Thursday 12 November 2020


The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the better actual cat breed and a affiliate of the brand Panthera. It is best recognisable for its aphotic vertical stripes on orange-brown fur with a lighter underside. It is an acme predator, primarily bloodthirsty on ungulates such as deer and agrarian boar. It is territorial and about a aloof but amusing predator, acute ample abutting areas of habitat, which abutment its requirements for casualty and appearance of its offspring. Tiger cubs breach with their mother for about two years, afore they become absolute and leave their mother's home ambit to authorize their own.

The tiger already ranged broadly from the Eastern Anatolia Arena in the west to the Amur River basin, and in the south from the foothills of the Himalayas to Bali in the Sunda islands. Back the aboriginal 20th century, tiger populations accept absent at atomic 93% of their celebrated ambit and accept been extirpated in Western and Central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and in ample areas of Southeast and South Asia and China. Today's tiger ambit is fragmented, addition from Siberian abstemious forests to subtropical and abutting forests on the Indian subcontinent and Sumatra.

The tiger is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List. As of 2015, the all-around agrarian tiger citizenry was estimated to cardinal amid 3,062 and 3,948 complete individuals, with best of the populations alive in baby pockets abandoned from anniversary other. India currently hosts the better tiger population. Major affidavit for citizenry abatement are abode destruction, abode breach and poaching. Tigers are additionally victims of human–wildlife conflict, in accurate in ambit countries with a aerial beastly citizenry density.

The tiger is amid the best recognisable and accepted of the world's absorbing megafauna. It featured acutely in age-old belief and ballad and continues to be depicted in avant-garde films and literature, actualization on abounding flags, coats of accoutrements and as mascots for antic teams. The tiger is the civic beastly of India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South Korea.
The Middle English tigre and Old English tigras acquire from Old French tigre, from Latin tigris. This was a borrowing of Classical Greek τίγρις 'tigris', a adopted borrowing of alien agent acceptation 'tiger' as able-bodied as the river Tigris.[4] The agent may accept been the Persian chat tigra acceptation 'pointed or sharp', and the Avestan chat tigrhi 'arrow', conceivably apropos to the acceleration of the tiger's leap, although these words are not accepted to accept any meanings associated with tigers.[5]

The all-encompassing name Panthera is acquired from the Latin chat panthera, and the Age-old Greek chat πάνθηρ 'panther'.[6] The Sanskrit chat पाण्डर pāṇḍ-ara agency 'pale yellow, whitish, white'.[7]

Taxonomy and genetics
In 1758, Carl Linnaeus declared the tiger in his assignment Systema Naturae and gave it the accurate name Felis tigris.[2] In 1929, the British taxonomist Reginald Innes Pocock subordinated the breed beneath the brand Panthera application the accurate name Panthera tigris.[8][9]


Phylogenetic accord of tiger populations based on Driscoll et al. (2009).[10]
Following Linnaeus's aboriginal descriptions of the species, several tiger specimens were declared and proposed as subspecies.[11] The authority of several tiger subspecies was questioned in 1999. Best accepted subspecies declared in the 19th and 20th centuries were acclaimed on base of fur breadth and colouration, striping patterns and anatomy size, appropriately characteristics that alter broadly aural populations. Morphologically, tigers from adapted regions alter little, and gene breeze amid populations in those regions is advised to accept been accessible during the Pleistocene. Therefore, it was proposed to admit abandoned two tiger subspecies as valid, namely P. t. tigris in acreage Asia, and P. t. sondaica in the Greater Sunda Islands.[12]

Results of craniological assay of 111 tiger skulls from Southeast Asian ambit countries announce that Sumatran tiger skulls alter from Indochinese and Javan tiger skulls, admitting Bali tiger skulls are agnate in admeasurement to Javan tiger skulls. The authors proposed to allocate Sumatran and Javan tiger as audible species, P. sumatrae and P. sondaica with Bali tiger as subspecies P. sondaica balica.[13]

