[19] In 2006, the authorization acclaimed its tenth anniversary.[20] In 2016, the Pokémon Aggregation acclaimed Pokémon's 20th ceremony by airing an ad during Super Bowl 50 in January and re-releasing the aboriginal Pokémon video amateur 1996 Bold Boy amateur Pokémon Red, Blooming (only in Japan), and Blue, and the 1998 Bold Boy Blush bold Pokémon Chicken for the Nintendo 3DS on February 26, 2016.[21][22] The adaptable aggrandized absoluteness bold Pokémon Go was arise in July 2016.[23] The aboriginal live-action blur in the franchise, Pokémon Detective Pikachu, based on the 2018 Nintendo 3DS aftereffect bold Detective Pikachu, was arise in 2019.[8]

The best afresh arise amount alternation games, Pokémon Sword and Shield, were arise accepted on the Nintendo Switch on November 15, 2019.[24]

Pokémon authoritative administrator Satoshi Tajiri aboriginal anticipation of Pokémon, admitting with a altered abstraction and name, about 1989, aback the Bold Boy was released. The abstraction of the Pokémon universe, in both the video amateur and the accustomed fabulous apple of Pokémon, stems from the action of insect collecting, a accustomed action which Tajiri enjoyed as a child.[27] Players are appointed as Pokémon Trainers and acquire three accustomed goals: to complete the bounded Pokédex by accession all of the attainable Pokémon breed activate in the fabulous arena breadth a bold takes place, to complete the civic Pokédex by appointment Pokémon from added regions, and to alternation a aggregation of able Pokémon from those they acquire bent to advance adjoin teams endemic by added Trainers so they may eventually win the Pokémon Alliance and become the bounded Champion. These accommodation of collecting, training, and aggressive are present in about every adaptation of the Pokémon franchise, including the video games, the anime and manga series, and the Pokémon Trading Agenda Game.

In best incarnations of the Pokémon universe, a Trainer who encounters a agrarian Pokémon is able to abduction that Pokémon by throwing a distinctively designed, mass-producible all-around apparatus alleged a Poké Ball at it. If the Pokémon is clumsy to escape the borders of the Poké Ball, it is advised to be below the buying of that Trainer. Afterwards, it will obey whatever commands it receives from its new Trainer, unless the Trainer demonstrates such a abridgement of acquaintance that the Pokémon would rather act on its own accord. Trainers can accelerate out any of their Pokémon to allowance non-lethal battles adjoin added Pokémon; if the opposing Pokémon is wild, the Trainer can abduction that Pokémon with a Poké Ball, accretion their accumulating of creatures. In Pokémon Go, and in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, agrarian Pokémon encountered by players can be bent in Poké Balls, but about cannot be battled. Pokémon already endemic by added Trainers cannot be captured, except below adapted affairs in assertive ancillary games. If a Pokémon absolutely defeats an adversary in action so that the adversary is agape out ("faints"), the acceptable Pokémon assets acquaintance credibility and may akin up. Alpha with Pokémon X and Y, acquaintance credibility are additionally acquired from communicable Pokémon in Poké Balls. Aback leveling up, the Pokémon's aggressive bent statistics ("stats", such as "Attack" and "Speed") increase. At assertive levels, the Pokémon may additionally apprentice new moves, which are techniques acclimated in battle. In addition, abounding breed of Pokémon can abide a anatomy of alteration and transform into a agnate but stronger breed of Pokémon, a action alleged evolution; this action occurs spontaneously below differing circumstances, and is itself a axial affair of the series. Some breed of Pokémon may abide a best of two evolutionary transformations, while others may abide alone one, and others may not advance at all. For example, the Pokémon Pichu may advance into Pikachu, which in about-face may advance into Raichu, afterward which no added evolutions may occur. Pokémon X and Y alien the abstraction of "Mega Evolution," by which assertive absolutely acquired Pokémon may briefly abide an added change into a stronger anatomy for the purpose of battling; this change is advised a adapted case, and clashing added evolutionary stages, is reversible.

In the capital series, ceremony game's single-player admission requires the Trainer to accession a aggregation of Pokémon to defeat abounding non-player actualization (NPC) Trainers and their Pokémon. Ceremony bold lays out a somewhat beeline aisle through a specific arena of the Pokémon apple for the Trainer to chance through, commutual claiming and aggressive opponents alternating the way (including arresting the affairs of an 'evil' aggregation of Pokémon Trainers who serve as antagonists to the player). Excluding Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the amateur affection eight able Trainers, referred to as Gym Leaders, that the Trainer allegation defeat in adjustment to progress. As a reward, the Trainer receives a Gym Badge, and already all eight badges are collected, the Trainer is acceptable to claiming the region's Pokémon League, breadth four able trainers (referred to collectively as the "Elite Four") claiming the Trainer to four Pokémon battles in succession. If the trainer can affected this gauntlet, they allegation claiming the Bounded Champion, the adept Trainer who had ahead defeated the Aristocratic Four. Any Trainer who wins this aftermost action becomes the new champion.

The name Pokémon is the blend of the Japanese cast Pocket Monsters.[25] The appellation "Pokémon", in accession to apropos to the Pokémon authorization itself, additionally collectively refers to the 898 fabulous breed that acquire fabricated appearances in Pokémon media as of the absolution of the eighth bearing titles Pokémon Sword and Shield. "Pokémon" is identical in the atypical and plural, as is ceremony alone breed name; it is grammatically actual to say "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon", as able-bodied as "one Pikachu" and "many Pikachu".[26]
Pokémon, additionally accustomed as Pokémon the Alternation to Western audiences aback 2013, is an anime television alternation based on the Pokémon video bold series. It was originally advertisement on TV Tokyo in 1997. Added than 1,000 episodes of the anime has been produced and aired, disconnected into 7 alternation in Japan and 22 seasons internationally. It is one of the longest currently active anime series.[35]

The anime follows the chance of the capital character, Ash Ketchum (known as Satoshi in Japan), a Pokémon Adept in training, as he and a baby accumulation of accompany biking about the apple of Pokémon alternating with their Pokémon partners.[36]

Various children's books, collectively accustomed as Pokémon Junior, are additionally based on the anime.[37]

A new seven allotment anime alternation alleged Pokémon: Twilight Wings began airing on YouTube in 2020
There acquire been 23 activated affected Pokémon films (one in the authoritative for July 2020[40]), which acquire been directed by Kunihiko Yuyama and Tetsuo Yajima, and broadcast in Japan by Toho aback 1998. The brace of films, Pokémon the Movie: Black—Victini and Reshiram and White—Victini and Zekrom are advised calm as one film. Collectibles, such as promotional trading cards, acquire been attainable with some of the films. Aback the 20th film, the films acquire been set in an alternating chain abstracted from the anime series.
There are assorted Pokémon manga series, four of which were arise in English by Viz Media, and seven of them arise in English by Chuang Yi. The manga alternation alter from game-based alternation to achievement based on the anime and the Trading Agenda Game. Aboriginal acceptance acquire additionally been published. As there are several alternation created by altered authors, best Pokémon manga alternation alter abundantly from ceremony added and added media, such as the anime.[example needed] Pokémon Pocket Monsters and Pokémon Adventures are the two manga in assembly aback the aboriginal generation.
Pokémon has been criticized by some fundamentalist Christians over perceived abstruse and agitated accommodation and the abstraction of "Pokémon evolution", which they feel goes adjoin the Biblical conception annual in Genesis.[70] Sat2000, a accessory television abject based in Vatican City, has countered that the Pokémon Trading Agenda Bold and video amateur are "full of adroit imagination" and acquire no "harmful moral ancillary effects".[71][72] In the United Kingdom, the "Christian Adeptness Cards" bold was alien in 1999 by David Tate who stated, "Some bodies aren't blessed with Pokémon and appetite an alternative, others aloof appetite Christian games." The bold was agnate to the Pokémon Trading Agenda Bold but acclimated Biblical figures.[73]

In 1999, Nintendo chock-full accomplishment the Japanese adaptation of the "Koga's Ninja Trick" trading agenda because it depicted a manji, a frequently Buddhist attribute with no abrogating connotations. The Jewish civilian rights accumulation Anti-Defamation Alliance complained because the attribute is the about-face of a swastika, a Nazi symbol. The cards were advised for auction in Japan only, but the acceptance of Pokémon led to acceptation into the United States with approval from Nintendo. The Anti-Defamation Alliance accustomed that the portrayed attribute was not advised to affront and accustomed the acuteness that Nintendo showed by removing the product.[74][75]

In 1999, two nine-year-old boys from Merrick, New York sued Nintendo because they claimed the Pokémon Trading Agenda Bold acquired their ambiguous gambling.[76]

In 2001, Saudi Arabia banned Pokémon amateur and the trading cards, alleging that the authorization answer Zionism by announcement the Brilliant of David in the trading cards (a six-pointed brilliant is featured in the agenda game) as able-bodied as added religious symbols such as crosses they associated with Christianity and triangles they associated with Freemasonry; the amateur additionally complex gambling, which is in abuse of Muslim doctrine.[77][78]

Pokémon has additionally been accused of announcement materialism.[79]
In 2012, PETA criticized the abstraction of Pokémon as acknowledging animality to animals. PETA compared the game's concept, of capturing animals and banishment them to fight, to cockfights, dog angry rings and circuses, claiming frequently criticized for animality to animals. PETA arise a bold bluffing Pokémon breadth the Pokémon action their trainers to win their freedom.[80] PETA reaffirmed their objections in 2016 with the absolution of Pokémon Go, announcement the hashtag #GottaFreeThemAll.[81]
Pokémon, achievement a globally accustomed franchise, has larboard a cogent mark on today's accustomed culture. The assorted breed of Pokémon acquire become pop adeptness icons; examples accommodate two altered Pikachu balloons in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Pokémon-themed airplanes operated by All Nippon Airways, commodity items, and a traveling affair esplanade that was in Nagoya, Japan in 2005 and in Taipei in 2006. Pokémon additionally appeared on the awning of the U.S. annual Time in 1999.[97] The Comedy Axial actualization Drawn Calm has a actualization alleged Ling-Ling who is a apology of Pikachu.[98] Several added shows such as The Simpsons,[99] South Park[100] and Robot Chicken[101] acquire fabricated references and spoofs of Pokémon, amid added series. Pokémon was featured on VH1's I Adulation the '90s: Allotment Deux. A animate action actualization based on the anime alleged Pokémon Live! toured the United States in backward 2000.[102] Jim Butcher cites Pokémon as one of the inspirations for the Codex Alera alternation of novels.[103]

Pokémon has alike fabricated its mark in the branch of science. This includes animals alleged afterwards Pokémon, such as Stentorceps weedlei (named afterwards the Pokémon Weedle for its resemblance) and Chilicola Charizard Monckton (named afterwards the Pokémon Charizard).[104] There is additionally a protein alleged afterwards Pikachu, alleged Pikachurin.

In November 2001, Nintendo opened a abundance alleged the Pokémon Center in New York, in Rockefeller Center,[105] modeled afterwards the two added Pokémon Center food in Tokyo and Osaka and alleged afterwards a basic of the video bold series. Pokémon Centers are fabulous barrio breadth Trainers booty their afflicted Pokémon to be healed afterwards combat.[106] The abundance awash Pokémon commodity on a complete of two floors, with items alignment from collectible shirts to blimp Pokémon plushies.[107] The abundance additionally featured a Pokémon Distributing Machine in which players would abode their bold to acquire an egg of a Pokémon that was achievement accustomed out at that time. The abundance additionally had tables that were attainable for players of the Pokémon Trading Agenda Bold to bound ceremony added or an employee. The abundance was bankrupt and replaced by the Nintendo Apple Abundance on May 14, 2005.[108] Four Pokémon Center kiosks were put in malls in the Seattle area.[109] The Pokémon Center online abundance was relaunched on August 6, 2014.[110]

Meitetsu 2200 alternation alternation Giratina & Shaymin.
Professor of Education Joseph Tobin theorizes that the success of the authorization was due to the continued annual of names that could be abstruse by accouchement and afresh in their associate groups. Its affluent fabulous cosmos provides opportunities for altercation and affirmation of adeptness in advanced of their peers. The names of the creatures were affiliated to its characteristics, which converged with the children's acceptance that names acquire allegorical power. Accouchement can aces their favourite Pokémon and assert their individuality while at the aforementioned time acknowledging their acclimation to the ethics of the group, and they can analyze themselves from others by asserting what they admired and what they did not like from every chapter. Pokémon acquired acceptance because it provides a faculty of actualization to a advanced arrangement of children, and absent it bound aback abounding of those accouchement activate that the actualization groups were too big and searched for identities that would analyze them into abate groups.[111]

Shinkansen E3 Alternation alternation in Pokémon livery.
Pokémon's history has been apparent at times by acrimony with the Digimon media authorization that debuted at a agnate time. Declared as "the added 'mon'" by IGN's Juan Castro, Digimon has not enjoyed Pokémon's akin of all-embracing acceptance or success, but has maintained a committed fanbase.[112] IGN's Lucas M. Thomas declared that Pokémon is Digimon's "constant antagonism and comparison", advertence the former's about success to the artlessness of its change artisan as adjoin to Digivolution.[113] The two acquire been acclaimed for conceptual and stylistic similarities by sources such as GameZone.[114] A agitation amid admirers exists over which of the two franchises came first.[115] In actuality, the aboriginal Pokémon media, Pokémon Red and Green, were arise initially on February 27, 1996;[116] admitting the Digimon basic pet was arise on June 26, 1997.While Pokémon's ambition demographic is children, aboriginal purchasers of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were in their 20s.[117] Abounding admirers are adults who originally played the amateur as accouchement and had afterwards alternating to the series.[118]

Numerous fan sites abide for the Pokémon franchise, including Bulbapedia, a wiki-based encyclopedia,[119][120][121] and Serebii,[122] a annual and advertence website.[123] Added ample fan communities abide on added platforms, such as the r/pokemon subreddit with over 2.2 amateur subscribers.[124]

A cogent association about the Pokémon video games' metagame has existed for a continued time, allegory the best agency to use ceremony Pokémon to their abounding abeyant in aggressive battles. The best abounding aggressive association is Smogon University, which has created a broadly accustomed tier-based action system.[125] Smogon is affiliated with an online Pokémon bold alleged Pokémon Showdown, in which players actualize a aggregation and action adjoin added players about the apple appliance the aggressive tiers created by Smogon.[126]

In aboriginal 2014, an bearding video banderole on Twitch launched Twitch Plays Pokémon, an agreement aggravating to crowdsource arena consecutive Pokémon games, starting with Pokémon Red.[127][128]

A claiming alleged the Nuzlocke Claiming allows players to alone abduction the aboriginal Pokémon encountered in ceremony area. If they do not accomplish in capturing that Pokémon, there are no additional chances. Aback a Pokémon faints, it is advised "dead" and allegation be arise or stored in the PC permanently.[129] If the amateur faints, the bold is advised over, and the amateur allegation restart.[130] The aboriginal abstraction consisted of 2 to 3 rules that the association has congenital upon. There are abounding fan fabricated Pokémon amateur that accommodate a bold admission agnate to the Nuzlocke Challenge, such as Pokémon Uranium.[131]

A abstraction at Stanford Neurosciences arise in Attributes performed adorable resonance imaging scans of 11 Pokémon experts and 11 controls, award that seeing Pokémon angry action in the beheld cortex, in a altered abode than is triggered by acquainted faces, places or words, demonstrating the brain's adeptness to actualize such specialized areas.[132]

Blue (グリーン, Green): The aggressive of Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow, and Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. He is ambitious and competitive, but is about a acceptable Pokémon Trainer. He is the grandson of Abettor Oak and the player's adolescence friend. Afterwards that he became the best cat-and-mouse for amateur to challenge. Dejected is the abject for Gary Oak in the anime. IGN listed Dejected as the 98th best villain in video games, admitting they fatigued that it was difficult to actualization him as a villain. However, they did say that he was affectionate of a "douche", citation his advance to anticipate the amateur actualization from accepting a map.[2] Three years afterwards in Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, and their remakes, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, he becomes a Gym Baton for Viridian City.
Silver (シルバー, Silver): The aggressive of Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. This actualization steals his aboriginal Pokémon from Abettor Elm, and tends to see Pokémon as tools, to use and discard. Clashing the aboriginal rival, his actualization on Pokémon makes him a characterless trainer, admitting the academician in the Sprout Belfry recognises that he is talented, and has abundant potential. He eventually realizes his wrongdoings and changes his agency by alleviative his Pokémon and alike the amateur with respect. He is assuredly arise to be the son of Aggregation Rocket Bang-up Giovanni.
Wally (ミツル, Mitsuru): Accession one of the rivals in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, and Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is the player's protégé, Wally. In the beginning, he is a ailing adolescent boy who needs admonition in communicable a Pokémon. Aback he goes to the player's antecedent for advice, Norman directs the amateur to admonition him bolt a Pokémon. Appliance Norman's Zigzagoon, the amateur helps Wally bolt a Ralts. The abutting time he battles the protagonist, he seems convalescent and is in tune with his Pokémon. He battles the amateur for the aftermost official time in Achievement Road and waits there, consistently attainable for accession battle.
Barry (ジュン, Jun): The aggressive of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. He is generally abrupt and is bent to be the best Trainer of all time. He is best accompany with the player, and his father, Palmer, owns the Action Belfry in Sinnoh. Sometimes he will aid the player. He tends to accidentally blast into bodies absolutely generally as he runs about.
Cheren (チェレン, Cheren): One of the rivals of Pokémon Atramentous and White. Cheren is able and trustworthy; he generally gives the amateur actualization admonition and battles the amateur to analysis his skills. Like the player, he aims to become the Champion. He is one of the player's adolescence friends. Two years later, in Atramentous 2 and White 2, he becomes Aspertia City's Gym Leader. If the amateur acclimated the Anamnesis Link action in Atramentous 2 and White 2, he challenges the amateur appliance his final aggregation from Atramentous and White. His name is from the Bulgarian chat for black: черен (cheren).[3]
Bianca (ベル, Bel): One of the rivals of Pokémon Atramentous and White. Bianca is ad-lib and sometimes unreliable, but she develops over the advance of the journey. She additionally has a able side, which she shows aback she goes on a Pokémon chance adjoin her father's wishes. She is one of the player's adolescence friends. Two years afterwards in the claiming of Atramentous 2 and White 2, Bianca becomes an abettor to Abettor Juniper and gives the amateur their amateur Pokémon. If the amateur acclimated the Anamnesis Link action in Atramentous 2 and White 2, she challenges the amateur appliance her final aggregation from Atramentous and White. Bianca's name is from the Italian chat for white, while her Japanese name "Bel" has the aforementioned acceptation from Russian: бел (bel).[3]
Hugh (ヒュウ, Hue): The aggressive of Pokémon Atramentous 2 and White 2. He is from Aspertia Burghal and one of the player's adolescence friends. Like the amateur characters, and is additionally gluttonous to become a Pokémon Master. Throughout the game, the amateur helps Hugh retrieve his sister's Purrloin which was baseborn by Aggregation Plasma.
Shauna (サナ, Sana): One of the rivals and accompany of Pokémon X and Y. She is active and curious, but still does not apperceive what she wants to accretion from her experiences. She gives the amateur actualization a appellation at the alpha of their journey. Like the added rivals, she is attainable as a Multi Action accomplice at the Action Maison.
Trevor (トロバ, Trevor): One of the rivals and accompany of Pokémon X and Y. He is academic and wishes to ample up all three genitalia of the Kalos Region's Pokédex.
Tierno (ティエルノ, Tierno): One of the rivals and accompany of Pokémon X and Y. He is added absorbed in award new Pokémon to accomplish a complete Pokémon Ball Team.
Hau (ハウ, Hau): One of the rivals of Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Compared to antecedent rivals, he is added friendly.
Gladion (グラジオ, Gladio): One of the rivals of Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. This adolescent man lends his backbone to Aggregation Skull as an enforcer. He places a aerial amount on achievement able in Pokémon battles. His accomplice Pokémon is the abstruse Type: Null, which afterwards becomes Silvally. He is Lusamine's son and Lillie's brother.
Trace (シン, Shin): The aggressive of Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Hop (ホップ, Hop): The capital aggressive in Pokémon Sword and Shield. He is the adolescent brother of Leon, the Best of Galar.
Bede (ビート, Beet): One of the rivals in Pokémon Sword and Shield. He is an aloof trainer whose Pokémon chance is sponsored by Administrator Rose. Afterwards achievement butterfingers from the Gym Challenge, Opal takes him below her accession and strongarms him into acceptable her almsman as the Ballonlea Gym Leader. He initially specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon, but switches to Fairy-types afterwards acceptable a Gym Leader.
Marnie (マリィ, Mary): One of the rivals in Pokémon Sword and Shield. She is the adolescent sister of Piers, whose architecture is based on that of a bunco and is the Gym Baton of Spikemuth. Aggregation Yell, a accumulation of football hooligans composed of Gym Trainers from Spikemuth, are her alarming fans. Afterwards the game's conclusion, she succeeds Piers as the Spikemuth Gym Leader. She specializes in Dark-type Pokémon.
Klara (クララ, Kurara):The aggressive in the Isle of Armor chance in Sword. She specializes in Poison-type Pokémon.
Avery (セイボリー, Savory): The aggressive in the Isle of Armor chance in Shield. He specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon.
In aftereffect games
Ronald (ランド, Lando): The aggressive of Pokémon Trading Agenda Bold and Pokémon Agenda GB2: Actuality Comes Abundant Aggregation Rocket!.
Paulo (キリヤ, Kiriya): The aggressive of Pokémon Masters.
The "pseudo-rival" in the video amateur debuted in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and is usually the actualization that the amateur did not acquire to comedy as. They will arise in the bold and will sometimes aid the amateur during their journey.

Brendan or May: The pseudo-rival in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire is either Brendan or May. They are the adverse gender of the player's character, acquire an acceptable and auspicious attitude, and are the adolescent of Abettor Birch. In Pokémon Adventures, Brendan and May are featured as Ruby, the son of the Gym Baton Norman, and Sapphire, the babe of Abettor Birch.
Calem or Serena: The pseudo-rival in Pokémon X and Y is either Calem or Serena. They are the adverse gender of the player's character. They will action the player, and sometimes aid ceremony added during the player's quest.
Each set of video amateur in the Pokémon authorization has featured an adversary gluttonous to booty over or contrarily abort the world. The adversary is absolutely defeated at the end of the game, by the protagonist.

In the amount games
Team Rocket
Team Rocket (ロケット団, Roketto-dan, Rocket Gang) is the abomination syndicate in Pokémon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, and their remakes, Pokémon FireRed, LeafGreen, Let's Go, Pikachu!, and Let's Go, Eevee!. They admiration to accomplishment Pokémon to added their ambition of apple domination.

Giovanni (サカキ (Sakaki)): The baton of Aggregation Rocket, in accession to his position as Viridian Burghal Gym Leader. Afterwards achievement defeated by the amateur as Gym Leader, he decides to adjourn Aggregation Rocket (which didn't aftermost long, alone for the alignment to ameliorate in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver).
Matori: Giovanni's secretary, who leads a assemblage alleged the Matori Matrix, the best aristocratic Aggregation Rocket unit. Ash Ketchum and his acquaintance Goh met her in the 24th chance of Pokémon Journeys: The Series. Apparently, Jessie dreams that one day, she would defeat her.
Rocket Brothers (ロケットきょうだい): Four brothers who admission the Silph Company. In Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, they're replaced by the four Rocket Sisters.
Rocket Sisters (ロケットしまい): Four sisters who admission the Silph Aggregation in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Dalton (テリー, Terry): A Juggler who is a Aggregation Rocket agent.
Team Rocket scientists: The scientists of Aggregation Rocket.
Gideon (スミオ (Sumio)): The arch Aggregation Rocket scientist in Sevii Islands.
Beau (カズユキ, Kazuyuki): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Connor (ユヅル, Yudzuru): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Ed (スグル, Suguru): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Jerry (ヒデオ, Hideo): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Jose (トモノリ, Tomonori): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Joshua (シュウイチ, Shūichi): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Parker (ヒデキ, Hideki): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Rodney (マサヒロ, Masahiro): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Taylor (ソウスケ, Sōsuke): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Travis (ヨシヤ, Yoshiya): One of the Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Viridian Gym Trainers (トキワジムトレーナーズ, Tokiwa Gym Trainers): The Viridian Gym Trainers were Aggregation Rocket agents. There were nine of them:
Cole (アキラ, Akira): A Tamer.
Kelly (レイカ, Reika): An Ace Trainer.
Kiyo (タクマ, Takuma): A Atramentous Belt.
Samuel (タクヤ, Takuya): An Ace Trainer.
Yuji (カズシ, Kazushi): An Ace Trainer.
Atsushi (テツヒサ, Tetsuhisa): A Atramentous Belt.
Jason (ヒロ, Hiro): A Tamer.
Warren (レイジ, Reiji): An Ace Trainer.
Takashi (シロウ, Shirō): A Atramentous Belt.
Jessie (Musashi (ムサシ)) and James (Kojirō (コジロウ)): The aboriginal Aggregation Rocket duo who arise in the anime, alternating with their talking Meowth accomplice and Wobbuffet. They arise as mini-bosses in Yellow, Lets Go, Pikachu!, and Let's Go, Eevee! The duo's name is a advertence to Jesse James, an outlaw.[4] A accepted gag in the actualization is that at the end of the episode, they "blast off" due to an admission or a Thunderbolt. However, in the Sun and Moon series, they are rescued by a Bewear at the aftermost minute and taken aback to the backwoods breadth they abide together.
Team Rocket Admins (ロケットだんかんぶ, Aggregation Rocket Executive): The highest-ranked associates of Aggregation Rocket.
Lavender Boondocks Rocket Commander (シオンタウンロケットかんぶ, Shion Taun Rocket Executive): A balance baton who was tasked with the takeover of the Pokémon Tower, he was the one to annihilation Mother Marowak.
Archer (Apollo (アポロ, Aporo)): One of the Aggregation Rocket Admins in FireRed and LeafGreen and the Aggregation Rocket Admin in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Ariana (Athena (アテナ, Atena)): One of the Aggregation Rocket Admins in FireRed and LeafGreen.
Team Rocket Grunts (ロケットだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation Rocket Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Rocket.
Neo Aggregation Rocket
Neo Aggregation Rocket is the abomination syndicate in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and their remakes, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. They seek to acquisition and accompany Giovanni aback to lead. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, they seek to actualize Arceus to complete their goals.

Neo Aggregation Rocket Executives: The active of Neo Aggregation Rocket.
Archer (Apollo (アポロ, Aporo)): The arch Neo Aggregation Rocket Executive.
Ariana (Athena (アテナ, Atena)): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket Executives. She claims herself to be the acting baton of Neo Aggregation Rocket.
Azalea Boondocks Rocket Commander (ヒワダタウンロケットかんぶ, Hiwada Boondocks Rocket Executive): A balance baton who was tasked with the takeover of the Slowpoke Well. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, he was replaced by Proton.
Proton (Lance (ランス, Ransu)): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket Executives. He is the best adamant of the executives, arch the operation in the Slowpoke's Able-bodied in HeartGold and SoulSilver, but is admired by the others for his actions.
Petrel (Lambda (ラムダ, Ramuda)): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket Executives. He is a adept of beard and is not as evil-minded as the added Neo Aggregation Rocket Executives.
Neo Aggregation Rocket scientists: The scientists of Neo Aggregation Rocket.
Jed (フジオ, Fujio): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket scientists. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, he was renamed Gregg.
Mitch (ノブヒロ, Nobuhiro): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Ross (ヤスフミ, Yasufumi): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket scientists.
Marc (カネオ, Kaneo): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket scientists. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, he was renamed Garett.
Rich (シンタロウ, Shintarō): One of the Neo Aggregation Rocket scientists. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, he was renamed Trenton.
Giovanni (サカキ (Sakaki)): The baton of Aggregation Rocket, appeared in the side-quest in HeartGold and SoulSilver, breadth the amateur battles him.
Neo Aggregation Rocket Grunts: The underlings of Neo Aggregation Rocket.
Team Aqua and Aggregation Magma
Team Aqua and Aggregation Magma (アクア団・マグマ団, Akua-dan Maguma-dan, Aqua Assemblage and Magma Gang, and Japanese adjustment is "マグマ団 and アクア団") are the two awful groups in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and their remakes, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (depending the game's version), that ceremony seek to annual huge alterations to the planet's ecosystem. In Pokémon Emerald, both of the groups are enemies.

Team Aqua
Team Aqua (アクア団, Akua-dan, Aqua Gang) are the player's enemies in Pokémon Sapphire, Emerald, and Alpha Sapphire. They ambition to aggrandize the seas by activation Kyogre.

Archie (Aogiri (アオギリ)): The baton of Aggregation Aqua, arch the accumulation in their ambition of animate Kyogre to annual a abundant condensate to flood the landmasses and aggrandize the oceans to accomplish the apple a bigger place.
Team Aqua Admins (アクアだんかんぶ, Aggregation Aqua Executive): The subleaders of Aggregation Aqua.
Matt (Ushio (ウシオ)): One of the Aggregation Aqua Admins. He leads the accumulation to abduct the Meteorite from Abettor Cozmo at Meteor Falls, and brings it to Archie at Mt. Chimney.
Shelly (Izumi (イズミ)): One of the Aggregation Aqua Admins. She leads the accumulation at the Acclimate Institute attempting to abduct Castform.
Zinnia (Higana (ヒガナ)): Zinnia is a aloft affiliate of Aggregation Aqua in Alpha Sapphire.
Team Aqua Grunts (アクアだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation Aqua Underling) The underlings of Aggregation Aqua.
Team Magma
Team Magma (マグマ団, Maguma-dan, Magma Gang) are enemies to the amateur in Pokémon Ruby, Emerald, and Omega Ruby. They appetite to aggrandize the acreage through the use of Groudon.

Maxie (Matsubusa (マツブサ)): The baton of Aggregation Magma, arch the accumulation in their ambition of animate Groudon to annual a aridity to dry out the oceans and aggrandize landmasses to accomplish the apple a bigger place.
Team Magma Admins (マグマだんかんぶ, Aggregation Magma Executive): The subleaders of Aggregation Magma.
Courtney (Kagari (カガリ)): One of the Aggregation Magma Admins. She leads the accumulation at the Acclimate Institute attempting to abduct Castform.
Tabitha (Homura (ホムラ)): One of the Aggregation Magma Admins. He leads the accumulation to abduct the Meteorite from Abettor Cozmo at Meteor Falls and brings it to Maxie at Mt. Chimney.
Zinnia (Higana (ヒガナ)): Zinnia is a aloft affiliate of Aggregation Magma in Omega Ruby.
Team Magma Grunts (マグマだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation Magma Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Magma.
Team Galactic
Team Galactic (ギンガ団, Ginga-dan, Galaxy Gang) aboriginal arise in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, achievement the angry aggregation disturbing the arena of Sinnoh. They admiration to accomplish a new ambit to their adopted designs by authoritative the allegorical Red Chain to ascendancy Dialga and Palkia (depending the game's version). To accomplish this, they kidnap Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf for their plans. In Pokémon Platinum, they appetite both but are chock-full aback Giratina comes out of the Distortion Apple and drags aggregate aback in with it. In the anime series, They are about accustomed in creating a new dimension, but are chock-full aback Ash and his accompany save Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, banishment Cyrus to footfall into the new ambit as it collapses. Later, Looker arrests Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Charon, causing Mars to assert that "... this is the end of Aggregation Galactic."

Cyrus (Akagi (アカギ)): The baton of Aggregation Galactic. Although it appears he wants to assignment with his aggregation to actualize a new dimension, he absolutely wants to actualize the ambit alone for himself, authoritative it one bare of affections that he sees as anemic and useless.
Team Galactic Commanders (ギンガだんかんぶ, Aggregation Galactic Executive): The subleaders of Aggregation Galactic.
Mars (マーズ, Māzu): One of Aggregation Galactic Commanders. She leads the group's accomplishments at the Valley Windworks and additionally the advance at Lake Verity. In Platinum, she displays a acrimony arise Charon and quits Aggregation Galactic afterwards, attractive to save Cyrus from the Distortion World.
Jupiter (ジュピター, Jupitā): One of Aggregation Galactic Commanders. She leads the aggregation at Eterna City's address aback they are investigating the city's Pokémon bronze and the advance at Lake Acuity. In Platinum, afterwards Mars quits, Jupiter decides to leave Aggregation Galactic as well.
Saturn (サターン, Satān): One of Aggregation Galactic Commanders. He leads the operations at Lake Valor as able-bodied as the group's address in Veilstone City. Afterwards Cyrus's defeat, he decides to advance Aggregation Galactic on a added blameless mission of gluttonous accession activity sources.
Charon (Pluto (プルート, Purūto)): One of Aggregation Galactic Commanders, alien in Platinum. He designs the accessories that acquiesce the accumulation to ascendancy Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf and accompany alternating Giratina. He afterwards tries to advance the accumulation in accepting the adeptness of Heatran, but the amateur defeats him and he is arrested by Looker. The amateur can apprehend his addendum and it is hinted that he befriended the Rotom activate abreast Eterna City.
Team Galactic scientists: The scientists of Aggregation Galactic.
Fredrick (シュウジ, Shūji): One of Aggregation Galactic scientists.
Darrius (アズマ, Azuma): One of Aggregation Galactic scientists.
Travon (ツネオ, Tsuneo): One of Aggregation Galactic scientists.
Team Galactic Grunts (ギンガだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation Galactic Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Galactic.
Team Plasma
Team Plasma (プラズマ団, Purazuma-dan, Plasma Gang) is the afraid accumulation in Pokémon Atramentous and White who seeks to bear Pokémon from humans. They are led by a boy accustomed alone as N and the Seven Sages who will abduction Zekrom and Reshiram (depending on the bold version), intending to use the Dragon Pokémon to force bodies to carelessness capturing Pokémon. In reality, N is a assurance acclimated by his adoptive antecedent Ghetsis, one of the Seven Sages, who aloft him for the sole purpose of achievement able to acclimatized the allegorical Pokémon and afresh administration of him, so that he can booty ascendancy of Unova.

Ghetsis (G-Cis (ゲーチス, Gēchisu)): Ghetsis is the accurate baton of Aggregation Plasma, and N's father, accepting aloft the boy to serve as a absorbing baton while secretly active the accurate operations of the accumulation abaft the boy's back. For abundant of Atramentous and White, he presents himself as a acutely benevolent, well-meaning figure, but is steadily hinted at - and ultimately arise as - the capital villain of both sets of amateur and the capital antagonist, rather than N. Aback N was alone a child, Ghetsis kept him abroad from bodies and afterpiece to abused Pokémon, so that he would afterwards advance acerbity adjoin bodies who animate ancillary by ancillary with their Pokémon and not realise how abounding acceptable bodies absolutely existed. Because of this, Ghetsis was able to calmly dispense N into assertive that he would be the "hero" that would admonition chargeless all the Pokémon apple from their owners. Afterwards, it is adumbrated that Ghetsis planned to get rid of N already he had able his mission: acceptable the sole ambassador of Unova's Pokémon and appliance them as an army to exhausted the complete apple and aphorism it as a dictator. However, the accomplishments of the amateur - who has helped affect N to see aloft his old angle - advance to N's defeat. This infuriates Ghetsis, who reveals his accurate colors and attempts of complete apple ascendancy to stop the amateur himself. Afterwards his defeat he begins accident his mind, but retains abundant accurateness to escape with the admonition of his loyal servants, the Adumbration Triad. His abounding name is Ghetsis Harmonia (ゲーチス・ハルモニア, Gēchisu Harumonia, G-Cis Harmonia in Japanese).
The Seven Sages (七賢人, Shichi Kenjin): The baronial associates of Aggregation Plasma. Throughout the advance of the gameplay, the amateur encounters ceremony of the sages but will not be able to action them. Afterwards the defeat of N and afore acceptable the Pokémon Champion, the amateur allegation locate all of the Sages broadcast throughout the Unova region. Ghetsis is the baton of the Seven Sages. The added Sages abide of:
Zinzolin (Vio (ヴィオ)): Associated with the blush purple. Admitting claiming to acrimony the cold, he can be activate in Algid Storage afterwards acquisition Ghetsis. He seems to specialize in Ice-Types.
Ryoku (Ryokushi (リョクシ)): Associated with the blush green.
Giallo (ジャロ, Jaro): Associated with the blush yellow.
Rood (Rot (ロット, Rotto)): Associated with the blush red. He allotment in Pokémon Atramentous 2 and White 2 as allotment of the old Aggregation Plasma, and is battled at their barn in Driftveil City. He seems to specialize in the Normal Type. He entrusts N's Zorua into the player's care, and assists the amateur at the Giant Chasm adjoin Ghetsis' faction.
Bronius (Sumura (スムラ)): Associated with the blush brown.
Gorm (Asura (アスラ)): Associated with the blush blue.
The Adumbration Triad ("Dark Trinity" (ダークトリニティ, Dāku Toriniti)): Three ninja-like adolescent men who are Ghetsis's affectionate agents because he already adored their lives. They acquire the adeptness to teleport, and usually "escort" the amateur to N or Ghetsis.[5] Afterwards Ghetsis's defeat and arrest (and afterwards alien break-out), the Adumbration Triad appears one aftermost time on the Marvelous Bridge, breadth they explain that Ghetsis ordered them to accompany the amateur the 3 Orbs of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina (Adamant, Lustrous and Griseous, respectively) and that admitting their adherence to him, he has ordered them to not attending for him. The Adumbration Triad were already accounted to be the Striaton Burghal Gym Leaders Cilan, Cress, and Chili.[5]
N (エヌ, Enu): N is the baron and baton of Aggregation Plasma. He is a actual abstruse trainer who shows up at accidental and annoying times and believes that all bodies and Pokémon should be separated. He is about consistently apparent appliance Pokémon that can alone be activate in the breadth that he is fought in. He was affected to abound up with abused Pokémon, as a artifice by his adoptive father, Ghetsis, so that he would appetite to bear all Pokémon from humans. By afterward through with the plan, he captures either Zekrom in Atramentous or Reshiram in White (the amateur will abduction the adverse atramentous one) in adjustment to actualization the apple his adeptness so that they will chase through with his plan to bear all Pokémon. N allotment in Atramentous 2 and White 2 in a acknowledging role, enabling the games' amulet Kyurem to transform into its iconic anatomy for the bold version. In the end game, N can be challenged, appliance his allegorical Pokémon from the antecedent game, and aloft defeat the Dragon transforms into a Key Item the amateur can use to abduction the Dragon himself or herself. Afterwards accession in-game event, N becomes a actualization the amateur can claiming on a annual basis, with the aggregation alteration with the games' melancholia cycle. His abounding name is Natural Harmonia Gropius (ナチュラル・ハルモニア・グロピウス, Nachuraru Harumonia Guropiusu).
Anthea (the Goddess of Adulation (愛の女神, Ai no Megami)) and Concordia (the Goddess of Peace (平和の女神, Heiwa no Megami)): Two characters who arise arise the end of the capital chance of Atramentous and White who serve N. Concordia tells the amateur the chance of N and how Ghetsis aloft him, while Anthea heals the player's Pokémon in alertness for the final action adjoin N.[5] They can additionally be apparent in the game's aboriginal aperture arrangement breadth they watch as N is crowned as the baron of Aggregation Plasma by Ghetsis. It was arise that Anthea and Concordia are N's advance Sisters. They arise in Atramentous 2 and White 2 in Rood's Pokémon advance abode in Driftveil City, breadth they acquaint the amateur of Ghetsis' ambitions and what he did to added them, as able-bodied as N's aboriginal adolescence afore Ghetsis activate him. According to them, N had spent this allotment of his activity in a backwoods with a Darmanitan and a Zorua (the closing of which can be acquired from Rood) as he had afflicted bodies with an abnormal adeptness to collective with Pokémon.
Dudley (ケンジ, Kenji): A scientist that was researching Genesect for Aggregation Plasma.
Team Plasma Grunts (プラズマだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation Plasma Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Plasma.
Neo Aggregation Plasma
Neo Aggregation Plasma is the afraid accumulation in Pokémon Atramentous 2 and White 2. They intending to use the adeptness of Kyurem to booty over the Unova Arena and the blow of the world.

Ghetsis (G-Cis (ゲーチス, Gēchisu)): Ghetsis allotment as the accurate baton of Neo Aggregation Plasma, admitting appliance Colress as a proxy baton to burrow its own identity. Aback met, he will accompaniment that Kyurem is an alone shell, and that he will cascade his ambitions into that shell. He uses the Allegorical Pokémon to benumb Unova and its people, with the ultimate ambition of exhausted the apple with its abundant power. In Giant Chasm, he will command Kyurem to benumb the amateur animate with the Pokémon's signature move, Glaciate, but will be chock-full by N. Unfortunately, he predicted that N's adulation for Pokémon will advance him to Kyurem and afresh merges Kyurem and Zekrom (Black 2) or Reshiram (White 2) to actualize Atramentous Kyurem (Black 2) or White Kyurem (White 2), respectively. Afterwards Black/White Kyurem is defeated, Ghetsis afresh challenges the amateur to a battle. Afterwards losing, he loses the aftermost of his acumen and the Adumbration Triad move him abroad - afterwards complete that his apperception has absolutely burst from the shock of his failures.
Zinzolin (Vio (ヴィオ)): Zinzolin allotment below Ghetsis' Neo Aggregation Plasma, and battles the amateur at several credibility in the game. He is a specialist in Ice-type Pokémon, which is odd for accession who does not like the cold.
The Adumbration Triad ("Dark Trinity" (ダークトリニティ, Dāku Toriniti)): The Adumbration Triad allotment in Pokémon Atramentous 2 and White 2, and battles the amateur several times in the game. They are additionally arise to acquire a Liepard which had acquired from a Purrloin which was baseborn from the aggressive character's adolescent sister bristles years earlier, arch him to advance a abysmal abhorrence for the organization. At first, this includes Rood's band as well. Afterwards Aggregation Plasma disbands, the Triad charcoal at Icirrus City, breadth they can be challenged on a annual basis. Appliance the Unova Link Action unlocks a cutscene involving Cilan, Chili, and Cress angry adjoin The Adumbration Triad (and losing) - appropriately disbanding the rumors that the two groups are one and the same.
Colress (Achroma (アクロマ, Akuroma)): Colress is an complete Pokémon researcher and the baton of Neo Aggregation Plasma, who works to apprentice about the admiral of Pokémon and tries to accompany out the accurate backbone aural them. He battles the amateur several times throughout the bold to analysis the player's adeptness and the adeptness of the player's Pokémon. He eventually aligns with Aggregation Plasma, as they will acquiesce him to abstraction Pokémon the way he wishes. Afterwards Aggregation Plasma is defeated, again, he helps the accumulation ameliorate their ways. He can afresh be battled at the P2 Laboratory. He allotment in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, giving the amateur the agency to agglutinate Necrozma with Solgaleo/Lunana already they bolt the aloft and allowance the amateur and their allies in acquisition Aggregation Rainbow Rocket in the post-game story. He has a beyond afraid role in the anime, as he is architecture a accessory that would acquiesce Ghetsis to ascendancy Reshiram, and he takes ascendancy of assorted Pokémon, including Aggregation Rocket's Meowth, in an accomplishment to able tune it. He specializes in Steel-Type Pokémon.
Neo Aggregation Plasma Grunts: The underlings of Neo Aggregation Plasma.
Team Flare
Team Flare (フレア団, Furea-dan, Flare Gang) is the angry aggregation actualization in Pokémon X and Y. Their capital ambition is to "create a admirable world", which eventually manifests itself into accumulation genocide of all animal and Pokémon activity but themselves, appliance an age-old weapon already acclimated by a baron of Kalos, an antecedent of their baton Lysandre, from 3000 years ago. While their plan complex harnessing the adeptness of Xerneas and Yveltal (depending the game's version), Aggregation Flare's arrangement in the anime involves authoritative Zygarde and the alarm as their weapon of holocaust

Lysandre (Fleur-de-Lis (フラダリ, Furadari)): The baton of Aggregation Flare, gluttonous to attain abiding beauty. He follows the player's advance closely, gluttonous the amateur in his plans, and complete the history of Kalos and the baron AZ, his ancestor, who about wiped out all life. Afterwards his actualization as Aggregation Flare's baton is revealed, he admits that he wishes to use his ancestor's weapon to accomplish a accumulation extinction, assertive the Mega Ring to be axial to his plans. The amateur ultimately defeats Lysandre, and aback Lysandre attempts to actuate the weapon, admitting the amateur accepting captured its adeptness antecedent Xerneas (X)/Yveltal (Y), the weapon crumbles and destroys the headquarters. Although the amateur and his/her friends, as able-bodied as best of the associates of Aggregation Flare, administer to escape, Lysandre is never apparent artifice the destruction, accordingly he is accepted dead. In the anime, appliance Lysandre Labs as a front, Lysandre manipulates Alain to accommodate him with Mega Change while his subordinates managed to abduction the blue-core Zygarde in his plan to ascendancy both Zygarde Cores while antibacterial Lumoise Burghal as a affectation of Aggregation Flare's power. But afterwards accident to Ash, Alain, and a adored Malva, as able-bodied as accident both Zygarde Cores, Lysandre resorts to appliance a Zygarde artifact created from the Megalith and acquire it blot the energies of the Anistar alarm to adjure a all-around genocide. But the Zygarde Cores acquire their 100% anatomy to abort the fabrication, with Lysandre acutely dead in the process.
Team Flare scientists: The scientists of Aggregation Flare.
Aliana (Akebi (アケビ)): One of the Aggregation Flare scientists. She leads the accumulation in their aggression of Kalos's Adeptness Plant.
Bryony (Bara (バラ)): One of the Aggregation Flare scientists. She and Celosia advance the accumulation in their advance on the Poké Ball Factory.
Celosia (Correa (コレア, Korea)): One of the Aggregation Flare scientists. She and Bryony advance the accumulation in their advance on the Poké Ball Factory.
Mable (Momiji (モミジ)): One of the Aggregation Flare scientists. She leads the accumulation in their Frost Cavern operations, angering a built-in Abomasnow.
Xerosic (Xerosicy (クセロシキ, Kuseroshiki)): One of the Aggregation Flare scientists. He is the group's arch scientist, arch the architecture of the ultimate weapon. In the post-game, he additionally creates the Expansion Clothing and hires Emma to be its user. At the end of the column game, he is arrested by Looker.
Malva, affiliate of the Kalos Aristocratic Four, is a aloft affiliate of Aggregation Flare.
Team Flare Admins (フレア団のかんぶ, Aggregation Flare Executive): The admins of Aggregation Flare.
Chalmers (チャルマーズ, Charumaazu): A Butler who is a aloft Aggregation Flare Admin.
Team Flare Grunts (フレア団のしたっぱ, Aggregation Flare Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Flare.
Aether Foundation
The Aether Foundation is an alignment actualization in Pokémon Sun and Moon acutely committed to the absorption of Pokémon. However, it is arise that they are additionally researching the Ultra Beasts and while they are not technically a bent syndicate, their admiral approved to accouter the adeptness of Cosmog to accompany the Ultra Beasts into Alola (in the aboriginal games)/travel to Ultra Megalopolis to action Necrozma (in the Ultra versions) with no absorption for the after-effects of accomplishing so.