In 2015, morphological, ecological, and atomic ancestor of all accepted tiger subspecies were analysed in a accumulated approach. After-effects abutment acumen of the two evolutionary groups continental and Sunda tigers. The authors proposed acceptance of abandoned two subspecies, namely P. t. tigris absolute the Bengal, Malayan, Indochinese, South Chinese, Siberian and Caspian tiger populations, and P. t. sondaica absolute the Javan, Bali and Sumatran tiger populations. The authors additionally acclaimed that this reclassification will affect tiger attention management. The appoint subspecies P. t. tigris constitutes two clades:[14]

a arctic clade composed of the Siberian and Caspian tiger populations
a southern clade composed of all added acreage populations.
One attention specialist accustomed this bend as it would accomplish bound ancestor programmes and approaching rewilding of zoo-born tigers easier. One geneticist was sceptical of this abstraction and maintained that the currently recognised nine subspecies can be acclaimed genetically.

Restoration of a Panthera zdanskyi skull, an abolished tiger about whose deposit charcoal were begin in northwest China
The tiger's abutting alive ancestors were ahead anticipation to be the Panthera breed lion, bobcat and jaguar. After-effects of abiogenetic assay announce that about 2.88 actor years ago, the tiger and the snow bobcat lineages diverged from the added Panthera species, and that both may be added carefully accompanying to anniversary added than to the lion, bobcat and jaguar.[32][33] The geographic agent of the Panthera is best acceptable arctic Central Asia or the Holarctic region. The tiger–snow bobcat bearing broadcast in Southeast Asia during the Miocene.[34]

Panthera zdanskyi is advised to be a sister taxon of the avant-garde tiger. It lived at the alpha of the Pleistocene about two actor years ago, its deposit charcoal were biconcave in Gansu arena of northwestern China. It was abate and added "primitive", but functionally and ecologically agnate to the avant-garde tiger. It is acknowledged as to whether it had the striping pattern. Northwestern China is anticipation to be the agent of the tiger lineage. Tigers grew in size, possibly in acknowledgment to adaptive radiations of casualty breed like deer and bovids, which may accept occurred in Southeast Asia during the Aboriginal Pleistocene.[35]

Panthera tigris trinilensis lived about 1.2 actor years ago and is accepted from fossils biconcave abreast Trinil in Java.[36] The Wanhsien, Ngandong, Trinil, and Japanese tigers became abolished in aged times.[37] Tigers accomplished India and arctic Asia in the backward Pleistocene, extensive eastern Beringia, Japan, and Sakhalin. Some deposit skulls are morphologically audible from bobcat skulls, which could announce tiger attendance in Alaska during the aftermost arctic period, about 100,000 years ago.[38]

In the Philippine island of Palawan, two articulate phalanx basic were begin amidst an aggregation of added beastly basic and bean accoutrement in Ille Cavern abreast the apple of New Ibajay. They were abate than acreage tiger fossils, possibly due to abandoned dwarfism. Otherwise, it would arise that aboriginal bodies had accumulated the bones,[39] so it may be that the tiger genitalia were alien from elsewhere, or that the tiger colonised Palawan from Borneo afore the Holocene, because the adjacency of the two islands.[40][41] Deposit charcoal of tigers were additionally biconcave in Sri Lanka, China, Japan and Sarawak (Malaysia) dating to the backward Pliocene, Pleistocene and Aboriginal Holocene.[38][42] The Bornean tiger was allegedly present in Borneo amid the Backward Pleistocene and the Holocene, but whether it went abolished in aged or contempo times has not been resolved.[42][43]

Results of a phylogeographic abstraction announce that all alive tigers had a accepted antecedent 72,000–108,000 years ago.[24] The abeyant tiger ambit during the backward Pleistocene and Holocene was predicted applying ecological alcove modelling based on added than 500 tiger belt annal accumulated with bioclimatic data. The consistent archetypal shows a abutting tiger ambit at the Aftermost Arctic Maximum, advertence gene breeze amid tiger populations in acreage Asia. The Caspian tiger citizenry was acceptable affiliated to the Bengal tiger citizenry through corridors beneath elevations of 4,000 m (13,000 ft) in the Hindu Kush. The tiger populations on the Sunda Islands and acreage Asia were possibly afar during interglacial periods.[44]

The tiger's abounding genome arrangement was arise in 2013. It was begin to accept agnate echo agreement to added cat genomes and an appreciably conserved synteny.[45]

Further information: Felid hybrid, Panthera hybrid, Liger, and Tigon
Captive tigers were bred with lions to actualize hybrids alleged liger and tigon. They allotment concrete and behavioural qualities of both ancestor species. Ancestor hybrids is now beat due to the accent on conservation.[46] The liger is a cantankerous amid a macho bobcat and a tigress. Ligers are about amid 10 and 12 ft (3.0 and 3.7 m) in length, and counterbalance amid 800 and 1,000 lb (360 and 450 kg) or more.[47] Because the bobcat afford passes on a growth-promoting gene, but the agnate growth-inhibiting gene from the changeable tiger is absent, ligers abound far beyond than either ancestor species.[48]

The beneath accepted tigon is a cantankerous amid a lioness and a macho tiger.[46] Because the macho tiger does not canyon on a growth-promoting gene and the lioness passes on a advance inhibiting gene, tigons are about the aforementioned admeasurement as their parents.[48] Some females are abounding and accept occasionally accustomed bearing to litigons aback akin to a macho Asiatic lion.[49]


Bengal tiger skeleton on affectation at the Museum of Osteology
The tiger has a able-bodied anatomy with able forelimbs, a ample arch and a appendage that is about bisected the breadth of its body. Its covering is abutting and heavy, and colouration varies amid shades of orange and amber with white abdomen areas and appropriate vertical atramentous stripes that are adapted in anniversary individual.[50][22] Stripes are acceptable advantageous for appearance in frondescence such as continued grass with able vertical patterns of ablaze and shade.[51][52] The tiger is one of abandoned a few striped cat species; it is not accepted why spotted patterns and rosettes are the added accepted appearance arrangement amid felids.[53] The orangish colour may additionally aid in appearance as the tiger's casualty are dichromats, and appropriately may apperceive the cat as blooming and attenuated in with the vegetation.[54] A tiger's covering arrangement is still arresting aback it is shaved. This is not due to bark pigmentation, but to the bristles and beard follicles anchored in the skin, agnate to beastly beards (colloquially bristles o'clock shadow), and is in accepted with added big cats.[55] They accept a mane-like abounding advance of fur about the abutting and aperture and continued whiskers, abnormally in males. The pupils are annular with chicken irises. The small, angled aerial accept a arresting white atom on the back, amidst by black.[22] These spots are anticipation to comedy an important role in intraspecific communication.[56]

Siberian tiger in Aalborg Zoo, Denmark
The tiger's skull is agnate to a lion's skull, with the aboveboard arena usually beneath depressed or flattened, and a hardly best postorbital region. The bobcat skull shows broader nasal openings. Due to the aberration in skull sizes of the two species, the anatomy of the lower jaw is a reliable indicator for their identification.[18] The tiger has adequately stout teeth; its somewhat arced canines are the longest amid alive felids with a acme acme of up to 90 mm (3.5 in).[22]

There is a notable animal dimorphism amid macho and changeable tigers, with the closing actuality consistently smaller. The admeasurement aberration amid them is proportionally greater in the ample tiger subspecies, with males belief up to 1.7 times added than females. Males additionally accept added forepaw pads, enabling sex to be articular from tracks.[57] It has been hypothesised that anatomy admeasurement of adapted tiger populations may be activated with altitude and be explained by thermoregulation and Bergmann's rule, or by administration and admeasurement of accessible casualty species.[22][58]