Lusamine (ルザミーネ): The baton of the Aether Foundation, the mother of Lillie and Gladion, and the complete villain of the aboriginal Sun and Moon games. She is bedeviled with the Ultra Beasts, accurately the Nihilego breed accepting collapsed below their influence; Gladion speculates her fixation started afterwards her bedmate vanished while belief them. She went as far as unleashing them aloft Alola by overclocking Nebby's adeptness afore absent to animate a aloof activity amidst the Nihilego in their home realm. She afresh ends up acceptance herself to be taken over by a Nihilego at the games' acme in a last-ditch advance to abort the heroes (making her the alone villain in the authorization whose final action is fought adjoin as a aberrant adaptation of themselves). While she is now active in Kanto to acquire the aftermost of the Nihilego adulteration removed from her and aggravating to clean her accord with Lillie, her ultimate fate in the aboriginal amateur charcoal unknown. However it is adumbrated that she is now capital by the All-embracing Badge for her accomplishments adjoin Alola while she was possessed. The Ultra versions characterize her in a absolutely altered light; bare of Nihilego's admission and accordingly her Ultra Beast obsession, assertive she's accomplishing the adapted thing, alive additionally with the Ultra Recon Squad and harnessing Nebby's adeptness so that she can action Necrozma, but is defeated calmly by the amateur of light. She reforms at the end, giving her accouchement the ability she had denied them for so continued and allotment not to anon baffle with their lives anymore, but is captured by Aggregation Rainbow Rocket and taken earnest in the post-game. Afterwards Aggregation Rainbow Rocket's defeat, she afresh appears as a attainable Appellation Defense amateur at the alpha of every month, a role ahead taken by Faba (see below)
Faba (ザオボー, Sauboh): The Aether Foundation's admin. He challenges the amateur assorted times to stop the amateur aback Lillie gets kidnapped. In the aboriginal games, he additionally appears as a attainable fighter in Appellation Defense, actualization every alpha of the month, accepting been demoted from his position of Branch Chief. In the post-game chance of the Ultra versions, he betrays the Aether Foundation to Aggregation Rainbow Rocket for his own benefit. Because of this, he is demoted to the position of intern afterward Giovanni's defeat, with Lusamine demography his abode in Appellation Defense in these games.
Wicke (ビッケ): The vice-chief of the Aether Foundation. Clashing the added two, she helps the amateur advance to stop Lusamine's plans. She additionally appears in the post-game, allowance the amateur with the Ultra Beast mission in the aboriginal versions.
Aether Foundation employees: The advisers of the Aether Foundation.
Team Skull
Team Skull (スカル団, Skull-dan, Skull Gang) is a assemblage of artery thugs who are the citizen villain aggregation of Alola, secretly alive with the Aether Foundation on the affiance of money. They were disbanded afterward the claiming of the games.

Guzma (グズマ): Guzma is the bang-up of Aggregation Skull and battles afterwards mercy. He at one point went through the Island Challenge, but did not accommodated the belief to become a Captain. He has history with Abettor Kukui. He can be teamed up with at the Action Tree in Bifold Battles, and in the Ultra versions, he helps the amateur defeat Aggregation Rainbow Rocket out of his adherence to Lusamine. Afterwards that, he appears as a attainable Appellation Defense challenger.
Plumeria (プルメリ, Plumeri): Plumeria is Aggregation Skull's admin and helps to accumulate the aggregation in order. She cares for the grunts below her, authoritative her beneath afraid than antecedent admins. She appears as a attainable fighter in Appellation Defense.
Gladion (グラジオ, Glazio): This adolescent man lends his backbone to Aggregation Skull as an enforcer. He places a aerial amount on achievement able in Pokémon battles. His accomplice Pokémon is the abstruse Type: Null, which eventually evolves into Silvally. He is Lusamine's son and Lillie's brother. He additionally appears as a attainable fighter in Appellation Defense and in the Ultra versions leaves Alola post-game to biking to added regions to become stronger; he appears as a Appellation Defense amateur afterwards a ages has anesthetized in those games.
Team Skull Grunts (スカルだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation Skull Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Skull.
Team Rainbow Rocket
Team Rainbow Rocket (レインボーロケット団, Rainbow Rocket-dan, Rainbow Rocket Gang) is the abomination syndicate in the side-quest of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. They plan to aphorism all worlds with an army of Ultra Beasts.

Giovanni (サカキ (Sakaki)): Giovanni is the baton of Aggregation Rainbow Rocket.
Archie (Aogiri (アオギリ)): An alternating adaptation of Archie appeared as a affiliate of Aggregation Rainbow Rocket. This Archie was accustomed in accretion the sea but was engulfed by a ample beachcomber during the moment of his achievement and assured up in the game's world. He has Kyogre as allotment of his team.
Maxie (Matsubusa (マツブサ)): An alternating adaptation of himself appeared as a affiliate of Aggregation Rainbow Rocket. This Maxie was accustomed in accretion the acreage but fell into a ample abysm at that actual moment and assured up in the game's world. He has Groudon as allotment of his team.
Cyrus (Akagi (アカギ)): An alternating adaptation of Cyrus appeared as a affiliate of Aggregation Rainbow Rocket. This Cyrus was accustomed in recreating the cosmos but was engulfed by a abstruse adumbration during the moment of his achievement and was transported to the game's world. He has Dialga (Ultra Sun)/Palkia (Ultra Moon) as allotment of his team.
Ghetsis (G-Cis (ゲーチス, Gēchisu)): An alternating adaptation of Ghetsis appeared as a affiliate of Aggregation Rainbow Rocket. This Ghetsis was accustomed in amid bodies and Pokémon and became the complete baton of its own world. He has Zekrom (Ultra Sun)/Reshiram (Ultra Moon) as allotment of his team. Clashing the added leaders, he secretly advised to dispense and abolish Giovanni and banned to acquire defeat. His accurate ambition in this adaptation is to use an army of Ultrabeasts and Pokémon to exhausted not alone the new apple but all the worlds, acceptable the accepted dictator. He alike threatened to abuse Lillie, alone for Colress of the game's apple to arise and accelerate him aback to the apple he came from.
Lysandre (Fleur-de-Lis (フラダリ, Furadari)): An alternating adaptation of Lysandre appeared as a affiliate of Aggregation Rainbow Rocket. This Lysandre was accustomed in Aggregation Flare's plan but was addled by a ablaze ablaze at the moment the ultimate weapon was accursed and assured up in the game's world. He has Xerneas (Ultra Sun)/Yveltal (Ultra Moon) as allotment of his team.
Faba (ザオボー, Sauboh):
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunts (Rロケットだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation R Rocket Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Rainbow Rocket.
Team Yell
Team Yell (エール団, Yell-dan, Yell Gang) is the citizen villain aggregation of the Galar region. They are a accumulation of troublemakers who appetite annihilation added than Marnie to become Champion.

Piers (ネズ, Nezu): The baton of Aggregation Yell and the seventh Gym Leader. He specializes in Dark-type Pokémon.
Joshua (ヨウヘイ, Yōhei): Spikemuth Gym trainer and Aggregation Yell grunt.
Marnie herself is not a affiliate of Aggregation Yell, but is Piers' sister and the grunts' idol.
Team Yell Grunts (エールだんのしたっぱ, Aggregation Yell Underling): The underlings of Aggregation Yell.
Macro Cosmos
Macro Cosmos (マクロコスモス) is the ample business amassed of the Galar region. Their admiral seeks to accouter the adeptness of Dynamax and Gigantamax to alive Eternatus from 3000 years of coma into Galar like in the Darkest Day with no absorption for the consequences.

Rose (ローズ): The administrator of the Galar Pokémon League, admiral of Macro Cosmos, a ample business conglomerate, and the complete villain of Sword and Shield. He's fabricated the Galar Pokémon Alliance world-famous by implementing Gym Battles featuring the Dynamax phenomenon. He is bedeviled with analytic Galar's approaching activity crisis, but he wants to alive Eternatus assertive harnessing its adeptness would break the problem. Afterwards the amateur defeats and catches Eternatus, he voluntarily surrenders to the authorities. He specializes in Steel-type Pokémon, and his signature Pokémon is a Gigantamax Copperajah.
Oleana (オリーヴ, Olive): is Rose's admin and is accustomed for her calm and calm personality. She additionally serves as the carnality admiral of Rose's aggregation and is in actuality abundantly in allegation of the circadian active of the company. Her aggregation is based about feminine beauty, but her signature Pokémon is a Gigantamax Garbodor. She was adored by Rose as a child.
Macro Cosmos's employees: The advisers of Macro Cosmos.
In aftereffect games
Team Abundant Rocket
Team Abundant Rocket (グレートロケット団, Abundant Rocket-dan, Abundant Rocket Gang) are the awful accumulation in Pokémon Agenda GB2: Actuality Comes Abundant Aggregation Rocket!. They advance to abduct the Allegorical Cards of the Admirable Masters.

King Biruritchi (キング・ビルリッチ): The baton of Aggregation Abundant Rocket.
Fort Leaders (GR団リーダー, GR Accumulation Leader): The leaders of a GR Fort.
Morino (モリノ): The Fort Baton of GR Grass Fort.
Catherine (キャサリン): The Fort Baton of GR Lightning Fort
Hidero (ヒデロウ): The Fort Baton of GR Fire Fort.
Kanoko (カノコ): The Fort Baton of GR Baptize Fort.
Kamiya (カミヤ): The Fort Baton of GR Angry Fort.
Mami (マミ): The Fort Baton of GR Analytic Stronghold.
Ishii (イシイ): The Fort Baton of Colorless Altar.
Fort Members: Associates of a GR Fort.
Yuta (ユウタ):
Ichikawa (イチカワ):
Miwa (ミワ):
Midori (ミドリ):
Miyuki (ミユキ):
Renna (レンナ):
Jes (ジェス):
Yuki (ユウキ):
Shoko (ショウコ):
Miyajima (ミヤジマ):
Senta (センタ):
Aira (アイラ):
Grace (グレース):
Goda (ゴウダ):
Kevin (ケビン):
Yosuke (ヨウスケ):
Ryoko (リョウコ):
Nishijima (ニシジマ):
Samejima (サメジマ):
Team Abundant Rocket Bodyguards
Kanzaki (カンザキ):
Rui (ルイ):
Disguised members:
GR1 (GR1号, GR Cardinal 1): Yuta's Disguise.
GR2 (GR2号, GR Cardinal 2): Ishii's Disguise.
GR3 (GR3号, GR Cardinal 3): Ichikawa's Disguise.
GR4 (GR4号, GR Cardinal 4): Miwa's Disguise.
GR5 (GR5号, GR Cardinal 5):
GRX: Ronald's Disguise.
Cipher (シャドー, Shadō, Shadow) are the capital antagonists of Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. They produced the technology that creates Adumbration Pokémon by locking the Pokémon's hearts to compassion.

Evice (Wardack (ワルダック, Warudakku)): The baton of Cipher during Colosseum. He disguises himself as Phenac City's ambassador Es Cade (Buckley (バックレー, Bakkurē)). He is afterwards arise to be their baton afterwards accepting congenital Realgam Belfry to allurement bodies to watch Adumbration Pokémon battles.
Nascour (Jakira (ジャキラ)): The shadow-leader of Cipher, arch the accumulation while Evice's actualization charcoal a secret.
Cipher Admins (シャドー幹部, Adumbration Executive): The admins of Cipher in Colosseum.
Miror B. (Mirror Bo (ミラーボ, Mirābo)): One of the Cipher admins in Colosseum. He is a dancing bent with a ample afro akin a Poké Ball.
Mirakle B. (Miraklebo (ミラクルボ, Mirakurubo)): The self-styled almsman of Miror B. afterwards Miror B.'s defeat at the player's calmly in Colosseum.
Dakim (ダキム, Dakimu): One of the Cipher admins in Colosseum. He is a able-bodied and agitated man with actual able Pokémon who appears to serve as an enforcer.
Venus (ヴィーナス, Vīnasu): One of the Cipher admins in Colosseum. She is a admirable and accustomed woman who has ascendancy over the boondocks of The Below and has her own TV show.
Ein (Borg (ボルグ, Borugu)): Already of the Cipher admins and their arch scientist in Colosseum. He is amenable for creating Adumbration Pokémon.
Miror B.Peon (ミラーボ手下, Mirorbo Underling): The underlings alive below Miror B.
Folly (ヘボイ, Heboy):
Trudly (トロイ, Troy):
Reath (ブレス, Breath):
Ferma (スーラ, Seurat):
Agnol (ゾルダン, Soldan):
Cipher Peons (シャドー戦闘員, Adumbration Combatant): The Peons of Cipher in Colosseum.
Bluno (ブルーノ):
Verde (ベルデ):
Rosso (ロッソ):
Skrub (コワップ, Kowap):
Fein (フェイク, Fake):
XD: Gale of Darkness
Greevil (Deathgold (デスゴルド, Desugorudo)): The accurate baton and banking benefactor of the active Cipher in XD. He disguises himself as Mr. Verich (Mecharich (メチャリッチ, Mecharitchi)) at first, a benefactor of sailors at Gateon Port, afore his accurate actualization as Cipher's baton is revealed.
Cipher Admins (シャドー幹部, Adumbration Executive): The admins of Cipher in XD.
Ardos (アルドス, Arudosu): One of the Cipher admins in XD. He is one of Grandmaster Greevil's two sons and best admiring of Cipher's goals. Afterwards Cipher is clearly disbanded he seeks to animate it himself.
Eldes (エルデス, Erudesu): One of the Cipher admins in XD. He is Greevil's added son who convinces his antecedent to adjourn Cipher afterwards its defeat.
Gorigan (ゴリガン): One of Cipher's admins in XD. He is an architect who walks like a monkey and oversees a branch that produces Adumbration Pokémon.
Lovrina (ラブリナ, Raburina): One of the Cipher admins in XD. She is arch scientist of the additional apotheosis of Cipher, tasked with adorning the Adumbration Pokémon conception process. She has a actual changeable personality, but is declared by her subordinates as "terrifying".
Snattle (Wazzle (ワズル, Wazuru)): One of the Cipher admins in XD. He seeks to be installed as Governor of Orre, apparently to admission Cipher political ascendancy of the arena through him.
Folly (ヘボイ, Heboy):
Trudly (トロイ, Troy):
Exol (ダカッチャ, Dakatcha):
Zook (ザクスカ, Zacusca):
Cipher Peons (シャドー戦闘員, Adumbration Combatant): The Peons of Cipher in XD.
Exinn (キャリス, Callis):
Naps (ナップス):
Hexagon Brothers (六つ子ブラザーズ, Sextuplet Brothers): A aggregation of six Cipher Peons in XD.
Resix (モノル, Monol):
Blusix (ジレル, Direl):
Browsix (トリル, Trill):
Yellosix (テトル, Tetol):
Purpsix (ペタル, Petal):
Greesix (ヘキル, Hekil):
Team Snagem
Team Snagem (スナッチ団, Sunatchi-dan, Snatch Gang) is accession awful alignment in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. They developed the Snag Machine technology, acceptance them to abduct already captured Pokémon from added trainers. However, their ancestor in Colosseum is baseborn by the amateur character, a aloft affiliate of the group.

Gonzap (Helgonza (ヘルゴンザ, Herugonza)): Aggregation Snagem's leader. In Colosseum, he is angered by the player's betrayal afterwards the amateur steals the one arm-mounted Snag Machine and the group's beyond Snag Machine. In XD, afterwards the player's Snag Machine is baseborn by Gonzap's men and the amateur defeats Gonzap, he allotment it to the player, acquainted that it would not assignment for him because of his size. He afterwards assists the amateur in their action adjoin Cipher.
Wakin (Yaccino (ヤッチーノ, Yakino)):
Biden (Zabu (ザブ)):
Agrev (Misango (ミサンゴ)):
Wes (レオ, Leo): The advocate of Colosseum is a aloft affiliate of Aggregation Snagem.
Team Miror
Team Miror is a lesser-known awful aggregation in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. They are gluttonous to own all the Pokémon in the world.

Miror B. (Mirror Bo (ミラーボ, Mirābo)): Miror B. allotment in XD as the baton of Aggregation Miror.
Folly (ヘボイ, Heboy):
Trudly (トロイ, Troy):
Phobos Battalion
The Phobos Battalion (フォボス軍, Fobosu-gun, Phobos Army) are the enemies in Pokémon Trozei!. They abduct Pokémon to use their activity to adeptness up a abstruse weapon alleged the Phobosphere.

Baron Phobos (フォボス男爵): The baton of the Phobos Battalion.
Buzz (バズ将軍, Accustomed Buzz): The baton of the Phobos Train.
Avery (アベリー将軍, Accustomed Avery): The baton of the Phobos Jet.
Grock (グロック将軍, Accustomed Grock): The baton of the Phobos Drill.
Aquarella (アクアレイラ将軍, Accustomed Aquarella): The baton of the Phobos Submarine.
Boolum (ブーラム将軍, Accustomed Boolum): The baton of the Phobos Walker.
Go-Rock Squad
Go-Rock Squad (スナッチ団, GoGo-dan, GoGo Gang) is the awful aggregation in Pokémon Ranger. Their artifice consists of replacing the rangers and acceptable the new heroes of Fiore. The Squad begins this by burglary a Abduction Stylus from Abettor Hastings. About-face engineering the design, the Go-Rock Squad mass-produces a abundant abounding styluses. Afterward this, the Squad captures a aggregation of Pokémon for their own use. In the endgame of their plans, Gordor attempts to arouse allegorical Pokémon Entei, Raikou, and Suicune, who would alarm the acreage with their power. In admission the Squad would afresh stop the legendaries with the Pokémon they already had, but the Squad bankrupt up afterwards the Rangers aghast the plot.

Gordor (ラゴウ (Ragō)): The Go-Rock Squad's leader. A aloft professor, Gordor was anxious of Hastings accepting all the absorption for projects they both contributed to, and founded the Squad to abort the Pokémon Rangers.
The Go-Rock Quads (Four GoGo Siblings (ゴーゴー4兄弟)) are Gordor's four children, and were the admins of the Squad as able-bodied as a agreeable quartet. They abide of:
Tiffany (ミライ (Mirai)), who played the violin.
Garrett (ユウキ (Yuki)), who played the electric guitar.
Billy (ヤライ (Yarai)), the baton of the Quads, who additionally played an electric guitar.
Clyde (ヨウジ (Yōji)), who played the bongos.
Go-Rock Grunts: The underlings of the Go-Rock Squad.
Team Dim Sun
Team Dim Sun (ヤミヤミ団, Yamiyami-dan, Dark-Dark Gang) is the awful aggregation in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Their artifice is to booty ascendancy of all the Pokémon in the Almia arena by appliance Darkrai's aphotic powers.

Blake Hall (ブラック・ホール (Black Hole)): Aggregation Dim Sun's leader.
Sinis Leash (ヘルトリオ (Hell Trio)):
Ice (アイス):
Lavana (ケイノ (Cano)):
Heath (デゼル (Deser)):
Dim Sun grunts: The underlings of Aggregation Dim Sun.
Team Debonairs
Team Debonairs (ミラミラだん, Miramira-dan): Aggregation Debonairs is the lesser-known awful aggregation in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.

Kincaid (ミラカド (Mirakado)): The baton of Aggregation Debonairs.
Pokémon Pinchers
The Pokémon Pinchers are a accumulation of rogues who abduct Pokémon by demography ascendancy over them in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs.

The Societea are four aged leaders.
Edward is the baton of the Pokémon Pinchers. A doctor/thief who makes up for his bad by accomplishing good. He and his accompany admonition the amateur adjoin the Pokémon Pinchers, assuming to be good.
Arley, the aboriginal baton of the Pokémon Pinchers that the amateur meets. Assuming to try to stop the Pinchers, the amateur comes alternating and has to absolutely stop them;
Kasa, the adept of disguise;
Hocus, a magician.
Pokémon Pinchers admins are the admins of the Pokémon Pinchers.
Blue Eyes, whom the amateur captures and trades for Summer/Ben, whom the Pokémon Pinchers acquire captured. Afterwards the amateur saves her activity and she had been kicked out of the Pokémon Pinchers adapted beforehand, so she tips the amateur off on breadth Red Eyes is going;
Red Eyes, who captures Summer. Later, he quits his job;
Purple Eyes, whom the amateur discovers afterwards in the game, aback he kidnaps Nema and Leanne. He additionally gets kicked out, but he captures Mewtwo and attacks Edward and the amateur and company.
Pokémon Pinchers grunts: The underlings of the Pokémon Pinchers.
Team Go Rocket
Team Go Rocket is the abomination syndicate in Pokémon Go.

Giovanni (サカキ (Sakaki)): Giovanni is the baton of Aggregation Go Rocket in Pokémon Go.
Team GO Rocket Leaders (GOロケット団リーダー, GO Aggregation Rocket Leader): The leaders of Aggregation Go Rocket in Pokémon Go confined below Giovanni.
Cliff (クリフ, Kurifu): One of the Aggregation GO Rocket Leaders in Pokémon Go. He is a aggressive to Blanche. Admitting achievement a loyal affiliate of Aggregation Go Rocket, Cliff is declared as "bighearted" and as accepting a "kind soul".
Arlo (アルロ, Aruro): One of the Aggregation GO Rocket Leaders in Pokémon Go. He is a aggressive to Candela. Arlo acclimated to be a affiliate of Aggregation Valor, but larboard aback Candela became the aggregation leader.[6] He is declared as a "vengeful aristocrat", as able-bodied as "sly and manipulative".
Sierra (シエラ, Shiera): One of the Aggregation GO Rocket Leaders in Pokémon Go. She is a aggressive to Spark. According to Pokémon Go's Twitter account, Sierra grew up below difficult circumstances, which affected her to become mysterious, adorable and street-smart, and to alike apprentice aggressive arts.
Team GO Rocket Grunts (GOロケット団のしたっぱ, GO Aggregation Rocket Underling): The underlings of Aggregation GO Rocket.
Jessie (Musashi (ムサシ)) and James (Kojirō (コジロウ)): two grunts that appeared during the Action Go Fest Challenge. In adjustment to action them, the amateur allegation bang a Meowth airship actualization from time to time in the map.
Team Break
Team Break are the citizen villain aggregation of Pasio in Pokémon Masters. They generally try to abduct added people's Pokémon and agitate the Pokémon Masters League. Clashing best villain teams, they don't acquire a accepted compatible (their ranks abide of assorted trainer classes) nor do they acquire a appointed leader; instead, its associates abrasion eye masks in the actualization of their logo.

Masked Men: The macho underlings of Aggregation Break.
Masked Women: The changeable underlings of Aggregation Break.
Other Antagonists
Nobunaga (ノブナガ): The capital adversary of Pokémon Conquest and the warlord of the Kingdom of Dragnor.
Gym Trainers
Main article: Gameplay of Pokémon § Pokémon Gym
Gym Trainers (ジムトレーナー): Gym Trainers are Trainers who assignment in Pokémon Gyms.

Gym Leaders (ジムリーダー, Jimu Rīdā) are Gym Trainers who advance Pokémon Gyms, and action Gym badges to Pokémon trainers who can defeat them. Usually, this claiming takes the anatomy of a Pokémon battle, but, occasionally, the challenges are a balloon of accomplishment or endurance, or the badges are accustomed in acknowledgment for amazing casework rendered.

Each capital arena has at atomic eight Gym Leaders. Any trainer who earns eight Gym Badges is acceptable to go on to face the Aristocratic Four or participate in the Pokémon Alliance Championships.

Kanto Gym Trainers
Pewter Gym Trainers
Brock (Takeshi (タケシ)): Gym Baton of Pewter Burghal and an able on Rock-type Pokémon. In the Pokémon anime, he joins Ash on his adventure, abrogation his column to his father, Flint. However, in Pokémon Chronicles, he allotment to acquisition his mother arch the gym, appliance Water-type Pokémon.
Liam (トシカズ, Toshikazu): A Camper.
Jerry (キヨシ, Kiyoshi): A Camper.
Edwin (ミキオ, Mikio): A Hiker.
Amara (アキナ, Akina): A Picnicker.
Cerulean Gym Trainers
Misty (Kasumi (カスミ)): Gym Baton of Cerulean Burghal and an able in Water-type Pokémon. In the anime, she leaves this column for a time to accompany Ash on his adventure. In Pokémon Chronicles, Misty allotment to booty over as the Gym Baton from her sisters, and becomes one of the capital characters, generally co-starring with Tracey Sketchit, Casey, or one of her sisters: Daisy, Lily and Violet.
Luis (ヨウヘイ, Yōhei): A Swimmer.
Diana (コズエ, Kozue): A Picnicker.
Parker (トモキ, Tomoki): A Swimmer in Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and a Sailor in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Briana (ユカリ, Yukari): A Swimmer.
Diana (ナミ, Nami): A Swimmer.
Eddie (ノリオ, Norio): A Sailor.
Joy (ミズナ, Mizuna): A Swimmer.
Lily (ボタン, Botan): A Beauty.
Violet (アヤメ, Ayame): A Beauty.
Daisy (サクラ, Sakura): A Beauty.
Vermilion Gym Trainers
Lt. Billow (Matis (マチス, Machisu): Gym Baton of Vermilion City, and an able in Electric-type Pokémon. Clashing the majority of the characters in the game, Billow is American born, rather than achievement built-in to Kanto. In the Japanese versions of the games, he speaks in burst Japanese, with abounding of his words parsed in katakana.
Dwayne (タツヒコ, Tatsuhiko): A Sailor.
Baily (フミオ, Fumio): A Architect in Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen, and a Rocker in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Tucker (オルソン, Olson): A Gentleman.
Horton (ジョナサン, Jonathan): A Juggler.
Vincent (ジュンイチ, Jun'ichi): A Guitarist.
Gregory (アンソニー, Anthony): A Gentleman.
Celadon Gym Trainers
Erika (エリカ): An able in Grass-type Pokémon. Runs the Celadon Burghal Gym (which doubles as a greenhouse). In the anime, Erika additionally works as a aroma maker. In Pokémon Adventures, Erika serves as the baton of the Kanto Gym Leaders who are detached with Aggregation Rocket.
Kay (アコ, Ako): A Lass.
Bridget (セイコ, Seiko): A Beauty.
Tina (アサエ, Asae): A Picnicker.
Tamia (レイコ, Reiko): A Beauty.
Lori (ヒトミ, Hitomi): A Beauty.
Lisa (ユミ, Yumi): A Lass.
Mary (アヤカ, Ayaka): An Ace Trainer.
Jo & Zoe (ミキとマキ, Miki and Maki): Twins.
Michelle (マユミ, Mayumi): A Lass.
Tanya (ユキコ, Yukiko): A Picnicker.
Julia (ナツキ, Natsuki): A Beauty.
Mai (マイ): A Beauty.
Lina (ミサコ, Misako): A Lass.
Fuchsia Gym Trainers
Koga (Kyō (キョウ)): An able on Poison-type Pokémon, a ninja who additionally patrols the Safari Zone in Fuchsia City. Runs the Fuchsia Burghal Gym in Pokémon Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen. In Pokémon Gold and Silver, he leaves his gym to accompany the Aristocratic Four and is replaced by his babe Janine. He is a aloft Aggregation Rocket authoritative in the Pokémon Adventures manga, who goes on to anatomy the new Aristocratic Four with Bruno, Karen, and Will.
Janine (Anzu (アンズ)): An able in Poison-type Pokémon. Janine is Koga's daughter, and in Pokémon Gold and Silver takes over the Fuchsia Burghal Pokémon Gym afterwards her antecedent joins the Aristocratic Four. She makes the Gym's airy bewilderment alike added ambagious by bushing it with bottom Pokémon trainers bearded as herself, to mislead challengers.
Nate (トニー, Tony): A Juggler. In Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! he is renamed Harry.
Kayden (レン, Renn): A Juggler in Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen, and an Ace Trainer in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Kirk (ジョージ, George): A Juggler.
Edgar (コウキ, Kōki): A Tamer.
Phil (シュンペイ, Shunpei): A Tamer.
Shawn (マイク, Mike): A Juggler.
Linda (アキ, Aki): A Lass.
Cindy (サトミ, Satomi): A Picnicker.
Barry (ユウイチ, Yūichi): A Camper.
Alice (チカ, Chika): A Lass.
Annie (マイカ, Mica): An Ace Trainer.
Saffron Gym Trainers
Sabrina (Natsume (ナツメ)): A specialist in Psychic-type Pokémon, in Saffron City. In the anime, she is a cold, blank woman built-in with able analytic abilities, including telekinesis, telepathy, and transmutation, which she acclimated in annihilative agency as a child. In the anime, she carries about a green-haired baby that is absolutely a concrete actualization of the artless spirit she alone in favor of practicing her analytic abilities. In the video games, she is still a psychic, but she is not portrayed as evil. The advocate is told of how she exhausted the baton of "The Angry Dojo" by annexation it of its gym status. Sabrina allotment in Atramentous 2 and White 2 in the Pokéstar Studios mini amateur as a cine amateur arena a villain.
Cameron (カオル, Kaoru): A Analytic in Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen, and an Ace Trainer in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Tasha (ホタル, Hotaru): A Channeler.
Johan (カズヤ, Kazuya): A Psychic.
Tyron (イサミ, Isami): A Psychic.
Stacy (キリエ, Kirie): A Channeler.
Amanda (フミカ, Fumika): A Channeler in Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen, and an Ace Trainer in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Preston (ヒロム, Hiromu): A Psychic.
Rebecca (トミコ, Tomiko): A Medium.
Jared (タクミ, Takumi): A Psychic.
Franklin (ヒロ, Hiro): A Psychic.
Doris (ケサコ, Kesako): A Medium. In HeartGold and SoulSilver she is renamed Darcy.
Imari (イマリ): A Channeler.
Cinnabar Gym Trainers
Blaine (Katsura (カツラ)): An able in Fire-type Pokémon. He enjoys testing his abeyant challengers with quizzes on their adeptness of Pokémon and appears to be an old acquaintance of Mr. Fuji. Originally resided on Cinnabar Island, but confused to the Seafoam Islands afterwards Cinnabar was destroyed by a volcano, with the ambition of rebuilding the gym on Cinnabar some day.
Quinn (ミノブ, Minobu): A Burglar.
Erik (ハジメ, Hajime): A Super Nerd.
Avery (サダハル, Sadaharu): A Super Nerd.
Ramon (ジンパチ, Jinpachi): A Burglar.
Derek (ヨシアキ, Yoshiaki): A Super Nerd.
Dusty (ノブオ, Nobuo): A Burglar.
Zac (ノブヒロ, Nobuhiro): A Super Nerd.
Lowell (ヨシロー, Yoshirō): A Scientist.
Daniel (ユウゴ, Yūgo): A Scientist.
Cary (タカジ, Takaji): A Super Nerd.
Linden (タケアキ, Takeaki): A Scientist.
Waldo (ユウビ, Yūbi): A Super Nerd.
Merle (ナガフミ, Nagafumi): A Super Nerd.
Viridian Gym Trainers
Giovanni (Sakaki (サカキ)): An able in Ground-type Pokémon, and the baton of Aggregation Rocket. Runs the Viridian Burghal Gym in Pokémon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, and their remakes, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. He afterwards disappears and is not apparent again, admitting Aggregation Rocket attempts to locate him in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and their remakes, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Blue, the player's aggressive Pokémon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, and their remakes, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, becomes the new Viridian Burghal Gym Baton afterward the dematerialization of Giovanni in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, and their remakes, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. He does not stick to a specific blazon and has a advanced arrangement of Pokémon, agnate to the aggregation he would acquire at the end of the above-mentioned games.
Cole (アキラ, Akira): A Tamer.
Kiyo (タクマ, Takuma): A Atramentous Belt.
Samuel (タクヤ, Takuya): An Ace Trainer.
Yuji (カズシ, Kazushi): An Ace Trainer.
Atsushi (テツヒサ, Tetsuhisa): A Atramentous Belt.
Jason (ヒロ, Hiro): A Tamer.
Warren (レイジ, Reiji): An Ace Trainer.
Takashi (シロウ, Shirō): A Atramentous Belt.
Arabella (ヤスタカ, Yasutaka): An Ace Trainer.
Salma (アキエ, Akie): An Ace Trainer.
Bonita (ヨシノリ, Yoshinori): An Ace Trainer.
Elan & Ida (テンとサヨ, Ten and Sayo): Two Ace Trainers.
Kelly (レイカ, Reika): An Ace Trainer.
TCG Island Club Members
Grass Club Members
Nikki (クニミ, Kunimi): Nikki is the Club Adept of the Grass Club.
Brittany (アヤコ, Ayako):
Heather (ミサオ, Misao):
Kristin (ハルナ, Haruna):
Science Club Members
Rick (クルシマ, Kurushima): Rick is the Club Adept of the Science Club.
Erik (マサシ, Masashi):
David (ヤスユキ, Yasuyuki):
Joseph (ソウタ, Sōta):
Fire Club Members
Ken (アカバネ, Akabane): Ken is the Club Adept of the Fire Club.
John (タカシ, Takashi):
Adam (ワタルン, Watarun):
Jonathan (マサトシ, Masatoshi):
Water Club Members
Amy (ウッチー, Utchi): Amy is the Club Adept of the Baptize Club.
Sara (マリ, Mari):
Amanda (メグミ, Megumi):
Joshua (シンタロー, Shintarō):
Lightning Club Members
Isaac (タカハシ, Takahashi): Isaac is the Club Adept of the Lightning Club.
Jennifer (ユカ, Yuka):
Brandon (トシヒコ, Toshihiko):
Nicholas (ソウスケ, Sōsuke):
Psychic Club Members
Murray (ミウラ, Miura): Murray is the Club Adept of the Analytic Club.
Robert (ヒロ, Hiro):
Stephanie (リエ, Rie):
Daniel (ケイタ, Keita):
Rock Club Members
Gene (ゲンゾウ, Genzō): Gene is the Club Adept of the Bedrock Club.
Matthew (ヤストモ, Yasutomo):
Andrew (ジョータ, Jōta):
Ryan (ノリオ, Norio):
Fighting Club Members
Mitch (ヤマグチ, Yamaguchi): Mitch is the Club Adept of the Angry Club.
Chris (タツロー, Tatsurō):
Michael (マサヒロ, Masahiro):
Jessica (ナツキ, Natsuki):
Orange Islands Gym Trainers
These gym trainers alone arise in the anime series' additional season. They do not arise in any of the games.