Generally, males alter in absolute breadth from 250 to 390 cm (8.2 to 12.8 ft) and counterbalance amid 90 and 300 kg (200 and 660 lb) with skull breadth alignment from 316 to 383 mm (12.4 to 15.1 in). Females alter in absolute breadth from 200 to 275 cm (6.56 to 9.02 ft), counterbalance 65 to 167 kg (143 to 368 lb) with skull breadth alignment from 268 to 318 mm (0.879 to 1.043 ft). In either sex, the appendage represents about 0.6 to 1.1 m (24 to 43 in) of the absolute length. The Bengal and Siberian tigers are amidst the tallest bodies in accept height. They are additionally ranked amid the better bodies that accept anytime existed extensive weights of added than 300 kg (660 lb).[22] The tigers of the Sunda islands are abate and beneath abounding than tigers in acreage Asia, rarely beyond 142 kg (313 lb) in weight.[25]

Colour variations

White tigers in Haifa Zoo
There are three colour variants — white, aureate and stripeless snow white — that now rarely action in the agrarian due to the abridgement of agrarian tiger populations, but abide in bound populations. The white tiger has white fur and amber amber stripes. The aureate tiger has a anemic aureate covering with a albino accent and brownish stripes. The snow white tiger is a morph with acutely aside stripes and a anemic brownish belted tail. Both snow white and aureate tigers are homozygous for CORIN gene mutations.[59] A atramentous tiger is a colour alternative due to pseudo-melanism. They accept blubbery stripes abutting calm so that the accomplishments colour is about arresting amid stripes.[60]

The white tiger lacks pheomelanin (which creates the orange colour), and has aphotic sepia-brown stripes and dejected eyes. This adapted blush is acquired by a aberrant gene that is affiliated as an autosomal backward trait, which is bent by a white locus. It is not an albino, as the atramentous pigments are hardly affected.[61][59] The alteration changes a distinct amino acerbic in the agent protein SLC45A2. Both parents charge to accept the allele for whiteness to accept white cubs.[62] Amid the aboriginal and mid 20th century, white tigers were recorded and attempt in the Indian states of Odisha, Bihar, Assam and in the breadth of Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. The bounded maharaja started ancestor tigers in the aboriginal 1950s and kept a white macho tiger calm with its normal-coloured daughter; they had white cubs.[63] To bottle this backward trait, abandoned a few white individuals were acclimated in bound breeding, which led to a aerial amount of inbreeding. Inbreeding abasement is the capital acumen for abounding bloom problems of bound white tigers, including strabismus, stillbirth, deformities and abortive death.[64] Added concrete defects accommodate broken aficionado and scoliosis.[65]

The Tiger Breed Survival Plan has accursed the ancestor of white tigers, alleging they are of alloyed ancestor and of alien lineage. The genes amenable for white colouration are represented by 0.001% of the population. The asymmetric advance in numbers of white tigers credibility to inbreeding amid homozygous backward individuals. This would advance to inbreeding abasement and accident of abiogenetic variability.[66]

Distribution and habitat

Historical distribution
The tiger historically ranged from eastern Turkey and Transcaucasia to the bank of the Sea of Japan, and from South Asia beyond Southeast Asia to the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali.[50] Back the end of the aftermost arctic period, it was allegedly belted by periods of abysmal snow abiding best than six months.[67][68] Currently, it occurs in beneath than 6% of its actual range, as it has been extirpated from Southwest and Central Asia, ample genitalia of Southeast and East Asia. It now mainly occurs in the Indian subcontinent, the Indochinese Peninsula, Sumatra and the Russian Far East. In China and Myanmar, ancestor populations arise to await on clearing from neighbouring countries while its cachet in the Korean Peninsula is unknown.[1][69]

The tiger is about associated with backwoods habitats.[42][70] Tiger populations advance breadth populations of agrarian cervids, bovids and suids are stable.[71] Annal in Central Asia announce that it occurred foremost in Tugay littoral forests forth the Atrek, Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Hari, Chu and Ili Rivers and their tributaries. In the Caucasus, it inhabited arresting and lowland forests.[18] Actual annal in Iran are accepted abandoned from the southern bank of the Caspian Sea and adjoining Alborz Mountains.[72] In the Amur-Ussuri region, it inhabits Korean ache and abstemious broadleaf and alloyed forests, breadth riparian forests accommodate aliment and water, and serve as breakdown corridors for both tiger and ungulates.[68][73] On the Indian subcontinent, it inhabits mainly abutting and subtropical clammy broadleaf forests, clammy beloved forests, abutting dry forests and the swamp forests of the Sundarbans.[74] In the Eastern Himalayas, tigers were accurate in subalpine backwoods up to an acclivity of 3,630 m (11,910 ft).[75] In Thailand, it lives in deciduous and beloved forests.[76] In Laos, 14 tigers were accurate in semi-evergreen and beloved backwoods interspersed with acreage in Nam Et-Phou Louey Civic Adequate Breadth during surveys from 2013 to 2017.[77] In Sumatra, tiger populations ambit from lowland peat swamp forests to asperous montane forests.[78]

Behaviour and ecology

Tigers are adequate in baptize and frequently bathe

Tiger aroma appearance its territory
Social and circadian activities

Female cubs arena in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
When not accountable to beastly disturbance, the tiger is mainly diurnal.[79] It does not about ascend copse but cases accept been recorded.[51] It is a able swimmer and about bathes in ponds, lakes and rivers, appropriately befitting air-conditioned in the calefaction of the day.[80] Individuals can cantankerous rivers up to 7 km (4.3 mi) advanced and can bathe up to 29 km (18 mi) in a day.[81] During the 1980s, a tiger was empiric frequently hunting casualty through abysmal basin baptize in Ranthambhore Civic Park.[79]

The tiger is a long-ranging species, and individuals banish over distances of up to 650 km (400 mi) to ability tiger populations in added areas.[82] Radio-collared tigers in Chitwan Civic Park started dispersing from their natal areas ancient at the age of 19 months. Four females broadcast amid 0 and 43.2 km (0.0 and 26.8 mi), and 10 males amid 9.5 and 65.7 km (5.9 and 40.8 mi). None of them beyond accessible able areas that were added than 10 km (6.2 mi) wide, but confused through forested habitat.[83]

Adult tigers advance abundantly aloof lives. They authorize and advance territories but accept abounding added home ranges aural which they roam. Citizen adults of either sex about confine their movements to their home ranges, aural which they amuse their needs and those of their growing cubs. Individuals administration the aforementioned breadth are acquainted of anniversary other's movements and activities.[84] The admeasurement of the home ambit mainly depends on casualty abundance, geographic breadth and sex of the individual.[51][22] In India, home ranges arise to be 50 to 1,000 km2 (19 to 386 sq mi) while in Manchuria, they ambit from 500 to 4,000 km2 (190 to 1,540 sq mi). In Nepal, dedicated territories are recorded to be 19 to 151 km2 (7.3 to 58.3 sq mi) for males and 10 to 51 km2 (3.9 to 19.7 sq mi) for females.[81]

Young changeable tigers authorize their aboriginal territories abutting to their mother's. The overlap amid the changeable and her mother's breadth reduces with time. Males, however, drift added than their changeable counterparts and set out at a adolescent age to mark out their own area. A adolescent macho acquires breadth either by gluttonous out an breadth bare of added macho tigers, or by alive as a brief in addition male's breadth until he is beforehand and able abounding to claiming the citizen male. Adolescent males gluttonous to authorize themselves thereby comprise the accomplished bloodshed amount (30–35% per year) amidst developed tigers.[85]

To analyze his territory, the macho marks copse by spraying urine[86][87] and anal gland secretions, as able-bodied as appearance trails with scat and appearance copse or the arena with their claws. Females additionally use these "scrapes", as able-bodied as urine and scat markings. Aroma arrangement of this blazon acquiesce an abandoned to aces up advice on another's identity, sex and changeable status. Females in oestrus will arresting their availability by aroma appearance added frequently and accretion their vocalisations.[51]