Mikan Gym Trainers
Cissy (Atsumi (アツミ)): Cissy is an able on Water-type Pokémon, and challenges Ash to a baptize gun accurateness claiming and a surfing chase instead of a battle.
Navel Gym Trainers
Danny (Dan (ダン)): Danny challenges Ash to ascend a mountain, benumb a geyser, and sled-race bottomward the mountain.
Trovita Gym Trainers
Rudy (Ziggy (ジギー, Jigī)): A Pokémon trainer and ball instructor. He is actual careful of his little sister, Mahri.
Kumquat Gym Trainers
Luana (Ruriko (ルリコ)): A specialist in two-on-two Pokémon battles. She additionally owns and operates a hotel, and has a son, Travis, who looks abundant like Ash, who additionally has a Pikachu sitting on his accept while starting off on his journey.
Johto Gym Trainers
Violet Gym Trainers
Falkner (Hayato (ハヤト)) : Violet Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Flying-type Pokémon. Falkner affiliated buying of the gym from his father.
Abe (ショウタ, Shōta): A Bird Keeper.
Rod (ツバサ, Tsubasa): A Bird Keeper.
Matt (カケル, Kakeru): A Bird Keeper.
Azalea Gym Trainers
Bugsy (Tsukushi (ツクシ)): Azalea Boondocks Gym Baton and an able on Bug-type Pokémon. He is a adolescent prodigy who has an about all-embracing adeptness of Pokémon.
Amy & May (クミとルミ, Kumi and Rumi): Twins. In HeartGold and SoulSilver May is renamed Mimi.
Al (ノリユキ, Noriyuki): A Bug Catcher.
Benny (サダオ, Sadao): A Bug Catcher.
Josh (トモミチ, Tomomichi): A Bug Catcher.
Chaz (リョウタ, Ryōta): A Bug Catcher.
Min & Lyn (シズとスズ, Shizu and Suzu): Twins.
Goldenrod Gym Trainers
Whitney (Akane (アカネ)): Goldenrod Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Normal-type Pokémon. She is accustomed to bandy tantrums aback she loses, but is contrarily a airy Gym Baton and a acceptable action already she calms down. If defeated she would absolutely debris to accord the amateur a brand at first, although she eventually comes around. She plays a beyond role in HeartGold and SoulSilver, including affair the amateur afresh at the Pokéathelon Dome. In the anime, she is abundant added level-headed, admitting she tends to get absent in Goldenrod Burghal absolutely easily.
Victoria (アケミ, Akemi): A Beauty.
Samantha (ナオコ, Naoko): A Beauty.
Carrie (ミカ, Mika): A Lass.
Bridget (アスカ, Asuka): A Lass. In HeartGold and SoulSilver she is renamed Cathy.
Lois (ユカ, Yuka): A Lass.
Rita (サヤカ, Sayaka): A Beauty.
Ecruteak Gym Trainers
Morty (Matsuba (マツバ)): Ecruteak Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Ghost-type Pokémon. Morty has vaguely authentic analytic abilities, although not absolutely as able as Sabrina's. In Pokémon Crystal, he is a acquaintance of Eusine, a trainer analytic for Suicune. He believes that he is destined to accommodated the allegorical Pokémon of Ecruteak.
Ping (ジエイ, Jiei): A Sage.
Grace (タエコ, Taeko): A Medium.
Jeffrey (ウンショウ, Unshō): A Sage.
Martha (ヨネコ, Yoneko): A Medium.
Georgina (スズコ, Suzuko): A Medium.
Edith (ウメコ, Umeko): A Medium.
Holly (タケ, Take): A Medium.
Ty (ダイカク, Daikaku): A Sage.
Cianwood Gym Trainers
Chuck (Shijima (シジマ)): Cianwood Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Fighting-type Pokémon. He spends best of his time in his Gym, abundant to the annoyance of his wife. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Chuck was the adolescence abecedary of the rival, Blue.
Yoshi (キヨマサ, Kiyomasa): A Atramentous Belt.
Lao (フミヒト, Fumihito): A Atramentous Belt.
Nob (テッカン, Tekkan): A Atramentous Belt.
Lung (モリカズ, Morikazu): A Atramentous Belt.
Nick (タクマ, Takuma): A Atramentous Belt.
Olivine Gym Trainers
Jasmine (Mikan (ミカン)): Olivine Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Steel-type Pokémon. She initially refuses the player's claiming because she is disposed to a ailing Ampharos that provides ablaze for the burghal lighthouse. Alone afterwards giving the Ampharos able anesthetic can Jasmine be challenged. Jasmine conspicuously appears in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and Pokémon Platinum in Sunyshore Burghal and additionally as a adversary in Adept Rank Pokémon Contests with her Steelix Rusty (Nail (ネール, Nēru)).
Preston (ジョージ, George): A Gentleman.
Connie (レミ, Remi): A Lass.
Mahogany Gym Trainers
Pryce (Yanagi (ヤナギ)): Mahogany Boondocks Gym Baton and an able on Ice-type Pokémon. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Pryce leads Neo Aggregation Rocket below the alias of the "Masked Man" or Affectation of Ice (マスク・オブ・アイス, Masuku Obu Aisu). In public, he serves as the baton of the Johto Gym Leaders in a agnate accommodation to Erika, Winona, Byron, and Clay. Pryce is appreciably added amiable in the anime series, admitting he has a absinthian attitude adjoin Pokémon aback the abstruse dematerialization of his loyal Piloswine during his youth.
Roxanne (サチコ, Sachiko): A Skier. In HeartGold and SoulSilver she is renamed Diana.
Ronald (フミヤ, Fumiya): A Boarder. In HeartGold and SoulSilver he is renamed Deandre.
Clarissa (アユミ, Ayumi): A Skier. In HeartGold and SoulSilver she is renamed Jill.
Brad (ノリヒロ, Norihiro): A Boarder. In HeartGold and SoulSilver he is renamed Patton.
Douglas (キンジ, Kinji): A Boarder. In HeartGold and SoulSilver he is renamed Gerardo.
Alvin (ハヤタ, Hayata): A Boarder.
Carol (リョウコ, Ryōko): A Skier.
Blackthorn Gym Trainers
Clair (Ibuki (イブキ)): Blackthorn Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Dragon-type Pokémon. Clair is the adolescent accessory of Aristocratic Four affiliate and Champion, Lance. Afterwards achievement defeated, Clair sourly armament the amateur to complete a balloon in a adjacent cavern afore achievement awarded a Badge.
Paul (マサル, Masaru): An Ace Trainer. In HeartGold and SoulSilver he is renamed Paulo.
Cody (トモヒコ, Tomohiko): An Ace Trainer.
Fran (トモエ, Tomoe): An Ace Trainer.
Mike (テツロウ, Tetsurō): An Ace Trainer.
Lola (マリコ, Mariko): An Ace Trainer.
Gloria (シオリ, Shiori): An Ace Trainer.
Vince (ケイスケ, Keisuke): An Ace Trainer.
GR Island Fort Members
Grass Fort Members
Morino (モリノ): The Fort Baton of GR Grass Fort.
Midori (ミドリ):
Yūta (ユウタ):
Miyuki (ミユキ):
Lightning Fort Members
Catherine (キャサリン): The Fort Baton of GR Lightning Fort
Renna (レンナ):
Ichikawa (イチカワ):
Fire Fort Members
Hidero (ヒデロウ): The Fort Baton of GR Fire Fort.
Jes (ジェス):
Yūki (ユウキ):
Shōko (ショウコ):
Water Fort Members
Kanoko (カノコ): The Fort Baton of GR Baptize Fort.
Miyajima (ミヤジマ):
Senta (センタ):
Aira (アイラ):
Fighting Fort Members
Kamiya (カミヤ): The Fort Baton of GR Angry Fort.
Grace (グレース):
Gōda (ゴウダ):
Psychic Stronghold Members
Mami (マミ): The Fort Baton of GR Analytic Stronghold.
Kevin (ケビン):
Miwa (ミワ):
Yōsuke (ヨウスケ):
Ryōko (リョウコ):
Colorless Altar Members
Ishii (イシイ): The Fort Baton of Colorless Altar.
Nishijima (ニシジマ):
Samejima (サメジマ):
Sealed Fort Members
Eiji (エイジ):
Magician (マジシャン):
Toshiron (トシロン):
Pierrot (ピエロ):
Tobichan (とびちゃん):
Di (ディー):
Masquerade (マスカレード):
Anna (アンナ):
Yui (ユイ):
Hoenn Gym Trainers
"Wattson" redirects here. For the Apex Legends character, see Apex Legends. For added uses, see Watson.
Rustboro Gym Trainers
Roxanne (Tsutsuji (ツツジ)): Rustboro Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Rock-type Pokémon. She is additionally a abecedary at the Pokémon Trainer's Academy in Rustboro.
Josh (タロウ, Tarō): A Youngster.
Tommy (カツオ, Katsuo): A Youngster.
Marc (ソウタロウ, Sōtarō): A Hiker.
Georgia (ミキエ, Mikie): A Schoolkid.
Dewford Gym Trainers
Brawly (Tōki (トウキ)): Dewford Boondocks Gym Baton and an able on Fighting-type Pokémon. He trains by surfing the after-effects alternating Dewford beach, and claims that the cool helps anatomy up his Pokémon's muscles. In the anime, he additionally has a clandestine island which has a training ability and a action acreage that has geysers on it. He acclimated to alternation with Bruno, the Aristocratic Four affiliate from Kanto.
Laura (ミサト, Misato): A Action Girl.
Hideki (タイキ, Taiki): A Atramentous Belt.
Tessa (シノブ, Shinobu): A Action Girl. In Emerald she is renamed Jocelyn.
Lilith (アズミ, Azumi): A Action Girl.
Brenden (カズマサ, Kazumasa): A Sailor.
Takao (タイケイ, Taikei): A Atramentous Belt.
Cristian (トシヒデ, Toshihide): A Atramentous Belt.
Mauville Gym Trainers
Wattson (Tessen (テッセン)): Mauville Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Electric-type Pokémon. An old man, Wattson is about consistently apparent animated and brand a acceptable joke. He and the Trick Adept are acceptable accompany in Pokémon Adventures. In the anime, any aggregation who enters the Gym by the advanced aperture takes as an careless roller coaster ride, catastrophe up adjoin a automated Raikou.
Kirk (ジョージ, George): A Guitarist.
Ben (ヒロト, Hiroto): A Youngster.
Vivian (マコト, Makoto): A Action Girl.
Shawn (マイク, Mike): A Guitarist.
Angelo (モトヒロ, Motohiro): A Bug Maniac.
Lavaridge Gym Trainers
Flannery (Asuna (アスナ)): Lavaridge Boondocks Gym Baton and an able on Fire-type Pokémon. Like Falkner, she allegedly affiliated her Gym; Flannery's antecedent was her grandfathering and she is about new in her role as Lavaridge's Gym Leader.
Cole (アキラ, Akira): A Kindler.
Zane (タクロウ, Takurō): An Ace Trainer. In Emerald he is renamed Gerald.
Axle (タモツ, Tamotsu): A Kindler.
Sadie (トモミ, Tomomi): A Action Girl. In Emerald she is renamed Danielle.
Andy (タカオ, Takao): A Kindler.
Jeff (コウタ, Kōta): A Kindler.
Jace (ジュンジ, Junji): A Kindler.
Eli (テルヨシ, Teruyoshi): A Hiker.
Keegan (タカハル, Takaharu): A Kindler.
Shoji (コウタ, Kōta): A Ninja Boy.
Hiromichi (ヒロミチ): A Ninja Boy.
Petalburg Gym Trainers
Norman (Senri (センリ)): Petalburg Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Normal-type Pokémon. In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, Norman is the protagonist's father. In the anime, he is the antecedent of May and Max and Caroline's husband. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, he is the antecedent of Ruby and a abutting acquaintance of Abettor Birch.
Randall (トシキ, Toshiki): An Ace Trainer.
Mary (アヤカ, Ayaka): An Ace Trainer.
Parker (ヒデキ, Hideki): An Ace Trainer.
Lori (ヒトミ, Hitomi): An Ace Trainer.
George (カズマ, Kazuma): An Ace Trainer.
Berke (ナオキ, Naoki): An Ace Trainer.
Jody (サオリ, Saori): An Ace Trainer.
Alexia (ミハル, Miharu): An Ace Trainer.
Fortree Gym Trainers
Winona (Nagi (ナギ)): Fortree Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Flying-type Pokémon. In Pokémon Adventures, she is the de facto baton of the Gym Leaders of Hoenn adjoin the plots of Aggregation Aqua and Aggregation Magma. In the anime, she owns a agleam Swellow.
Jared (エイジ, Eiji): A Bird Keeper.
Kylee (ミキコ, Mikiko): A Picnicker.
Terrell (テルオ, Teruo): A Camper. In Emerald he is renamed Flint.
Will (ショウタ, Shōta): A Bird Keeper.
Humberto (ミツアキ, Mitsuaki): A Bird Keeper.
Ashley (ミミコ, Mimiko): A Picnicker.
Edwardo (ジョウタ, Jōta): A Bird Keeper.
Darius (セイイチ, Seiichi): A Bird Keeper.
Bran (ハヤタ, Hayata): A Bird Keeper.
Mossdeep Gym Trainers
Tate and Liza (Fū & Lan (フウとラン, Fū to Ran)): The twins are the Mossdeep Burghal Gym Leaders and experts on Psychic-type Pokémon. Their parents assignment at the Mossdeep Amplitude Center. In the anime, it is arise that Liza is earlier than Tate by account from bearing and additionally happens to be a added able trainer than him.
Preston (ヒロム, Hiromu): A Psychic.
Maura (ヒカリ, Hikari): A Psychic.
Samantha (ミライ, Mirai): A Psychic.
Fritz (サトル, Satoru): A Psychic.
Virgil (ユウヤ, Yūya): A Psychic.
Hannah (アスカ, Asuka): A Psychic.
Blake (サトキ, Satoki): A Psychic.
Clifford (スティーブ, Steve): A Gentleman.
Kathleen (ユキヨ, Yukiyo): A Hex Maniac.
Macey (フサコ, Fusako): A Psychic.
Nicholas (リョウイチ, Ryouichi): A Psychic.
Nate (トニー, Tony): A Gentleman.
Sylvia (アサヨ, Asayo): A Hex Maniac.
Joshua (シュウイチ, Shūichi): A Psychic.
Kindra (サチコ, Sachiko): A Hex Maniac.
Patricia (コトネ, Kotone): A Hex Maniac.
Sootopolis Gym Trainers
Wallace (Mikuri (ミクリ)): Wallace is the Sootopolis Burghal Gym Baton in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. He is an able on Water-type Pokémon and additionally happens to be a able artist. In Pokémon Emerald, Wallace becomes the Pokémon Alliance Champion, abrogation the column of Gym Baton to his mentor, Juan. In the anime, he does not accomplish an actualization until the Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl anime series, breadth he is a Claiming Adept acclamation from the Hoenn arena who holds a Claiming alleged the Wallace Cup.
Juan (Adan (アダン)): An able on Water-type Pokémon. He was Wallace's coach and ran the Sootopolis Burghal Gym afore him. Afterwards Wallace became the Pokémon Alliance Champion, he alternating to run the Gym. Juan can allege French, and does so in the aboriginal Japanese adaptation and Chuang Yi's English adaptation of Pokémon Adventures.
Connie (マユコ, Mayuko): A Beauty.
Andrea (ミキ, Miki): A Lass.
Bridget (セイコ, Seiko): A Beauty.
Brianna (シオリ, Shiori): A Lady. In Emerald she is renamed Briana.
Tiffany (ハルコ, Haruko): A Beauty.
Crissy (メイ, Mei): A Lass.
Marissa (テイコ, Teiko): A PokéFan. In Emerald she is renamed Bethany.
Olivia (ナオコ, Naoko): A Beauty.
Daphne (エイカ, Eika): A Lady.
Annika (ミネコ, Mineko): A PokéFan.
Sinnoh Gym Trainers
Oreburgh Gym Trainers
Roark (Hyōta (ヒョウタ)): Oreburgh Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Rock-type Pokémon. His antecedent is Byron, who is the Gym Baton of Canalave City. He is aboriginal activate in the abundance abreast Oreburgh City. He and his antecedent Byron are ardent deposit hunters and Roark introduces the amateur actualization to the Underground.
Darius (コウタ, Kōta): A Youngster.
Jonathon (シンスケ, Shinsuke): A Youngster.
Eterna Gym Trainers
Gardenia (Natane (ナタネ)): Eterna Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Grass-type Pokémon. In the anime, she is acutely agog about Grass-type Pokémon and would generally admission one admitting not achievement afraid about achievement attacked. In the Diamond, Pearl and Platinum games, she shows her depression for Ghost-type Pokémon as she warns the amateur about them alfresco the Old Chateau at the Eterna Backwoods and addendum that she is afraid about what would arise if a bifold Grass/Ghost blazon and Bug/Grass-Type Pokémon does exist.
Caroline (リサ, Lisa): A Lass.
Jenna (マナエ, Manae): An Aroma Lady.
Angela (ユキノ, Yukino): An Aroma Lady.
Lindsay (ヨウコ, Yōko): A Beauty.
Veilstone Gym Trainers
Maylene (Sumomo (スモモ)): Veilstone Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Fighting-type Pokémon. Her antecedent is generally apparent at the bank in Veilstone Burghal and he describes his babe as a boxy one. She additionally appears in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver at an bistro claiming in Celadon Burghal and as a actor in the Pokéathlon.
Darren (ジロウ, Jirō): A Atramentous Belt.
Jeffery (シロウ, Shirō): A Atramentous Belt.
Rafael (サブロウ, Saburō): A Atramentous Belt.
Colby (イチロウ, Ichirō): A Atramentous Belt.
Pastoria Gym Trainers
Crasher Wake (Maximum Affectation (マキシマム仮面, Makishimamu Kamen)): Pastoria Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Water-type Pokémon. Wake is dressed up like a masked wrestler. He is broadly accustomed as able wrestler in the Sinnoh arena and is generally mentioned on assorted TV shows. He additionally makes several appearances in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Jacky (クウタ, Kūta): A Tuber.
Walter (コウスケ, Kōsuke): A Fisher.
Damian (ユウゾウ, Yūzō): A Sailor.
Caitlyn (ウキエ, Ukie): A Tuber.
Erick (ヒサオ, Hisao): A Fisher.
Samson (ノブアキ, Nobuaki): A Sailor.
Hearthome Gym Trainers
Fantina (Melissa (メリッサ, Merissa)): Hearthome Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Ghost-type Pokémon. She comes from a adopted acreage and she speaks in a burst anatomy of the emphasis of the bold and her own aboriginal language; in the Japanese and French emphasis amateur this is English, while added emphasis editions acquire her as French. She is additionally a able tango dancer. Fantina can generally be activate accommodating in Adept Rank Super Contests in the Hearthome Claiming Hall. In Diamond and Pearl, although Hearthome Burghal is visited adequately early, Fantina will debris to action until the amateur has becoming four Badges; in Pokémon Platinum, she can be challenged during the player's aboriginal appointment to the city, agreement her as the third Gym Baton in the game. She additionally appears as a attainable adversary in Pokémon Super Contests in Platinum, entering with her Drifblim Loony (Balloon (ばるん, Barun)).
Donny (テルヤ, Teruya): A Youngster.
Molly (ナミエ, Namie): A Lass.
Drew (シンイチ, Shin'ichi): A Camper.
Cheyenne (アサミ, Asami): A Picnicker.
Chance (ガクト, Gakuto): A Schoolkid.
Mackenzie (ユミカ, Yumika): A Schoolkid.
Allen (レイト, Reito): An Ace Trainer.
Catherine (ユウカ, Yūka): An Ace Trainer.
Canalave Gym Trainers
Byron (Tōgan (トウガン)): Canalave Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Steel-type Pokémon. He is the antecedent of Roark, who is additionally a Gym Leader. He and his son are ardent diggers and deposit hunters. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Byron acts as the baton of the Sinnoh Gym Leaders adjoin Aggregation Galactic.
Ricky (タイト, Taito): A Atramentous Belt.
Gary (カネオ, Kaneo): A Worker.
Jackson (テツオミ, Tetsuomi): A Worker.
Cesar (タクミ, Takumi): An Ace Trainer.
Gerardo (キンジ, Kinji): A Worker.
David (ケンスケ, Kensuke): A Atramentous Belt.
Breanna (マユコ, Mayuko): An Ace Trainer.
Snowpoint Gym Trainers
Candice (Suzuna (スズナ)): Snowpoint Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Ice-type Pokémon. Afterwards the Aristocratic Four are conquered, she will admission the amateur admission to the Snowpoint Temple. In the anime, she is a adolescence acquaintance of Dawn's rival, Zoey. In Platinum, Maylene admires her for her studiousness.
Alicia (レイミ, Reimi): An Ace Trainer.
Anton (ヨシオ, Yoshio): An Ace Trainer.
Sergio (ヒョウ, Hyō): An Ace Trainer.
Savannah (トキコ, Tokiko): An Ace Trainer.
Isaiah (ヒデキ, Hideki): An Ace Trainer.
Brenna (ミズホ, Mizuho): An Ace Trainer.
Sunyshore Gym Trainers
Volkner (Denji (デンジ)): The Sunyshore Burghal Gym Baton and an able on Electric-type Pokémon. Volkner is abutting accompany with Flint of the Sinnoh Aristocratic Four. He has become disillusioned afterwards a continued alternation of abject opponents.
Tiera (ユリエ, Yurie): A Schoolkid.
Jerry (ミック, Mick): A Guitarist.
Forrest (トヨフミ, Toyofumi): A Schoolkid.
Meghan (チマリ, Chimari): A Poké Kid.
Lonnie (マイク, Mike): A Guitarist.
Destiny (ナズナ, Nazuna): An Ace Trainer.
Preston (ゲイリー, Gary): A Guitarist.
Zachery (ショウマ, Shōma): An Ace Trainer.
Unova Gym Trainers
Striaton Gym Trainers
Cilan (Dent (デント, Dento)), Chili (Pod (ポッド, Poddo)), and Cress (Corn (コーン, Kōn)): triplets and waiters who allotment duties as the Striaton Burghal Gym Leaders. The amateur challenges the Gym Baton whose Pokémon is able adjoin the player's starter; Cilan has the Grass-type Pansage, Chili has the Fire-type Pansear, and Cress has the Water-type Panpour. Cilan appears as a capital actualization in the anime, abutting Ash on his chance afterwards he is awarded Striaton Gym's Leash Brand for acquisition him and his brothers. While they do not reprise their roles as Gym Leaders in Atramentous 2 and White 2, they do arise in the post-game as NPCs that the amateur can accommodated and afresh participate in a altered action with them on a approved basis.
Maxwell (ミキヤ, Mikiya): A Waiter.
Tia (チハル, Chiharu): A Waitress.
Nacrene Gym Trainers
Lenora (Aloe (アロエ, Aroe)): Nacrene Burghal Gym Baton and archaeologian who uses Normal-Type Pokémon. Lenora has her Gym amid central Nacrene City's museum, of which she is additionally the director. Her adherent husband, Hawes (Kidachi (キダチ), is the abettor director. While she does not reprise her role as a Gym Baton in Atramentous 2 and White 2, she charcoal the administrator of the Nacrene Museum.
Carter (ヨシオ, Yoshio): A Schoolkid.
Satomi (サトミ, Satomi): A Scientist.
Lydia (ノリコ, Noriko): A Schoolkid.
Castelia Gym Trainers
Burgh (Arti (アーティ, Āti)): Castelia Burghal Gym Leader; he is a able painter and a Bug-Type specialist. Burgh's Gym is modeled afterwards a beehive and appearance abounding of his works of art. He is accompany with Lenora. In Atramentous 2 and White 2, Burgh is still the Castelia Gym Leader, but his Gym is now coated in cottony from cocoons. The top attic is absolutely smothered in paint.
Jack (ジャック): A Harlequin.
Kerry (ケリー): A Harlequin. In Atramentous 2 and White 2, he is renamed Gary.
Rick (リック): A Harlequin.
Louis (ヨウスケ, Yōsuke): A Harlequin.
Clarence (キハチ, Kihachi): A Harlequin.
Anders (アキオ, Akio): A Harlequin.
Nimbasa Gym Trainers
Elesa (Kamitsure (カミツレ)): Nimbasa Burghal Gym Baton and a model; Elesa specializes in Electric-Type Pokémon. The Nimbasa Burghal Gym is amid in an action park, and the Pokémon Gym is abounding with roller coasters. Elesa helps to argue Bianca's antecedent to acquiesce his babe to become a Pokémon trainer and additionally tells Clay to lower the drawbridge into Driftveil Burghal for the player. She allotment as the Nimbasa Gym Baton in Atramentous 2 and White 2, but she has confused her Gym into a appearance flat complete with runway.
Magnolia (アヤノ, Ayano): A Lady.
Cody (トモヒコ, Tomohiko): A Affluent Boy.
Rolan (ロラン): A Affluent Boy.
Colette (コレット): A Lady.
Nikola (テスラ, Tesla): A Beauty.
Fleming (フレミー, Frémy): A Beauty.
Ampère (アンペール): A Beauty.
Driftveil Gym Trainers
Clay (Yacon (ヤーコン, Yākon)): Driftveil Burghal Gym Baton and CEO of an alien company, who specializes in Ground-type Pokémon. Clay uses Ground-Type Pokémon in his alveolate mine-like gym. He tests the amateur afore acceptance a Gym Claiming by allurement the amateur admonition arrest the Aggregation Plasma associates in his town. He additionally leads the added Unova Gym Leaders adjoin Aggregation Plasma interests in these amateur and the Pokémon Adventures manga. In Atramentous 2 and White 2, he retains his role as the Driftveil Gym Leader, admitting his Gym's addle now revolves about a bewilderment of platforms blocked by darkness.
Felix (カンキチ, Kankichi): A Worker.
Don (タモツ, Tamotsu): A Worker.
Sterling (ギンジ, Ginji): A Worker.
Isaac (マサシ, Masashi): A Office Worker.
Katie (エツコ, Etsuko): A Office Worker.
Noel (ノブオ, Nobuo): A Worker.
Tavarius (タクオ, Takuo): A Worker.
Niel (ニール): A Worker.
Tibor (ツナシロウ, Tsunashirō): A Worker.
Pasqual (トオル, Tooru): A Worker.
Maynard (ミチアキ, Michiaki): A Worker.
Friedrich (フンボルト, Humboldt): A Worker.
Mistralton Gym Trainers
Skyla (Fūro (フウロ)): Mistralton Burghal Gym Leader; Skyla uses Flying-type Pokémon in her gym on an airstrip. She additionally works as a bartering pilot, aerial burden planes. Afore she lets the amateur claiming her, she visits the Celestial Belfry to admonition a aching Pokémon she saw on her aftermost flight. Her Gym has a addle based on air cannons that shoot the amateur around. In Atramentous 2 and White 2, she charcoal the Mistralton Gym Baton and her gym's addle involves admirers that assault the amateur in specific admonition to move through the Gym. She additionally flies the amateur to Lentimas Town.
Cliff (クリフ): A Worker.
Brady (ムネノリ, Munenori): A Worker.
Ted (ソウイチ, Sōichi): A Pilot.
Chase (ヨシアキ, Yoshiaki): A Pilot.
Arnold (テツハル, Tetsuharu): A Worker.
Flynn (カケル, Kakeru): A Pilot.
Winslow (カナード, Canard): A Pilot.
Elron (エルロン, Aileron): A Pilot.
Ewing (ツバサ, Tsubasa): A Pilot.
Icirrus Gym Trainers
Brycen (Hachiku (ハチク)): Icirrus City's Gym Leader; Brycen is an Ice-Type specialist and aloft cine star. Afterwards comestible an abrasion on set, Brycen approved out Alder who adapted that he become a Pokémon trainer. He stresses the emphasis of concealing his actualization from others and wears a mask. Brycen accomplish bottomward from his role as Gym Baton two years later, and in Atramentous 2 and White 2 allotment to his old career in films, acceptance the amateur to appointment him in the PokéStar Studios minigame. He is accustomed for arena the role of a villain accustomed as "Brycen-Man."
Grant (タイキ, Taiki): A Atramentous Belt.
Miriam (サツキ, Satsuki): A Action Girl.
Kendrew (ケンスケ, Kensuke): A Atramentous Belt.
Mikiko (ミキコ): A Action Girl.
Chandra (ヒカル, Hikaru): A Action Girl.
Thomas (タダシ, Tadashi): A Atramentous Belt.
Opelucid Gym Trainers
Drayden (Shaga (シャガ)) and Iris (アイリス, Airisu): The two Gym Leaders of Opelucid Burghal and Dragon-Type specialists. The Gym appearance a addle based on altered switches and the movement of statues aural the building. While both characters are present in ceremony adaptation of the games, Drayden is battled in Atramentous while Iris is battled in White; the actualization who is not the Gym Baton will be the Move Tutor for Draco Meteor instead. In Atramentous 2 and White 2, Drayden becomes the sole Opelucid Burghal Gym Baton while Iris has become the bounded best in the two years afterward the antecedent games. Iris appears as a capital actualization in the anime. In the episode: "Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future!", it is arise that Iris went to Drayden's academy in Opelucid Burghal as a child. Achievement from a small, common village, Iris had a actual difficult time applicable in. At the end of the episode, Iris learns that Drayden went to allocution to her apple ancient while she was still enrolled and the two absitively she would accede the Gym from Drayden.
Webster (ユウジ, Yūji): An Ace Trainer.
Olwen (マドカ, Madoka): An Ace Trainer.
Jose (エイジ, Eiji): An Ace Trainer.
Clara (クレア, Claire): An Ace Trainer.
Hugo (ユウゴ, Yūgo): A Veteran.
Tom (ケント, Kent): An Ace Trainer.
Dara (ユウカ, Yūka): An Ace Trainer.
Kim (キム): A Veteran.
Lucius (リュウセイ, Ryūsei): A Veteran.
Jerry (タツロウ, Tatsurō): A Veteran.
Rhona (タツミ, Tatsumi): A Veteran.
Ron (ロン, Long): A Veteran.
Denae (ドレイク, Drake): A Veteran.
Aspertia Gym Trainers
Cheren, one of the amateur character's two rivals in Atramentous and White, is the Aspertia Burghal Gym Baton in Atramentous 2 and White 2, now specializing in Normal-types. During this time, he is Unova's newest Gym Leader, with his aboriginal Gym Action achievement adjoin the player.
Pedro (シンヤ, Shinya): A Youngster.
Serena (マリコ, Mariko): A Lass.
Virbank Gym Trainers
Roxie[7] (Homika (ホミカ)): Roxie is the Gym Baton of Virbank Burghal and specializes in Poison-Type Pokémon. Her gym is a music club and she is generally apparent with her signature bass guitar that looks like a Scolipede.[8] Roxie debuts in the anime in the first-season afterpiece of the Japanese Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes! broadcast; Ash challenges her for his eighth Unova Alliance Gym Badge, as Opelucid Burghal was not accessible.
Nicky (クック, Cook): A Roughneck.
Billy Jo (ルー, Lou): A Guitarist.
Humilau Gym Trainers
Marlon (Shizui (シズイ)): Marlon is the Gym Baton of Humilau Burghal and is a specialist in Water-Type Pokémon. Central his gym is a gigantic pond abounding with lilypads that the amateur allegation cross about on. In the Japanese edition, he speaks with a Kyushu accent, advertence he's possibly from Hoenn. He is addicted of giving admonition to new trainers, and does things at his own pace, which sometimes makes him arise dim-witted.[9]
Doyle (ウシオ, Ushio): An Ace Trainer.
Melina (ミナモ, Minamo): An Ace Trainer.
Santino (シブキ, Shibuki): An Ace Trainer.
Sable (ナギサ, Nagisa): An Ace Trainer.
Enzio (エンツォ, Enzo): An Ace Trainer.
Jeanne (ジャンヌ): An Ace Trainer.
Kalos Gym Trainers
Santalune Gym Trainers
Viola (ビオラ, Biora): Viola is the Santalune Burghal (Hakudan Burghal (ハクダンシティ, Hakudan Shiti)) Gym Leader, with the architecture her Gym is housed in abounding with a spider web. She specializes in Bug Types and is additionally an able photographer.
David (マサオ, Masao): A Youngster.
Zachary (ドニ, Doni): A Youngster.
Charlott (ミク, Miku): A Lass.
Cyllage Gym Trainers
Grant (Zakuro (ザクロ)): Admission is a Bedrock Blazon Gym Baton of Cyllage Burghal who enjoys abundance biking, bedrock climbing, and all kinds of sports. His gym is an astronomic bedrock aggressive belfry at the top of which he resides.
Didier (ニコロ, Niccolò): A Rising Star.
Craig (タケモト, Takemoto): A Hiker.
Manon (マノン): A Rising Star.
Bernard (ノボル, Noboru): A Hiker.
Shalour Gym Trainers
Korrina (Corni (コルニ, Koruni)): Korrina is the Angry Blazon Gym Baton of the bank Shalour Burghal (Shara Burghal (シャラシティ, Shara Shiti)) who rides about on roller skates. She is abreast about the secrets about Mega Evolution, and her gym is styled afterwards a roller rink.
Shun (シュンスケ, Shunsuke): A Roller Skater.
Dash (カケル, Kakeru): A Roller Skater.
Kate (アユミ, Ayumi): A Roller Skater.
Rolanda (チハヤ, Chihaya): A Roller Skater.
Courmaline Gym Trainers
Ramos (Fukuji (フクジ)): Ramos is the Grass Blazon Gym Baton of Courmaline City. He is an ardent agriculturalist and his gym is abounding with accessories and puzzles based on plants. He additionally uses stereotypes of seniors, calling the amateur "sprout" as a pun on both the bulb and the chat acclimated for "young person".
Chaise (リシャール, Richard): A Pokémon Ranger.
Maurice (モリト, Morito): A Pokémon Ranger.
Brooke (シズカ, Shizuka): A Pokémon Ranger.
Twiggy (カオリ, Kaori): A Pokémon Ranger.
Lumiose Gym Trainers
Clemont (Citron (シトロン, Shitoron)): Clemont is an Electric-type Gym Baton of Lumiose Burghal who is absorbed in science and enjoys inventing things as abundant as spending time with his Pokémon. The amateur can additionally accommodated his adolescent sister Bonnie (Eureka (ユリーカ, Yurīka)). His gym is in the Lumiose Tower, attainable alone through a alternation of quizzes and elevators. In the anime, both characters become Ash's travelling assembly during his campaign in Kalos, but Clemont initially hides his cachet as a Gym Leader, and Bonnie takes over Brock's abominable active gag, alone she asks girls to accessory her brother, and is removed by him out of embarrassment, instead of the added way around.
Arno (アルノー): A Schoolkid.
Sherlock (ヒロム, Hiromu): A Schoolkid.
Finian (コウタ, Kōta): A Schoolkid.
Helene (ミキコ, Mikiko): A Rising Star.
Nelly (ノリコ, Noriko): A Rising Star.
Estel (マル, Maru): A Rising Star.
Mathis (トキヤ, Tokiya): An Ace Trainer.
Maxim (ジェスタン, Justin): An Ace Trainer.
Rico (ユウタ, Yūta): An Ace Trainer.
Abigail (テイコ, Teiko): A Poké Fan.
Tara (ルネ, Rune): A Poké Fan.
Lydie (ナツミ, Natsumi): A Poké Fan.
Laverre Gym Trainers
Valerie (Mache (マーシュ, Māshu)): Valerie is the Gym Baton of Laverre Burghal who specializes in Fairy Blazon Pokémon. Her gym resembles a labyrinthine dollhouse that the amateur allegation cross to acquisition her. Originally acclamation from the Johto region, she is a appearance artist who consistently capital to be a Pokémon.
Kali (キリカ, Kirika): A Furisode Girl.
Linnea (アサミ, Asami): A Furisode Girl.
Blossom (シオネ, Shione): A Furisode Girl.
Katherine (カレン, Karen): A Furisode Girl.
Anistar Gym Trainers
Olympia (Gojika (ゴジカ)): Olympia is the Psychic-type Gym Baton of Anistar City. Her Gym about appears as if it is on accession planet, and is hinted to be the aftereffect of her warping absoluteness central the gym with her analytic powers.
Paschal (リオネル, Lionel): A Psychic.
Harry (コウヤ, Kōya): A Psychic.
Arthur (マサフミ, Masafumi): A Psychic.
Arachna (キリコ, Kiriko): A Hex Maniac.
Melanie (コレット, Colette): A Hex Maniac.
Snowbelle Gym Trainers
Wulfric (Urup (ウルップ, Uruppu)): Wulfric is the Ice-type Gym Baton of Snowbelle City. The amateur aboriginal meets him at the Pokémon Village, afore arduous him at his Gym.
Imelda (マリア, Maria): An Ace Trainer.
Viktor (クレマン, Clément): An Ace Trainer.
Shannon (ミレイ, Mirei): An Ace Trainer.
Theo (ヒョウガ, Hyōga): An Ace Trainer.
Alola Balloon Captains and Island Kahunas
Melemele Balloon Captains and Island Kahunas
Ilima (イリマ): Ilima is the Balloon Captain of Melemele Island and Normal blazon specialist. His Balloon takes abode in Verdant Cavern, tasking the amateur with angry Rattata or Yungoos, depending on the version, afore angry the Totem Raticate or Gumshoos.
Hala (ハラ): Hala is the Kahuna of Melemele Island and Hau's grandfather. He fights with Fighting-type Pokémon.
Akala Balloon Captains and Island Kahunas
Lana (Suiren (スイレン)): Lana is one of the three Balloon Captains of Akala Island. She uses Water-type Pokémon and has the amateur investigate splashes in the baptize at Brooklet Hill, afore aggressive Totem Wishiwashi. In the Ultra versions, she has the amateur assemblage Wishiwashi to allure and action Totem Araquanid.
Kiawe (Kaki (カキ)): Kiawe is one of the three Balloon Captains of Akala Island. His Balloon takes abode at Wela Abundance Park, breadth the amateur watches the dances of Alolan Marowak, afore angry Totem Salazzle (Sun and Moon)/Marowak (Ultra versions). He uses Fire-type Pokémon.
Mallow (Mao (マオ)): Mallow is one of the three Balloon Captains of Akala Island. She tasks the amateur to accumulate capacity in Lush Jungle to allurement Totem Lurantis. She uses Grass-type Pokémon.
Olivia (Lychee (ライチ) (Raichi)): Olivia is the Kahuna of Akala Island. She specializes in Rock-type Pokémon.
Ula'ula Balloon Captains and Island Kahunas
Sophocles (Mamane (マーマネ)): Sophocles is one of two Balloon Captains of Ula'ula Island. He uses a accessory to allure Totem Vikavolt/Togedemaru to the Hokulani Observatory, but causes a adeptness outage/power surge. The player's Balloon involves an audio quiz to attainable the aegis aperture or a Charjabug Roller mini-game to adeptness his Totem-calling device. He uses Electric-type Pokémon.
Acerola (アセロラ): Acerola is the Apparition blazon Balloon Captain of Ula'ula Island. She tasks the amateur to clue bottomward Ghost-type Pokémon at an alone supermarket, culminating in a action with Totem Mimikyu.
Nanu (Kuchinashi (クチナシ)): Nanu is the Kahuna of Ula'ula Island, specializing in Dark-type Pokémon. He is a badge officer, active on Route 17, alfresco Aggregation Skull's abject at Po Town.
Poni Balloon Captains and Island Kahunas
Mina (Matsurika (マツリカ)): Mina is the Fairy blazon Balloon Captain of Poni Island. Her Ultra-exclusive balloon involves accession assorted atramentous petals to accomplish a adapted annual to draw out Totem Ribombee.
Hapu (ハプウ (Hāpu'u)): Hapu is the Kahuna of Poni Island. The amateur aboriginal meets her on Akala Island with her Mudsdale. She uses Ground-type Pokémon.
Galar Gym Trainers
Turffield Gym Trainers
Milo (Yarrow(ヤロー)): a agriculturalist and Gym Baton of Turffield who specializes in Grass-type Pokémon. His capital Pokémon is a Dynamax Eldegoss. If rematched in the Best Cup afterwards commutual the game, he switches to a Gigantamax Flapple (in Sword) or Appletun (in Shield).
Samuel (Souta(ソウタ)):
Mark (Seiya(セイヤ)):
Leah (Midori(ミドリ)):
Hulbury Gym Trainers
Nessa (Rurina(ルリナ)): A adolescent archetypal and Gym Baton of Hulbury who specializes in Water-type Pokémon. Her capital Pokémon is a Drednaw, which she Dynamaxes in the Gym Claiming and Gigantamaxes in the Best Cup.
Julia (Namie(ナミエ)):
Heather (Sawako(サワコ)):
Lynn (Youko(ヨウコ)):
Motostoke Gym Trainers
Kabu (カブ): Gym Baton of Motostoke who specializes in Fire-type Pokémon. His capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Centiskorch. He is from the Hoenn region.
Darren (Nobuhiro(ノブヒロ)):
Chaka (Louie(ルイ)):
Elle (エル):
Stow-on-Side Gym Trainers
Bea (Saitō(サイトウ)): Gym Baton of Stow-on-Side absolute to Sword who specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon. Her capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Machamp.
Allister (Onion(オニオン)): A average and Gym Baton of Stow-on-Side absolute to Shield who specializes in Ghost-type Pokémon. His capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Gengar.
Ian (Tsuyoshi(ツヨシ)):
Claire (Aiko(アイコ)):
Simon (Toshiya(トシヤ)):
Clive (Kai(ユウコ)):
Roy (Reiji(レイジ)):
Lynne (Yūko(ユウコ)):
Ballonlea Gym Trainers
Opal (Poplar(ポプラ)): Gym Baton of Ballonlea who specializes in Fairy-type Pokémon. Her capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Alcremie.
Bede (Beet(ビート)): One of the player's rivals, who is strongarmed into afterwards Opal as the Fairy-type Gym Leader. His capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Hatterene.
Annette (Koto(コト)):
Teresa (Chiyo(チヨ)):
Theodora (Tachi(タチ)):
Circhester Gym Trainers
Gordie (Makuwa(マクワ)): Gym Baton of Circhester absolute to Sword who specializes in Rock-type Pokémon. His capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Coalossal. He is Melony's son.
Melony (Melon(メロン)): Gym Baton of Circhester absolute to Shield who specializes in Ice-type Pokémon. Her capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Lapras. She is Gordie's mother.
Abigail (Yoshiko(ヨシコ)):
Kiera (Chidzuru(チヅル)):
Oliver (Shou(ショウ)):
Wendy (Koyomi(コヨミ)):
Lewis (Youma(トウマ)):
Liana (Koume(コウメ)):
Alexander (Osamu(オサム)):
Micah (Makio(マキオ)):
Spikemuth Gym Trainers
Piers (Nezu(ネズ)): An ambitious bedrock brilliant and the Gym Baton of Spikemuth who specializes in Dark-type Pokémon, and the baton of Aggregation Yell. Clashing added Gym Leaders, he refuses to Dynamax his Pokémon. His capital Pokémon is an Obstagoon.
Marnie (Mary(マリィ)): One of the player's rivals, who succeeds Piers as the Dark-type Gym Leader. Her capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Grimmsnarl.
Joshua (Yōhei(ヨウヘイ)):
Team Yell Grunts (Team Yell Underling(エールだんのしたっぱ)):
Hammerlocke Gym Trainers
Raihan (Kibana(キバナ)): Gym Baton of Hammerlocke who specializes in Dragon-type Pokémon and acclimate manipulation. His capital Pokémon is a Gigantamax Duraludon.
Sebastian (Ryōta(リョウタ)):
Camilla (Rena(レナ)):
Aria (Hitomi(ヒトミ)):
Elite Four
"Elite Four" redirects here. For the video game, see Aristocratic 4.
The Aristocratic Four (四天王, Shitennō, lit. "Four Heavenly Kings") is an adjustment of four awfully able Pokémon trainers. Like the Gym Leaders, they additionally specialize on a blazon of Pokémon but are far stronger. The amateur allegation aboriginal defeat them all so that they may accretion the adapted to claiming the 'Pokémon Champion'. The amateur allegation access all eight badges from ceremony corresponding region's gym leaders in adjustment to face the Aristocratic Four. The Galar arena does not acquire an aristocratic four.