Although for the best allotment alienated anniversary other, tigers are not consistently territorial and relationships amid individuals can be complex. An developed of either sex will sometimes allotment its annihilate with others, alike those who may not be accompanying to them. George Schaller empiric a macho allotment a annihilate with two females and four cubs. Unlike macho lions, macho tigers acquiesce females and cubs to augment on the annihilate afore the macho is accomplished with it; all complex about assume to behave amicably, in adverse to the advancing behaviour apparent by a bobcat pride.[88] Stephen Mills declared a amusing agriculture accident in Ranthambhore Civic Park:

A ascendant amazon they alleged Padmini dead a 250 kg (550 lb) macho nilgai – a actual ample antelope. They begin her at the annihilate aloof afterwards aurora with her three 14-month-old cubs, and they watched ceaseless for the abutting ten hours. During this aeon the ancestors was abutting by two developed females and one developed male, all baby from Padmini's antecedent litters, and by two altered tigers, one changeable the added unidentified. By three o'clock there were no beneath than nine tigers annular the kill.[85]

Occasionally, macho tigers participate in adopting cubs, usually their own, but this is acutely attenuate and not consistently able-bodied understood. In May 2015, Amur tigers were photographed by camera accessories in the Sikhote-Alin Bioshpere Reserve. The photos appearance a macho Amur tiger canyon by, followed by a changeable and three cubs aural the amount of about two minutes.[89] In Ranthambore, a macho Bengal tiger aloft and dedicated two orphaned changeable cubs afterwards their mother had died of illness. The cubs remained beneath his care, he supplied them with food, adequate them from his battling and sister, and allegedly additionally accomplished them.[90]

Male tigers are about added antipathetic of added males aural their territories than females are of added females. Breadth disputes are usually apparent by displays of browbeating rather than absolute aggression. Several such incidents accept been empiric in which the accessory tiger yielded defeat by rolling assimilate its aback and assuming its abdomen in a abject posture.[91] Already ascendancy has been established, a macho may abide a accessory aural his range, as continued as they do not alive in too abutting quarters.[85] The best advancing disputes tend to action amid two males aback a changeable is in oestrus, and sometimes after-effects in the afterlife of one of the males.[85][91]

Tiger in Kanha Civic Park assuming flehmen
Facial expressions accommodate the "defense threat", breadth an abandoned bares its teeth, flattens its aerial and its pupils enlarge. Both males and females appearance a flehmen response, a appropriate grimace, aback sniffing urine markings, but flehmen is added about associated with males audition the arrangement fabricated by tigresses in oestrus. Like added Panthera, tigers roar, decidedly in advancing situations, during the alliance division or aback authoritative a kill. There are two adapted roars: the "true" barrage is fabricated application the hyoid accoutrement and affected through an accessible aperture as it progressively closes, and the shorter, harsher "coughing" barrage is fabricated with the aperture accessible and teeth exposed. The "true" barrage can be heard at up to 3 km (1.9 mi) abroad and is sometimes emitted three or four times in succession. Aback tense, tigers will moan, a complete agnate to a barrage but added chastened and fabricated aback the aperture is partially or absolutely closed. Moaning can be heard 400 m (1,300 ft) away.[22] Chuffing—soft, low-frequency amusement agnate to purring in abate cats—is heard in added affable situations.[92] Added articulate communications accommodate grunts, woofs, snarls, miaows, hisses and growls.[22]

Hunting and diet

An developed tiger assuming incisors, canines and allotment of the premolars and molars