Kanto Aristocratic Four
The Kanto Aristocratic Four act as the Aristocratic Four in the aboriginal alternation of Pokémon amateur consisting of Pokémon Red, Blue, Blooming and Chicken versions as able-bodied as in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen versions which act as remakes of the aboriginal games. Aural the timeline of the bold alternation they are eventually additionally accustomed the cachet as the 'Johto Aristocratic Four', as Johto shares its Pokémon alliance with Kanto. Specifically, this Aristocratic Four is amid on the Indigo Plateau, aggregate by both Kanto and Johto.

Lorelei (Kanna (カンナ)): Lorelei is a specialist of Ice-type Pokémon. She is originally from the Sevii Islands and she collects Pokémon Dolls. She appears in the Orange Islands alternation of the anime, breadth she is accustomed as Prima in the English version. In Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, she rescues the amateur from Aggregation Rocket and takes on three of the Grunts at once, abrogation the amateur to action the fourth. She is a villain in Pokémon Adventures, who attempts to booty over the apple with the added Aristocratic Four. She afterwards allies with Red and Dejected to save her home.
Bruno (Shiba (シバ)): Bruno is an able on Angry types and a acquaintance and training accomplice of Brawly. He consistently trains his own anatomy alternating with his Pokémon and he wishes to action the best trainers in the world, which is why he is allotment of the group. He consistently trains on the Sevii Islands and utilizes the spa for his Pokémon. He appears in the aboriginal chance of the anime as a adversary on television and he afterwards meets Ash aback he seeks out Bruno to apprentice of his "secret" to become a abundant trainer. Bruno is an afraid villain in Pokémon Adventures, breadth he is affected by Agatha to action for her. He afterwards forms the Johto Aristocratic Four with Will, Karen and Koga. Bruno attaches his Poké Balls to the ends of a set of nunchaku and unleashes his Pokémon at aerial speeds to accord him an advantage.
Agatha (Kikuko (キクコ)): An aged woman who specializes in Ghost-type Pokémon. In the anime, she appears in the chance "The Arrangement Team" breadth she is acting Gym Baton for the Viridian Burghal Gym, acquisition Ash in a battle. She is one of the capital antagonists of the Chicken affiliate of Pokémon Adventures, alternating with Lance. She attempts to abort best of altruism from their abject on Cerise Island. She controls Bruno adjoin his will by utilizing the mind-controlling admiral of her apparition Pokémon and she is a aloft aggressive of Abettor Oak, admitting their accord eventually grew actual absinthian aback he absitively to accompany his own analysis career rather than stick with their group, which according to Oak, was alone absorbed in award new agency to ascendancy Pokémon, which the abettor activate unethical.
Lance (Wataru (ワタル)): Lance, accustomed as one of the best Pokémon trainers in the world, specializes in dragon Pokémon. He is Clair's cousin, accepting ahead accomplished with her in Blackthorn City. He helps the advocate in the second-generation amateur in the action adjoin Aggregation Rocket. He appears in the anime, breadth he helps Ash's accumulation defeat Aggregation Rocket, communicable a red Gyarados that is allotment of their abstracts and afterwards helps to stop the action amid Groudon and Kyogre. He is the capital adversary of the Chicken affiliate of Pokémon Adventures who wishes to abort altruism due to all of the abuse and their affliction of Pokémon. He afterwards becomes an accessory of Silver, who he sends on assorted missions. He is answer to a Pokémon Alliance best of the Indigo Plateau in the aftereffect games. He is defeated by the Galar best in Pokémon Sword and Shield.

TCG Island Admirable Masters
Courtney (Hiroko (ヒロコ):
Steve (スティーブ):
Jack (Kanekoji (カネコウジ):
Rod (Ryudo (リュウドー):
Johto Aristocratic Four
The Johto Aristocratic Four act as the Aristocratic Four in the aboriginal alternation of Pokémon amateur consisting of Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal versions as able-bodied as in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver versions which act as remakes of the aboriginal games. Aural the timeline of the amateur series, they become the breed of the Kanto Aristocratic Four. Alone Bruno from the antecedent amateur returns, while the others are replaced by new ones.

Will (Itsuki (イツキ)): A Analytic blazon specialist, who wears academic clothes and a mask. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, he was kidnapped by the Affectation of Ice as a adolescent and aloft to be his servant. He is initially one of the leaders of Neo Aggregation Rocket, but he eventually goes on to anatomy the new Aristocratic Four with Karen, Koga and Bruno. He takes over Lorelei's place.
Koga, Fuchsia Burghal Gym Baton in the Kanto-based versions of the games, is answer to the Aristocratic Four in Johto-based versions.
Bruno, affiliate of the Aristocratic Four in the Kanto-based games, retains his associates in the Aristocratic Four in the Johto-based editions.
Karen (Karin (カリン)): A Aphotic blazon specialist; she brand Aphotic types because she finds their agrarian and boxy attributes appealing. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, she was kidnapped as a adolescent and aloft by Affectation of Ice to be his servant. Like Will, she is initially a baton of Neo Aggregation Rocket until she joins the others to anatomy the new Aristocratic Four. She takes over Agatha's place.
GR Island Bodyguards
Kanzaki (カンザキ):
Rui (ルイ):
Hoenn Aristocratic Four
The Hoenn Aristocratic Four act as the Aristocratic Four in the aboriginal alternation of Pokémon amateur consisting of Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Sidney (Kagetsu (カゲツ)): A Aphotic blazon specialist, who believes that the dark-side is admirable and that "might is right." He is consistently upbeat and congratulates those who defeat him.
Phoebe (Fuyō (フヨウ)): A Apparition blazon specialist, whose grandparents are amenable for attention the Blue, Red and Blooming Orbs at Mt. Pyre. She takes ascendancy of Regice, calm with Glacia, in the Pokémon Adventures manga.
Glacia (Prim (プリム, Purimu)): An Ice blazon specialist, who came to Hoenn while attractive for a warmer altitude that, as she claims, admonition her Pokémon abound strong.
Drake (Genji (ゲンジ)): A Dragon blazon specialist. He battles Ash in the anime and he wins overwhelmingly due to Ash's overconfidence.
Sinnoh Aristocratic Four
Aaron (Ryō (リョウ)): Aaron uses Bug Pokémon, calling them admirable and perfect. He appears in the anime advancing for a championship action adjoin Cynthia. Aback he meets Ash, who tells him about his acquaintance with Cynthia, Aaron tells Ash about how he alone his Wurmple during his youth. He does his best to alternation and accept Bug types out of affliction for his mistake. He is afterwards apparent to acquire absent his match.
Bertha (Kikuno (キクノ)): An aged Ground blazon specialist. She appears in the anime alternating with Cynthia.
Flint (Ōba (オーバ)): Flint is a Fire blazon specialist, who meets the advocate in Sunyshore City. He is a acquaintance of Volkner and he has a adolescent brother alleged Buck. Flint's additionally apparent on TV aggressive Cynthia in the final chance of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
Lucian (Goyō (ゴヨウ)): Lucian is a Analytic blazon trainer, who is an ardent reader. He battles with Dawn in the anime and he is apparent on television aggressive Cynthia.
Unova Aristocratic Four
Shauntal (Shikimi (シキミ)): Shauntal is a Ghost-type Pokémon Trainer. Her action is autograph books. She can additionally be apparent at Cynthia's anniversary home in Undella Boondocks on occasion. According to one of her stories, she already battled Volkner.
Grimsley (Gīma (ギーマ)): Grimsley is a Dark-type Pokémon Trainer. The son of a acclaimed ancestors that fell into ruin, he has aback become an able gambler.
Caitlin (Cattleya (カトレア, Katorea)): Caitlin is a Psychic-type Pokémon Trainer; she is declared as accepting analytic admiral which she had agitation authoritative in the accomplished due to her atomic temper. She campaign to the arena of Unova to apprentice how to ascendancy them and become a bigger trainer. She ahead appeared in the Bearing IV games' Action Borderland and was in allegation of active the Action Alcazar but was clumsy to battle, with her aide demography that albatross in her place.
Marshal (Renbu (レンブ)): Marshal is a Fighting-type Pokémon Trainer. He is one of Alder's apprentices.
Kalos Aristocratic Four
Malva (Pachira (パキラ, Pakira)): Malva is a Fire-type Pokémon Trainer. A audacious annual anchorman and a self-proclaimed brilliant of the Holo Caster, she is additionally a aloft affiliate of Aggregation Flare and expresses acrimony arise the amateur for the team's defeat. Looker afterwards blackmails her into allowance the amateur stop Xerosic's plans.
Siebold (Zumi (ズミ)): Siebold is a Water-type Pokémon Trainer. He is a chef, whose barter conspicuously accommodate Valerie and Admission and compares the art of affable to the art of Pokémon battles.
Wikstrom (Gampi (ガンピ, Ganpi)): Wikstrom is a Steel-type Pokémon Trainer. He wears a clothing of armor and is acquisitive to action challengers.
Drasna (Dracaena (ドラセナ, Dorasena)): Drasna is a Dragon-type Pokémon Trainer, aggressive to alternation Dragon types afterwards her grandparents from Sinnoh told her about the region's belief surrounding Dialga and Palkia. She is aloof blessed to action and enjoys it aback trainers and their Pokémon like ceremony other.
Alola Aristocratic Four
Hala (ハラ): A Angry blazon specialist, the Kahuna of Melemele Island and the grandfathering of Hau.
Olivia (Lychee (ライチ) (Raichi)): A Bedrock blazon specialist and the Kahuna of Akala Island.
Acerola (アセロラ): A Apparition blazon specialist and a Balloon Captain on Ula'ula Island.
Kahili (カヒリ): A Aerial blazon specialist and able golfer.
Molayne (Mullein (マーレイン)): A Steel blazon specialist and the developer of the PC Storage Arrangement of Alola. Replaces Hala in the Ultra versions of the games.
At the alpha of every bold series, ceremony arena has their own corresponding bounded Alliance Champion. They are meant to be the arch trainer aural their own arena and are far aloft to the Aristocratic Four or any Gym Leader. Their position of 'Pokémon Champion' is consistently attainable to claiming to any Pokémon trainer who assets eight badges and defeats the Aristocratic Four, and already they defeat the Best in a Pokémon battle, they automatically acquire the appellation for themselves. Whenever the appellation of Best is anesthetized on, it is accustomed by an commencement into the Hall of Fame.

Blue, the player's rival, serves as the Kanto Alliance Best in Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen. As a aftereffect of the player's achievement in the antecedent games, in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver, he takes over the responsibilities as Viridian Burghal Gym Leader. In all the aloft amateur except Yellow, his signature Pokémon is the amateur that has the blazon advantage over the player's alleged amateur Pokémon. In Yellow, Blue's signature Pokémon is Eevee, which evolves into one of its aboriginal three evolutions depending on how the amateur fares in the aboriginal two battles adjoin Blue.
Ronald, the player's rival, serves as the TCG Alliance Best in Pokémon Trading Agenda Game.
Drake (Yūji (ユウジ)): Drake is the Orange Alliance Champion. (He is altered to the Drake that resides in Hoenn.) Because he had been best until Ash defeats him, Drake has been the abiding best of the Orange Islands; with Ash's victory, photos and adhesive prints of him and his aggregation are included amid photos and adhesive prints of antecedent champions above-mentioned Drake. Although he is alleged a Supreme Gym Baton in English, he is absolutely added agnate to the champion.
Lance, affiliate of the Kanto Aristocratic Four, serves as the Johto Alliance Best in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver. His signature Pokémon is Dragonite.
Red, the amateur actualization from Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen, is aural the storyline of Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver, still advised the best of the Kanto Region, but Lance takes his position at the Pokémon League. Red appears as a final bang-up in the bold in Mt. Silver, alone attainable afterwards acquisition all eight Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region. Red additionally appears in Atramentous 2 and White 2's Pokémon Apple Tournament in the Champions Tournament alongside Blue, Lance, Steven, Wallace, Cynthia and Alder, as able-bodied as Sun and Moon as one of the Action Legends alongside Blue. His signature Pokémon is Pikachu, which is additionally the accomplished collapsed Pokémon below the ascendancy of an NPC.
King Biruritchi (キング・ビルリッチ), The baton of Aggregation Abundant Rocket, serves as the GR Alliance Best in Pokémon Agenda GB2: Actuality Comes Abundant Aggregation Rocket!.
Steven Stone (Daigo Tsuwabuki (ツワブキ・ダイゴ)) is the Best of the Hoenn Alliance in Ruby, Sapphire, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. He is the son of the admiral of Devon Corporation, and aids the amateur in their battles adjoin Teams Magma and Aqua. In Emerald, he has retired from aggressive battling, but can be challenged at Meteor Falls as the game's ultimate superboss. His signature Pokémon is his Metagross.
Wallace, Sootopolis Burghal Gym Baton in Ruby and Sapphire, is the Best of the Hoenn Alliance in Emerald, replacing Steven who was alone captivation Wallace's abode as Wallace acquainted he should acquire been afterpiece to the Cavern of Origin, as he is its guardian. In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, he has an bearding earlier sister and a niece, Lisia. His signature Pokémon is his Milotic.
Cynthia (Shirona (シロナ)): Cynthia is the Sinnoh Alliance Champion, who uses mostly changeable Pokémon. She is actual absorbed in belief and history and spends her time researching and exploring assorted sites associated with Allegorical Pokémon of the Sinnoh region. In the game, she helps the advocate action adjoin Aggregation Galactic and she additionally assists them already Giratina appears and takes Cyrus into the Distortion World. While she does not acquire a accurate associated Pokémon blazon preference, her signature Pokémon is Garchomp. In the anime, Ash aboriginal meets with Cynthia afterwards she defeats Paul in a battle; she afterwards helps the accumulation action adjoin Aggregation Galactic. In Atramentous and White and their sequels, Cynthia campaign to Undella Boondocks for vacation in the bounce and summer, breadth the amateur can action her.
Alder (Adeku (アデク)): Alder is the aloft Best of the Unova League, who helps the amateur action Aggregation Plasma throughout Unova. N auspiciously challenges him to action and wins, banishment the amateur to action N. The amateur can afterwards claiming Alder afterwards finishing the capital chance of the game. While he does not specialize in a accurate Pokémon type, bisected of his Pokémon are Bug types and his signature Pokémon is Volcarona. He afterwards reveals he had accession Volcarona that died afore the amateur begin. He retires from his position by the time Atramentous 2 and White 2 booty place, but can be battled in his home in Floccesy Boondocks afterwards the amateur has completed the capital story.
N becomes Best afterwards acquisition Alder in Atramentous and White, banishment the amateur actualization to action him. He is the alone aggressive not from Kanto to become Champion.
Iris, the Opelucid Burghal Gym Baton in White, serves as the Best of the Unova Alliance in Atramentous 2 and White 2, replacing Alder afterwards acquisition him. While she keeps her Dragon blazon specialization, including her signature Pokémon Haxorus, she does acquire some non-Dragon-type Pokémon in her team.
Diantha (Carnet (カルネ, Karune)): Diantha is the Kalos Alliance Champion, but she does not acknowledge this to the amateur aback they aboriginal accommodated in Lumiose City. She is accustomed in the Kalos Arena as a accustomed celebrity, actualization in films and advertisements, but it is not until the end of the bold does the amateur ascertain her abode in the Pokémon League. She does not specialize in a accurate Pokémon type, but her signature Pokémon is her Mega Gardevoir.
Elio/Selene, the amateur actualization of Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, Pokémon Ultra Sun, and Pokémon Ultra Moon, is inducted as the countdown Best of the Alola Alliance at the end of the game. In the post-game, they can avert their appellation adjoin assorted NPCs from throughout the game.
Trace, the player's rival, serves as the Kanto Alliance Best in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!. In Pikachu, his signature Pokémon is Jolteon; in Eevee, his signature Pokémon is Raichu.
Leon: Leon is the Best of the Galar Alliance in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. He has a adolescent brother, Hop, who serves as the capital character's rival. His capital Pokémon is Charizard which can Gigantamax in the Championship match.
Frontier Brains
The Borderland Brains (フロンティアブレーン, Furontia Burēn) are a accumulation of able Pokémon trainers from the Action Borderland that appears in Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Platinum and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Ceremony Brain resides at a Borderland ability and has his or her own title. Afterwards acquisition a Borderland Brain, the trainer will acquire a Silver Attribute (1st time) or Gold Attribute (2nd time). In Platinum, the trainer will acquire a Silver Medal (1st time) or Atramentous Medal (2nd time).

In the anime, Ash Ketchum campaign the acreage of Kanto afterwards his chance in Hoenn, acquisition the Borderland Brains. Instead of achievement on the Action Borderland island, the accessories are in cities in Kanto.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, a abstruse boy alleged Emerald, who has a affiliation with Latias and Latios, comes to the Action Borderland island to defeat the Borderland Brains. Todd, a actualization from the anime and the Pokémon Snap games, watches Emerald go through the frontier. Similarly, Platinum Berlitz challenges the Borderland Brains of Sinnoh alongside Looker in adjustment to apprentice added about the Distortion Apple in a afterwards affiliate of the manga.

Factory Arch Noland (Factory Arch Datsura (ファクトリーヘッド ダツラ, Fakutorī Heddo Datsura)) resides in the Action Branch in Hoenn. As the Branch Head, he is able to actualization the Action Swap abstracts of any trainer and advocates accepting acquaintance rather than relying alone on acquired knowledge. Noland battles with a about called aggregation ceremony time he is challenged, which can accommodate any Pokémon except those that are not acceptable in the Action Frontier. He calmly out the Adeptness Symbol. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, he is the aboriginal to action with Emerald and is in allegation of the adopting and caring for all the rental Pokémon.
Arena Tycoon Greta (Arena Captain Kogomi (アリーナキャプテン コゴミ, Arīna Kyaputen Kogomi)) resides in the Action Arena. A edgeless babe who brand to face able trainers; she calmly out the Guts Attribute to those who defeat her.
Dome Ace Tucker (Dome Superstar Heath (ドームスーパースター ヒース, Dōmu Sūpāsutā Hīsu)) resides in the Action Dome. Tucker prefaces battles with egotistic comments, and enjoys the complete of a army chanting his name. He uses Pokémon that are one of a kind, for example, the final evolutions of amateur Pokémon. He turns over the Tactics Symbol.
Pike Queen Lucy (Tube Queen Azami (チューブクイーン アザミ, Chūbu Kuīn Azami)) resides in the Action Pike. Lucy prefers to use serpent-like Pokémon. She is actual tall, quiet and pale, with knee breadth atramentous beard and aciculate attractive eyes. Never adage much, defeated or otherwise, she does accompaniment that it took a abundant accord of assignment to get to her akin of skill. Instead of a alternation of battles like the added facilities, Lucy's Pike consists of apartment that about acquire either a bifold battle, a agrarian Pokémon, a healing station, a trainer battle, or a accidental conversation. She calmly over the Luck Symbol. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, she is the additional to action with Emerald.
Palace Maven Spenser (Palace Guardian Ukon (パレスガーディアン ウコン, Paresu Gādian Ukon)) resides in the Action Palace. In Pokémon Adventures, he already affected the Dejected Orb, which controls Kyogre, so he can acquaint who additionally has affected it. Aback aggressive him, Emerald is not accustomed to affair commands to his Pokémon, who allegation action based on their instincts and faculty of strategy; challenges adjoin Spenser crave the trainer to acquire acceptance in the Pokémon he has chosen. He calmly out the Spirit Symbol.
Pyramid Baron Brandon (Pyramid Baron Jindai (ピラミッドキング ジンダイ, Piramiddo Kingu Jindai)) resides in the Action Pyramid. A man who appreciates the admirable activity of an explorer, he uses trios of Allegorical Pokémon. In Pokémon Adventures, he animadversion that he favours one-hit knockout moves and had captured Regirock, Regice, and Registeel afterwards the leash abolished afterward the action in Hoenn to stop Groudon and Kyogre. In the anime, Ash conspicuously faces Brandon several times afore assuredly acquisition him as the final Borderland Brain. Brandon calmly out the Bravery Symbol.
Salon Maiden Anabel (Tower Tycoon Lila (タワータイクーン リラ, Tawā Taikūn Rira)) resides in the Action Tower. She uses a arrangement of Pokémon. In the manga, she is the baton of the Borderland Brains, and her Action Belfry is advised "special". In the anime, Ash challenges her afore Pyramid Baron Brandon. Afterwards Ash and Anabel's battle, it is hinted that Anabel had collapsed in adulation with Ash. She gives the Adeptness Symbol. She appears in Pokémon Sun and Moon, alive alongside Looker in investigating the Ultra Beasts, although with about no anamnesis of her time in the Action Frontier.
Tower Tycoon Palmer (Tower Tycoon Kurotsugu (タワータイクーン クロツグ, Tawā Taikūn Kurotsugu)) resides in the Action Belfry in Sinnoh and later, in Johto. He was aboriginal alien in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl as the baton of the Action Tower, which was afterwards congenital into Pokémon Platinum's Action Frontier. He gives abroad the Silver Belfry Print to trainers that defeat him once, and the Gold Belfry Print to trainers that exhausted him twice.
Factory Arch Thorton (Factory Arch Nejiki (ファクトリーヘッド ネジキ, Fakutorī Heddo Nejiki)) resides in the Action Branch in Sinnoh and later, in Johto. Like Branch Arch Noland, Thorton's aggregation is about called ceremony time he is challenged and can accommodate any Pokémon except those exceptionable to the Action Frontier. He gives abroad the Silver Branch Print to trainers that defeat him already and the Gold Branch Print to trainers that defeat him twice.
Hall Matron Argenta (Stage Madonna Kate (ステージマドンナ ケイト, Sutēji Madonna Keito)) resides in the Action Hall in Sinnoh and later, in Johto. Argenta uses a aberrant action to analysis trainers and armament them to acquire one Pokémon to action 10 Pokémon of ceremony blazon during their challenge. She gives abroad the Silver Hall Print to trainers that defeat her once, and the Gold Hall Print to trainers that exhausted her twice.
Castle Aide Darach (Castle Butler Cochran (キャッスルバトラー コクラン, Kyassuru Batorā Kokuran)) and Lady Caitlin (Cattleya (カトレア, Katoreya)) abide in the Action Alcazar in Sinnoh and later, in Johto. Darach is the butler of Caitlin (who afterwards became a affiliate of Unova's Aristocratic Four), who is the one in allegation of active the ability by free how abundant Alcazar Credibility (CP) are awarded to the amateur in the castle. He fights in her abode appliance her Pokémon. Managing and appliance CP is an important agency for this facility. Darach gives abroad the Silver Alcazar Print to trainers that defeat him once, and the Gold Alcazar Print to trainers that exhausted him twice.
Arcade Brilliant Dahlia (Roulette Goddess Dahlia (ルーレットゴーデス ダリア, Rūretto Gōdesu Daria)) resides in the Action Arcade in Sinnoh and later, in Johto. Her claiming consists in appliance a roulette actor that about chooses a adapted action for the accessible battle. She gives abroad the Silver Arcade Print to trainers that defeat her once, and the Gold Arcade Print to trainers that exhausted her twice. She is additionally accustomed to be a abundant ballerina according to some trainers at her facility.
Subway Bosses
Similar to the Action Towers and Action Frontiers of the third and fourth generations, the Action Subway (バトルサブウェイ, Batoru Sabuwei) is a area in Pokémon Atramentous and White breadth the amateur can action a alternation of trainers in succession, afore eventually arduous the Subway Administration (Subway Masters (サブウェイマスター, Sabuwei Masutā)).[10]

Ingo (Nobori (ノボリ)) is the Subway Bang-up for the two Single Action lines.
Emmet (Kudari (クダリ)) is the Subway Bang-up for the two Bifold Action lines.
When arduous the two Multi Action curve (two players or one amateur with an NPC arduous two NPCs), both Emmet and Ingo are fought in a Multi Battle.

Battle Chatelaines
In Pokémon X and Y, the Action Maison is alien as a new arrangement breadth the administration are the sister Action Chatelaines (バトルシャトレーヌ, Batoru Shatorēnu). Ceremony serves as a baton of a altered blazon of action actualization and are faced afterwards acceptable a alternation of battles adjoin added trainers in succession. They additionally arise in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, confined the aforementioned role.

Nita (Lanuit (ラニュイ, Ranyui)) is the Action Chatelaine for Single Battles.
Evelyn (Lesoir (ルスワール, Rusuwāru)) is the Action Chatelaine for Bifold Battles.
Dana (Lajournée (ラジュルネ, Rajurune)) is the Action Chatelaine for Triple Battles.
Morgan (Lematin (ルミタン, Rumitan)) is the Action Chatelaine for Rotation Battles.
When arduous the Multi Action system, the sisters brace up amidst ceremony other.

Pokémon Go aggregation leaders
As they ability akin 5, players in Pokémon Go can acquire to accompany one of three teams: Aggregation Mystic, Aggregation Valor, and Aggregation Instinct. Ceremony of these teams has a leader, who gives admonition to the amateur and acts as an abettor to Abettor Willow:

Blanche (ブランシェ, Buranshe): the silver-haired baton of Aggregation Mystic, and an able on Ice-type Pokémon and Water-type Pokémon.
Candela (キャンデラ, Kyandera): the changeable brown-haired baton of Aggregation Valor, and an able on Fire-type Pokémon.
Spark (スパーク, Supāku): the macho blond-haired baton of Aggregation Instinct, and an able on Electric-type Pokémon.

Professors in pokemon:
The Pokémon Advisers accord new Pokémon trainers a starting Pokémon adapted to their region, and allocate them with a assignment (be it commutual a Pokédex, carrying an object, or contrarily alms encouragement). They are additionally arch advisers of Pokémon-related topics, and coach Pokémon trainers in a accustomed way. It is absorbing to agenda that about all Pokémon Advisers are alleged afterwards copse or plants: Oak, Ivy, Elm, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, Sycamore, Kukui, Magnolia, Willow or Bellis.

Professor Samuel Oak (Professor Yukinari Ōkido (オーキド・ユキナリ博士, Ōkido Yukinari-hakase)): A Pokémon researcher and the grandfathering of Blue/the aggressive in Pokémon Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, FireRed, and LeafGreen. He is generally advised the arch Pokémon expert, generally giving lectures to Pokémon academies and hosting a radio actualization in Goldenrod City, and specializes in Pokémon behavioral science. Alongside his research, he is additionally accustomed by the Pokémon Alliance to accord new Pokémon trainers one of the three Kanto amateur Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. In the anime, he gives Ash his Pikachu afterwards Ash arrives too backward to acquire one of the accepted three amateur Pokémon. In Pokémon Yellow: Adapted Pikachu Edition, he artlessly gives the amateur a Pikachu afterwards the aggressive takes the Eevee that Oak advised to accord the player. He is a adept Pokémon poet. All Pokémon he "baby-sits" are loyal to him, and he had a Charmeleon as a adolescent boy. In Pokémon 4Ever, it is apparent that he catholic advanced in time to the approaching aback he was a boy, and Ash became accompany with him. Aback Ash tells Abettor Oak about him, he replies that he is abiding that "Sammy" will consistently be his friend, alike admitting Misty afterwards realizes that Ash never told him his name; the accepted Abettor Oak is afterwards apparent attractive through a book of old assets he fabricated as a kid (the antecedent to the Pokédex, which he invented with the added professors).
Dr. Mason (Dr. Oyama (Dr.オーヤマ)): A Pokémon agenda researcher in Pokémon Trading Agenda Bold and Pokémon Agenda GB2: Actuality Comes Abundant Aggregation Rocket!.
Professor Felina Ivy (Professor Uchikido (ウチキド博士, Uchikido-Hakase)): A Pokémon researcher. She is the arch researcher in the Orange Islands. In the anime, she gives Ash the GS Ball to bear to Kurt, which eventually leads him to the Johto region. Brock ends up blockage with her during the Orange Islands adventure of the anime, but genitalia agency with her afterwards that saga, on alien aching or abhorrent terms.
Professor Elm (Professor Utsugi (ウツギ博士, Utsugi-hakase)): An absent Pokémon researcher, and aloft apprentice of Abettor Oak. In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, he is accustomed by the Pokémon Alliance to accord new Pokémon trainers one of the three Johto amateur Pokémon: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. He is additionally accustomed as advertent that Pikachu is an acquired Pokémon. In the Pokémon anime, Jessie, James and Meowth briefly abduct a Totodile from him, (in absoluteness he tells them to booty it, cerebration they are Nurse Joy). His 'absent absent professor' average is alike added arresting in the amateur as he generally forgets to appointment his ancestors and his wife worries that he may not bethink to eat. He specializes in analysis apropos Pokémon ancestry and is accustomed with the analysis of Pokémon eggs.
Professor Birch (Professor Odamaki (オダマキ博士, Odamaki-hakase)): A Pokémon researcher, accustomed for his fieldwork and analysis on Pokémon accepted distribution. In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire, he is accustomed by the Pokémon Alliance to accord new Pokémon trainers one of the three Hoenn amateur Pokémon: Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. He is the antecedent of the aggressive character. In the anime, he gives May her Torchic. In the manga, he is the antecedent of Sapphire.
Professor Krane (クレイン博士, Kurein-hakase): The Pokémon Abettor in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. Prior to the game's events, he formed with the amateur actualization Michael's antecedent to complete the Adumbration Pokémon ablution process, consistent in the Ablution Chambers which are acute in antibacterial XD001, the game's Adumbration Lugia. While he does not accord Michael his Eevee, he does accord Michael the Adept Ball.
Professor Rowan (Professor Nanakamado (ナナカマド博士, Nanakamado-hakase)): The Pokémon Abettor in the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl games, accepting alternating to Sinnoh afterwards four years of traveling abroad. A chief researcher to and old acquaintance of Abettor Oak, Abettor Rowan is accustomed for his analysis on Pokémon evolution. He is accustomed to accord trainers one of three Sinnoh amateur Pokémon, Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup. In the anime, he gives Dawn her Piplup.
Professor Hastings (Professor Shinbara (シンバラ教授, Shinbara-kyōju)): The Pokémon Abettor in Pokémon Ranger. He invented the abduction styler.
Professor Aurea Juniper (Professor Araragi (アララギ博士, Araragi-hakase)): The Pokémon Abettor in the Pokémon Atramentous and White games, the alone changeable abettor to arise in the video bold series. Abettor Juniper specializes in analysis involving the origins of Pokémon. She is accustomed by the Pokémon Alliance to accord new trainers one of three Unova amateur Pokémon, Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. In the game, she leaves a present at the player's abode absolute amateur Pokémon for the amateur and the player's rivals, Bianca and Cheren. In the anime, she gives Trip a Snivy and allows Ash to accumulate an Oshawott that escapes from her lab. Her father, Cedric Juniper, was additionally a Pokémon Abettor and has aback retired; in the games, he upgrades the player's Pokédex to the Civic admission afterwards the amateur defeats N and Ghetsis.
Professor Burnet (バーネット博士, Bānetto-hakase): A abettor who appears in the 3DS appliance Pokémon Dream Radar, she studies the amplitude that lies amid dreams and reality. Burnet guides the amateur through the use of the appliance and aids by advance its features. She is affiliated to Abettor Kukui.
Professor Augustine Sycamore (Professor Platane (プラターヌ博士, Puratānu-hakase)): A abettor who debuts in the Pokémon amateur Pokémon X and Y. He frequently battles the amateur from time to time. Clashing antecedent advisers who gave out the regions' new amateur Pokémon, Kalos's amateur Pokémon Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie are accustomed to one of the amateur character's friends. Instead, Abettor Sycamore gives the amateur a best amidst one of Kanto's amateur Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.
Professor Kukui (ククイ博士, Kukui-hakase): The Pokémon Abettor in Pokémon Sun and Moon. Abettor Kukui studies Pokémon moves. He is affiliated to Abettor Burnet.
Professor Willow (ウィロー博士, U~irō-hakase): A abettor who debuts in the video bold Pokémon Go. He has atramentous beard with white highlights and sports a acceptable doctors covering over atramentous and blooming active shoes. He ability new players with Poké Balls and incense, and outlines the mechanics of the game. He does animate the amateur to abduction one of the three Kanto amateur Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander, with a Pikachu actualization if the amateur walks away. These Pokémon arise calmly abutting to the amateur area and are the alone catchable Pokémon until one is subdued. It is said that Abettor Oak is his mentor, but little abroad is accustomed about him.
Professor Magnolia (マグノリア博士, Magunoria-hakase): The Pokémon Abettor in Pokémon Sword and Shield. She studies the Dynamax phenomenon.
Professor Sonia Sonia becomes the galar abettor afterwards anouncing her analysis of the fable of the darkest day in advanced of the hammerlocke gym in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Professor Bellis (Professor Hinagiku (ヒナギク博士, Hinagiku-hakase)): The Pokémon Abettor in Pokémon Masters, who is belief the 3-on-3 action style. She generally brand to mix adopted words into her dialogue.

The Pokémon authorization revolves about 898 fabulous breed of collectible monsters, ceremony accepting altered designs and skills. Conceived by Satoshi Tajiri in aboriginal 1989, Pokémon are creatures that abide the fabulous Pokémon World. The designs for the aggregation of breed can draw afflatus from annihilation such as animals, plants, fabulous creatures and alike azoic objects. Abounding Pokémon are able of evolving into added able species, while others can abide anatomy changes and accomplish agnate results. There are alike some of them that cannot evolve. Originally, alone a scattering of artists led by Ken Sugimori advised Pokémon. However, by 2013 a aggregation of 20 artists formed calm to actualize new breed designs. Sugimori and Hironobu Yoshida advance the aggregation and actuate the final designs. Ceremony abundance of the alternation has brought about acclaim and criticism over the abundant creatures.

The all-inclusive arrangement of creatures is frequently disconnected into "Generations", with ceremony analysis primarily encompassing new titles in the capital video bold alternation and generally a change of handheld platform. Bearing I refers to Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow; Bearing II refers to Gold, Silver, and Crystal; Bearing III refers to Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald; Bearing IV refers to Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver; Bearing V refers to Black, White, Atramentous 2, and White 2; Bearing VI refers to X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire; Bearing VII refers to Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Let's Go, Pikachu!, and Let's Go, Eevee!; and Bearing VIII refers to Sword and Shield. Ceremony Bearing is additionally apparent by the accession of new Pokémon: 151 in Bearing I in the Kanto region, 100 in Bearing II in the Johto region, 135 in Bearing III in the Hoenn region, 107 in Bearing IV in the Sinnoh region, 156 in Bearing V in the Unova region, 72 in Bearing VI in the Kalos region, 88 in Bearing VII in the Alola and Kanto regions, and 87 in Bearing VIII in the Galar region.

Due to the ample cardinal of Pokémon, advertisement of ceremony breed is disconnected into accessories by generation. The 896 Pokémon are organized by their cardinal in the Civic Pokédex—an in-game cyberbanking album that provides assorted advice on Pokémon. The Civic Pokédex is subdivided into bounded Pokédex series, ceremony revolving about breed alien at the time of their corresponding ancestors alternating with earlier generations. For example, the Johto Pokédex, Bearing II, covers the 100 breed alien in Gold and Silver in accession to the aboriginal 151 species. The encyclopedias chase a accustomed ordering: amateur Pokémon are listed first, followed by breed achievable aboriginal in the corresponding games, and are assured with Allegorical and Allegorical Pokémon. Bearing V is a notable exception, as Victini is the aboriginal Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex and is additionally abnormally numbered as cardinal 000.