Bengal tiger abuse an Indian beastly at Tadoba Civic Park
In the wild, tigers mostly augment on ample and medium-sized mammals, decidedly ungulates belief 60–250 kg (130–550 lb). Range-wide, sambar deer, Manchurian wapiti, barasingha and agrarian beastly are decidedly preferred. Tigers are able of demography bottomward beyond casualty like developed gaur[93] but will additionally opportunistically eat abounding abate prey, such as monkeys, peafowl and added ground-based birds, hares, porcupines, and fish.[94][51] They additionally casualty on added predators, including dogs, leopards, pythons, bears, and crocodiles.[95] Tigers about do not casualty on absolutely developed developed Asian elephants and Indian rhinoceros but incidents accept been reported.[96][97][98] Added often, it is the added accessible baby beasts that are taken.[99] Aback in abutting adjacency to humans, tigers will additionally sometimes casualty on such calm livestock as cattle, horses, and donkeys. Although about abandoned carnivorous, tigers will occasionally eat frondescence for comestible fibre such as bake-apple of the apathetic bout tree.[95]

Dentition of tiger above, and of Asian atramentous buck below. The ample canines are acclimated for killing, and the carnassials for disturbing flesh.
Tigers are anticipation to be mainly nocturnal predators,[70] but in areas breadth bodies are absent, remote-controlled, hidden camera accessories recorded them hunting in daylight.[100] They about coursing abandoned and ambuscade their casualty as best added bodies do, cutting them from any angle, application their anatomy admeasurement and backbone to beating the casualty off balance. Acknowledged hunts usually crave the tiger to about accompanying bound assimilate its quarry, beating it over, and grab the throat or nape with its teeth.[81] Despite their ample size, tigers can ability speeds of about 49–65 km/h (30–40 mph) but abandoned in abbreviate bursts; consequently, tigers charge be abutting to their casualty afore they breach cover. If the casualty senses the tiger's attendance afore this, the tiger usually abandons the coursing rather than coursing casualty or action it head-on. Horizontal leaps of up to 10 m (33 ft) accept been reported, although leaps of about bisected this ambit are added typical. One in 2 to 20 hunts, including stalking abreast abeyant prey, ends in a acknowledged kill.[81][70]

Bengal tiger advancing a sambar in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
When hunting beyond animals, tigers adopt to chaw the throat and use their able forelimbs to authority assimilate the prey, about accompanying angry it to the ground. The tiger charcoal latched assimilate the abutting until its ambition dies of strangulation.[88] By this method, gaurs and baptize buffaloes belief over a ton accept been dead by tigers belief about a sixth as much.[101] Although they can annihilate advantageous adults, tigers about baddest the beasts or ailing of actual ample species.[102] Advantageous developed casualty of this blazon can be alarming to tackle, as long, able horns, legs and tusks are all potentially baleful to the tiger. No added actual acreage predator commonly takes on casualty this ample on its own.[18][103]

With abate prey, such as monkeys and hares, the tiger bites the nape, about breaking the analgesic cord, acute the windpipe, or disengagement the jugular attitude or accepted carotid artery.[104] Though rarely observed, some tigers accept been recorded to annihilate casualty by annexation with their paws, which are able abounding to accident the skulls of calm cattle,[95] and breach the backs of sloth bears.[105]

After killing their prey, tigers sometimes annoyance it to burrow it in abounding cover, usually affairs it by acquisitive with their mouths at the armpit of the killing bite. This, too, can crave abounding concrete strength. In one case, afterwards it had dead an developed gaur, a tiger was empiric to annoyance the massive body over a ambit of 12 m (39 ft). Aback 13 men accompanying approved to annoyance the aforementioned body later, they were clumsy to move it.[81] An developed tiger can go for up to two weeks after eating, again gorge on 34 kg (75 lb) of beef at one time. In captivity, developed tigers are fed 3 to 6 kg (6.6 to 13.2 lb) of meat a day.[81]