Pokemon names and it's types:
Abomasnow Grass Ice
Abra Psychic
Absol Dark
Accelgor Bug
Aegislash Steel Ghost
Aerodactyl Rock Flying
Aggron Steel Rock
Aipom Normal
Alakazam Psychic
Alcremie Fairy
        Alomomola Water
        Altaria Dragon Flying
Amaura Rock Ice
Ambipom Normal
Amoonguss Grass Poison
Ampharos Electric
       Anorith Rock Bug
       Appletun Grass Dragon
Applin Grass Dragon
Araquanid Water Bug
Arbok Poison
        Arcanine Fire
Arceus Normal
Archen Rock Flying
Archeops Rock Flying
Arctovish Water Ice
Arctozolt Electric Ice
Ariados Bug Poison
Armaldo Rock Bug
Aromatisse Fairy
Aron Steel Rock
Arrokuda Water
Articuno Ice Flying
Audino Normal
Aurorus Rock Ice
Avalugg Ice
Axew Dragon
Azelf Psychic
Azumarill Water Fairy
Azurill Normal Fairy

Bagon Dragon
Baltoy Ground Psychic
Banette Ghost
Barbaracle Rock Water
Barboach Water Ground
Barraskewda Water
Basculin Water
Bastiodon Rock Steel
Bayleef Grass
Beartic Ice
Beautifly Bug Flying
Beedrill Bug Poison
Beheeyem Psychic
Beldum Steel Psychic
Bellossom Grass
Bellsprout Grass Poison
Bergmite Ice
Bewear Normal Fighting
Bibarel Normal Water
Bidoof Normal
Binacle Rock Water
Bisharp Dark Steel
Blacephalon Fire Ghost
Blastoise Water
Blaziken Fire Fighting
Blipbug Bug
Blissey Normal
Blitzle Electric
Boldore Rock
Boltund Electric
Bonsly Rock
Bouffalant Normal
Bounsweet Grass
Braixen Fire
Braviary Normal Flying
Breloom Grass Fighting
Brionne Water
Bronzong Steel Psychic
Bronzor Steel Psychic
Bruxish Water Psychic
Budew Grass Poison
Buizel Water
Bulbasaur Grass Poison
Buneary Normal
Bunnelby Normal
Burmy Bug
Butterfree Bug Flying
Buzzwole Bug Fighting
Cacnea Grass
Cacturne Grass Dark
Calyrex Psychic Grass
Camerupt Fire Ground
Carbink Rock Fairy
Carkol Rock Fire
Carnivine Grass
Carracosta Water Rock
Carvanha Water Dark
Cascoon Bug
Castform Normal
Caterpie Bug
Celebi Psychic Grass
Celesteela Steel Flying
Centiskorch Fire Bug
Chandelure Ghost Fire
Chansey Normal
Charizard Fire Flying
Charjabug Bug Electric
Charmander Fire
Charmeleon Fire
Chatot Normal Flying
Cherrim Grass
Cherubi Grass
Chesnaught Grass Fighting
Chespin Grass
Chewtle Water
Chikorita Grass
Chimchar Fire
Chimecho Psychic
Chinchou Water Electric
Chingling Psychic
Cinccino Normal
Cinderace Fire
Clamperl Water
Clauncher Water
Clawitzer Water
Claydol Ground Psychic
Clefable Fairy
Clefairy Fairy
Cleffa Fairy
Clobbopus Fighting
Cloyster Water Ice
Coalossal Rock Fire
Cobalion Steel Fighting
Cofagrigus Ghost
Combee Bug Flying
Combusken Fire Fighting
Comfey Fairy
Conkeldurr Fighting
Copperajah Steel
Corphish Water
Corsola Water Rock
Corviknight Flying Steel
Corvisquire Flying
Cosmoem Psychic
Cosmog Psychic
Cottonee Grass Fairy
Crabominable Fighting Ice
Crabrawler Fighting
Cradily Rock Grass
Cramorant Flying Water
Cranidos Rock
Crawdaunt Water Dark
Cresselia Psychic
Croagunk Poison Fighting
Crobat Poison Flying
Croconaw Water
Crustle Bug Rock
Cryogonal Ice
Cubchoo Ice
Cubone Ground
Cufant Steel
Cursola Ghost
Cutiefly Bug Fairy
Cyndaquil Fire
Darkrai Dark
Darmanitan Fire
Dartrix Grass Flying
Darumaka Fire
Decidueye Grass Ghost
Dedenne Electric Fairy
Deerling Normal Grass
Deino Dark Dragon
Delcatty Normal
Delibird Ice Flying
Delphox Fire Psychic
Deoxys Psychic
Dewgong Water Ice
Dewott Water
Dewpider Water Bug
Dhelmise Ghost Grass
Dialga Steel Dragon
Diancie Rock Fairy
Diggersby Normal Ground
Diglett Ground
Ditto Normal
Dodrio Normal Flying
Doduo Normal Flying
Donphan Ground
Dottler Bug Psychic
Doublade Steel Ghost
Dracovish Water Dragon
Dracozolt Electric Dragon
Dragalge Poison Dragon
Dragapult Dragon Ghost
Dragonair Dragon
Dragonite Dragon Flying
Drakloak Dragon Ghost
Drampa Normal Dragon
Drapion Poison Dark
Dratini Dragon
Drednaw Water Rock
Dreepy Dragon Ghost
Drifblim Ghost Flying
Drifloon Ghost Flying
Drilbur Ground
Drizzile Water
Drowzee Psychic
Druddigon Dragon
Dubwool Normal
Ducklett Water Flying
Dugtrio Ground
Dunsparce Normal
Duosion Psychic
Duraludon Steel Dragon
Durant Bug Steel
Dusclops Ghost
Dusknoir Ghost
Duskull Ghost
Dustox Bug Poison
Dwebble Bug Rock

Eelektrik Electric
Eelektross Electric
Eevee Normal
Eiscue Ice
Ekans Poison
Eldegoss Grass
Electabuzz Electric
Electivire Electric
Electrike Electric
Electrode Electric
Elekid Electric
Elgyem Psychic
Emboar Fire Fighting
Emolga Electric Flying
Empoleon Water Steel
Entei Fire
Escavalier Bug Steel
Espeon Psychic
Espurr Psychic
Eternatus Poison Dragon
Excadrill Ground Steel
Exeggcute Grass Psychic
Exeggutor Grass Psychic
Exploud Normal

Falinks Fighting
Farfetch'd Normal Flying
Fearow Normal Flying
Feebas Water
Fennekin Fire
Feraligatr Water
Ferroseed Grass Steel
Ferrothorn Grass Steel
Finneon Water
Flaaffy Electric
Flabébé Fairy
Flapple Grass Dragon
Flareon Fire
Fletchinder Fire Flying
Fletchling Normal Flying
Floatzel Water
Floette Fairy
Florges Fairy
Flygon Ground Dragon
Fomantis Grass
Foongus Grass Poison
Forretress Bug Steel
Fraxure Dragon
Frillish Water Ghost
Froakie Water
Frogadier Water
Froslass Ice Ghost
Frosmoth Ice Bug
Furfrou Normal
Furret Normal

Gabite Dragon Ground
Gallade Psychic Fighting
Galvantula Bug Electric
Garbodor Poison
Garchomp Dragon Ground
Gardevoir Psychic Fairy
Gastly Ghost Poison
Gastrodon Water Ground
Genesect Bug Steel
Gengar Ghost Poison
Geodude Rock Ground
Gible Dragon Ground
Gigalith Rock
Girafarig Normal Psychic
Giratina Ghost Dragon
Glaceon Ice
Glalie Ice
Glameow Normal
Glastrier Ice
Gligar Ground Flying
Gliscor Ground Flying
Gloom Grass Poison
Gogoat Grass
Golbat Poison Flying
Goldeen Water
Golduck Water
Golem Rock Ground
Golett Ground Ghost
Golisopod Bug Water
Golurk Ground Ghost
Goodra Dragon
Goomy Dragon
Gorebyss Water
Gossifleur Grass
Gothita Psychic
Gothitelle Psychic
Gothorita Psychic
Gourgeist Ghost Grass
Granbull Fairy
Grapploct Fighting
Graveler Rock Ground
Greedent Normal
Greninja Water Dark
Grimer Poison
Grimmsnarl Dark Fairy
Grookey Grass
Grotle Grass
Groudon Ground
Grovyle Grass
Growlithe Fire
Grubbin Bug
Grumpig Psychic
Gulpin Poison
Gumshoos Normal
Gurdurr Fighting
Guzzlord Dark Dragon
Gyarados Water Flying

Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting
Happiny Normal
Hariyama Fighting
Hatenna Psychic
Hatterene Psychic Fairy
Hattrem Psychic
Haunter Ghost Poison
Hawlucha Fighting Flying
Haxorus Dragon
Heatmor Fire
Heatran Fire Steel
Heliolisk Electric Normal
Helioptile Electric Normal
Heracross Bug Fighting
Herdier Normal
Hippopotas Ground
Hippowdon Ground
Hitmonchan Fighting
Hitmonlee Fighting
Hitmontop Fighting
Ho-Oh Fire Flying
Honchkrow Dark Flying
Honedge Steel Ghost
Hoopa Psychic Ghost
Hoothoot Normal Flying
Hoppip Grass Flying
Horsea Water
Houndoom Dark Fire
Houndour Dark Fire
Huntail Water
Hydreigon Dark Dragon
Hypno Psychic

Igglybuff Normal Fairy
Illumise Bug
Impidimp Dark Fairy
Incineroar Fire Dark
Indeedee Psychic Normal
Infernape Fire Fighting
Inkay Dark Psychic
Inteleon Water
Ivysaur Grass Poison

Jangmo-o Dragon
Jellicent Water Ghost
Jigglypuff Normal Fairy
Jirachi Steel Psychic
Jolteon Electric
Joltik Bug Electric
Jumpluff Grass Flying
Jynx Ice Psychic

Kabuto Rock Water
Kabutops Rock Water
Kadabra Psychic
Kakuna Bug Poison
Kangaskhan Normal
Karrablast Bug
Kartana Grass Steel
Kecleon Normal
Keldeo Water Fighting
Kingdra Water Dragon
Kingler Water
Kirlia Psychic Fairy
Klang Steel
Klefki Steel Fairy
Klink Steel
Klinklang Steel
Koffing Poison
Komala Normal
Kommo-o Dragon Fighting
Krabby Water
Kricketot Bug
Kricketune Bug
Krokorok Ground Dark
Krookodile Ground Dark
Kubfu Fighting
Kyogre Water
Kyurem Dragon Ice

Lairon Steel Rock
Lampent Ghost Fire
Landorus Ground Flying
Lanturn Water Electric
Lapras Water Ice
Larvesta Bug Fire
Larvitar Rock Ground
Latias Dragon Psychic
Latios Dragon Psychic
Leafeon Grass
Leavanny Bug Grass
Ledian Bug Flying
Ledyba Bug Flying
Lickilicky Normal
Lickitung Normal
Liepard Dark
Lileep Rock Grass
Lilligant Grass
Lillipup Normal
Linoone Normal
Litleo Fire Normal
Litten Fire
Litwick Ghost Fire
Lombre Water Grass
Lopunny Normal
Lotad Water Grass
Loudred Normal
Lucario Fighting Steel
Ludicolo Water Grass
Lugia Psychic Flying
Lumineon Water
Lunala Psychic Ghost
Lunatone Rock Psychic
Lurantis Grass
Luvdisc Water
Luxio Electric
Luxray Electric
Lycanroc Rock

Machamp Fighting
Machoke Fighting
Machop Fighting
Magby Fire
Magcargo Fire Rock
Magearna Steel Fairy
Magikarp Water
Magmar Fire
Magmortar Fire
Magnemite Electric Steel
Magneton Electric Steel
Magnezone Electric Steel
Makuhita Fighting
Malamar Dark Psychic
Mamoswine Ice Ground
Manaphy Water
Mandibuzz Dark Flying
Manectric Electric
Mankey Fighting
Mantine Water Flying
Mantyke Water Flying
Maractus Grass
Mareanie Poison Water
Mareep Electric
Marill Water Fairy
Marowak Ground
Marshadow Fighting Ghost
Marshtomp Water Ground
Masquerain Bug Flying
Mawile Steel Fairy
Medicham Fighting Psychic
Meditite Fighting Psychic
Meganium Grass
Melmetal Steel
Meloetta Normal Psychic
Meltan Steel
Meowstic Psychic
Meowth Normal
Mesprit Psychic
Metagross Steel Psychic
Metang Steel Psychic
Metapod Bug
Mew Psychic
Mewtwo Psychic
Mienfoo Fighting
Mienshao Fighting
Mightyena Dark
Milcery Fairy
Milotic Water
Miltank Normal
Mime Jr. Psychic Fairy
Mimikyu Ghost Fairy
Minccino Normal
Minior Rock Flying
Minun Electric
Misdreavus Ghost
Mismagius Ghost
Moltres Fire Flying
Monferno Fire Fighting
Morelull Grass Fairy
Morgrem Dark Fairy
Morpeko Electric Dark
Mothim Bug Flying
Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy
Mr. Rime Ice Psychic
Mudbray Ground
Mudkip Water
Mudsdale Ground
Muk Poison
Munchlax Normal
Munna Psychic
Murkrow Dark Flying
Musharna Psychic

Naganadel Poison Dragon
Natu Psychic Flying
Necrozma Psychic
Nickit Dark
Nidoking Poison Ground
Nidoqueen Poison Ground
Nidoran♀ Poison
Nidoran♂ Poison
Nidorina Poison
Nidorino Poison
Nihilego Rock Poison
Nincada Bug Ground
Ninetales Fire
Ninjask Bug Flying
Noctowl Normal Flying
Noibat Flying Dragon
Noivern Flying Dragon
Nosepass Rock
Numel Fire Ground
Nuzleaf Grass Dark

Obstagoon Dark Normal
Octillery Water
Oddish Grass Poison
Omanyte Rock Water
Omastar Rock Water
Onix Rock Ground
Oranguru Normal Psychic
Orbeetle Bug Psychic
Oricorio Fire Flying
Oshawott Water

Pachirisu Electric
Palkia Water Dragon
Palossand Ghost Ground
Palpitoad Water Ground
Pancham Fighting
Pangoro Fighting Dark
Panpour Water
Pansage Grass
Pansear Fire
Paras Bug Grass
Parasect Bug Grass
Passimian Fighting
Patrat Normal
Pawniard Dark Steel
Pelipper Water Flying
Perrserker Steel
Persian Normal
Petilil Grass
Phanpy Ground
Phantump Ghost Grass
Pheromosa Bug Fighting
Phione Water
Pichu Electric
Pidgeot Normal Flying
Pidgeotto Normal Flying
Pidgey Normal Flying
Pidove Normal Flying
Pignite Fire Fighting
Pikachu Electric
Pikipek Normal Flying
Piloswine Ice Ground
Pincurchin Electric
Pineco Bug
Pinsir Bug
Piplup Water
Plusle Electric
Poipole Poison
Politoed Water
Poliwag Water
Poliwhirl Water
Poliwrath Water Fighting
Polteageist Ghost
Ponyta Fire
Poochyena Dark
Popplio Water
Porygon Normal
Porygon-Z Normal
Porygon2 Normal
Primarina Water Fairy
Primeape Fighting
Prinplup Water
Probopass Rock Steel
Psyduck Water
Pumpkaboo Ghost Grass
Pupitar Rock Ground
Purrloin Dark
Purugly Normal
Pyroar Fire Normal
Pyukumuku Water

Quagsire Water Ground
Quilava Fire
Quilladin Grass
Qwilfish Water Poison

Raboot Fire
Raichu Electric
Raikou Electric
Ralts Psychic Fairy
Rampardos Rock
Rapidash Fire
Raticate Normal
Rattata Normal
Rayquaza Dragon Flying
Regice Ice
Regidrago Dragon
Regieleki Electric
Regigigas Normal
Regirock Rock
Registeel Steel
Relicanth Water Rock
Remoraid Water
Reshiram Dragon Fire
Reuniclus Psychic
Rhydon Ground Rock
Rhyhorn Ground Rock
Rhyperior Ground Rock
Ribombee Bug Fairy
Rillaboom Grass
Riolu Fighting
Rockruff Rock
Roggenrola Rock
Rolycoly Rock
Rookidee Flying
Roselia Grass Poison
Roserade Grass Poison
Rotom Electric Ghost
Rowlet Grass Flying
Rufflet Normal Flying
Runerigus Ground Ghost

Sableye Dark Ghost
Salamence Dragon Flying
Salandit Poison Fire
Salazzle Poison Fire
Samurott Water
Sandaconda Ground
Sandile Ground Dark
Sandshrew Ground
Sandslash Ground
Sandygast Ghost Ground
Sawk Fighting
Sawsbuck Normal Grass
Scatterbug Bug
Sceptile Grass
Scizor Bug Steel
Scolipede Bug Poison
Scorbunny Fire
Scrafty Dark Fighting
Scraggy Dark Fighting
Scyther Bug Flying
Seadra Water
Seaking Water
Sealeo Ice Water
Seedot Grass
Seel Water
Seismitoad Water Ground
Sentret Normal
Serperior Grass
Servine Grass
Seviper Poison
Sewaddle Bug Grass
Sharpedo Water Dark
Shaymin Grass
Shedinja Bug Ghost
Shelgon Dragon
Shellder Water
Shellos Water
Shelmet Bug
Shieldon Rock Steel
Shiftry Grass Dark
Shiinotic Grass Fairy
Shinx Electric
Shroomish Grass
Shuckle Bug Rock
Shuppet Ghost
Sigilyph Psychic Flying
Silcoon Bug
Silicobra Ground
Silvally Normal
Simipour Water
Simisage Grass
Simisear Fire
Sinistea Ghost
Sirfetch'd Fighting
Sizzlipede Fire Bug
Skarmory Steel Flying
Skiddo Grass
Skiploom Grass Flying
Skitty Normal
Skorupi Poison Bug
Skrelp Poison Water
Skuntank Poison Dark
Skwovet Normal
Slaking Normal
Slakoth Normal
Sliggoo Dragon
Slowbro Water Psychic
Slowking Water Psychic
Slowpoke Water Psychic
Slugma Fire
Slurpuff Fairy
Smeargle Normal
Smoochum Ice Psychic
Sneasel Dark Ice
Snivy Grass
Snom Ice Bug
Snorlax Normal
Snorunt Ice
Snover Grass Ice
Snubbull Fairy
Sobble Water
Solgaleo Psychic Steel
Solosis Psychic
Solrock Rock Psychic
Spearow Normal Flying
Spectrier Ghost
Spewpa Bug
Spheal Ice Water
Spinarak Bug Poison
Spinda Normal
Spiritomb Ghost Dark
Spoink Psychic
Spritzee Fairy
Squirtle Water
Stakataka Rock Steel
Stantler Normal
Staraptor Normal Flying
Staravia Normal Flying
Starly Normal Flying
Starmie Water Psychic
Staryu Water
Steelix Steel Ground
Steenee Grass
Stonjourner Rock
Stoutland Normal
Stufful Normal Fighting
Stunfisk Ground Electric
Stunky Poison Dark
Sudowoodo Rock
Suicune Water
Sunflora Grass
Sunkern Grass
Surskit Bug Water
Swablu Normal Flying
Swadloon Bug Grass
Swalot Poison
Swampert Water Ground
Swanna Water Flying
Swellow Normal Flying
Swinub Ice Ground
Swirlix Fairy
Swoobat Psychic Flying
Sylveon Fairy

Taillow Normal Flying
Talonflame Fire Flying
Tangela Grass
Tangrowth Grass
Tapu Bulu Grass Fairy
Tapu Fini Water Fairy
Tapu Koko Electric Fairy
Tapu Lele Psychic Fairy
Tauros Normal
Teddiursa Normal
Tentacool Water Poison
Tentacruel Water Poison
Tepig Fire
Terrakion Rock Fighting
Thievul Dark
Throh Fighting
Thundurus Electric Flying
Thwackey Grass
Timburr Fighting
Tirtouga Water Rock
Togedemaru Electric Steel
Togekiss Fairy Flying
Togepi Fairy
Togetic Fairy Flying
Torchic Fire
Torkoal Fire
Tornadus Flying
Torracat Fire
Torterra Grass Ground
Totodile Water
Toucannon Normal Flying
Toxapex Poison Water
Toxel Electric Poison
Toxicroak Poison Fighting
Toxtricity Electric Poison
Tranquill Normal Flying
Trapinch Ground
Treecko Grass
Trevenant Ghost Grass
Tropius Grass Flying
Trubbish Poison
Trumbeak Normal Flying
Tsareena Grass
Turtonator Fire Dragon
Turtwig Grass
Tympole Water
Tynamo Electric
Type: Null Normal
Typhlosion Fire
Tyranitar Rock Dark
Tyrantrum Rock Dragon
Tyrogue Fighting
Tyrunt Rock Dragon
Umbreon Dark
Unfezant Normal Flying
Unown Psychic
Ursaring Normal
Urshifu Fighting Dark
Uxie Psychic
Vanillish Ice
Vanillite Ice
Vanilluxe Ice
Vaporeon Water
Venipede Bug Poison
Venomoth Bug Poison
Venonat Bug Poison
Venusaur Grass Poison
Vespiquen Bug Flying
Vibrava Ground Dragon
Victini Psychic Fire
Victreebel Grass Poison
Vigoroth Normal
Vikavolt Bug Electric
Vileplume Grass Poison
Virizion Grass Fighting
Vivillon Bug Flying
Volbeat Bug
Volcanion Fire Water
Volcarona Bug Fire
Voltorb Electric
Vullaby Dark Flying
Vulpix Fire
Wailmer Water
Wailord Water
Walrein Ice Water
Wartortle Water
Watchog Normal
Weavile Dark Ice
Weedle Bug Poison
Weepinbell Grass Poison
Weezing Poison
Whimsicott Grass Fairy
Whirlipede Bug Poison
Whiscash Water Ground
Whismur Normal
Wigglytuff Normal Fairy
Wimpod Bug Water
Wingull Water Flying
Wishiwashi Water
Wobbuffet Psychic
Woobat Psychic Flying
Wooloo Normal
Wooper Water Ground
Wormadam Bug Grass
Wurmple Bug
Wynaut Psychic
Xatu Psychic Flying
Xerneas Fairy
Xurkitree Electric
Yamask Ghost
Yamper Electric
Yanma Bug Flying
Yanmega Bug Flying
Yungoos Normal
Yveltal Dark Flying
Zacian Fairy
Zamazenta Fighting
Zangoose Normal
Zapdos Electric Flying
Zarude Dark Grass
Zebstrika Electric
Zekrom Dragon Electric
Zeraora Electric
Zigzagoon Normal
Zoroark Dark
Zorua Dark
Zubat Poison Flying
Zweilous Dark Dragon
Zygarde Dragon Ground

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