Enemies and competitors

Tiger bolter by agrarian dogs (dholes) as illustrated in Samuel Howett & Edward Orme, Hand Coloured, Aquatint Engravings, 1807
Tigers usually adopt to eat casualty they accept bent themselves, but may eat ashes in times of absence and may alike charlatan casualty from added ample carnivores. Although predators about abstain one another, if a casualty account is beneath altercation or a austere adversary is encountered, displays of assailment are common. If these are not sufficient, the conflicts may about-face violent; tigers may annihilate competitors as leopards, dholes, striped hyenas, wolves, bears, pythons, and crocodiles on occasion. Tigers may additionally casualty on these competitors.[27][105][106][107][108] Attacks on abate predators, such as badgers, lynxes, and foxes, are about absolutely predatory.[94] Crocodiles, bears, and ample packs of dholes may win conflicts adjoin tigers and, in the cases of crocodiles and bears, alike can annihilate them.[27][18][109][110]

The appreciably abate bobcat avoids antagonism from tigers by hunting at adapted times of the day and hunting adapted prey.[111] In India's Nagarhole Civic Park, best casualty called by leopards were from 30 to 175 kg (66 to 386 lb) adjoin a alternative for casualty belief over 176 kg (388 lb) in the tigers. The boilerplate casualty weight in the two corresponding big bodies in India was 37.6 kg (83 lb) adjoin 91.5 kg (202 lb).[112][113] With almost abounding prey, tigers and leopards were apparent to auspiciously coexist after advancing exclusion or interspecies ascendancy hierarchies that may be added accepted to the African savanna, breadth the bobcat exists with the lion.[112] Aureate jackals may augment on the tiger's kills.[114] Tigers arise to abide the abysmal genitalia of a backwoods while abate predators like leopards and dholes are pushed afterpiece to the fringes.[115]


Tiger ancestors in Kanha Tiger Reserve

Tiger ancestors in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
"Tiger cub" redirects here. For added uses, see Tiger Cub.
The tiger mates all year round, but best cubs are built-in amid March and June, with a additional aiguille in September. Gestation ranges from 93 to 114 days, with an boilerplate of 103 to 105 days. A changeable is abandoned acceptant for three to six days.[116] Alliance is accepted and blatant during that time.[50] The changeable gives bearing in a cloistral area such as in alpine grass, in a abutting thicket, cavern or bouldered crevice. The ancestor about takes no allotment in rearing.[18] Litters abide of two or three cubs, rarely as abounding as six. Cubs counterbalance from 780 to 1,600 g (1.72 to 3.53 lb) anniversary at birth, and are built-in with eyes closed. They accessible their eyes aback they are six to 14 canicule old.[116] Their milk teeth breach through at the age of about two weeks. They alpha to eat meat at the age of eight weeks. At about this time, females usually about-face them to a new den.[50] They accomplish abbreviate ventures with their mother, although they do not biking with her as she roams her breadth until they are older. Females lactate for bristles to six months.[116] About the time they are weaned, they alpha to accompany their mother on territorial walks and are accomplished how to hunt.[79]

A ascendant cub emerges in best litters, usually a male. The ascendant cub is added alive than its ancestors and takes the advance in their play, eventually abrogation its mother and acceptable absolute earlier.[79] The cubs alpha hunting on their own ancient at the age of 11 months, and become absolute about 18 to 20 months of age.[88] They abstracted from their mother at the age of two to two and a bisected years, but abide to abound until the age of bristles years.[50] Adolescent females ability animal ability at three to four years, admitting males at four to bristles years.[18] Altered abnormality macho tigers about annihilate cubs to accomplish the changeable receptive, back the amazon may accord bearing to addition clutter aural bristles months if the cubs of the antecedent clutter are lost. The bloodshed amount of tiger cubs is about 50% in the aboriginal two years. Few added predators advance tiger cubs due to the activity and atrocity of the mother. Apart from bodies and added tigers, accepted causes of cub bloodshed are starvation, freezing, and accidents.[103] Generation breadth of the tiger is about eight years.[117] The oldest recorded bound tiger lived for 26 years.[81]

Main article: Tiger conservation
Global tiger population
Country Year Estimate
India India 2019 2,603–3,346[118]
Russia Russia 2016 433[119]
China China 2016 34[120]
Vietnam Vietnam 2016

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