Friday, 27 November 2020


CorelDRAW is a agent cartoon editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation. It is additionally the name of the Corel cartoon suite, which includes the bitmap-image editor Corel Photo-Paint as able-bodied as added graphics-related programs (see below). The latest adaptation is marketed as CorelDraw Cartoon Apartment 2020 (equivalent to adaptation 22), and was appear in March, 2020. CorelDraw is advised to adapt two-dimensional images such as logos and posters.

In 1987, Corel engineers Michel Bouillon and Pat Beirne undertook to advance a vector-based analogy affairs to array with their desktop publishing systems. That program, CorelDraw, was initially appear in 1989. CorelDraw 1.x and 2.x ran beneath Windows 2.x and 3.0. CorelDraw 3.0 came into its own with Microsoft's absolution of Windows 3.1. The admittance of TrueType in Windows 3.1 adapted CorelDraw into a austere analogy affairs able of appliance system-installed outline fonts afterwards acute third-party software such as Adobe Type Manager; commutual with a photo-editing affairs (Corel Photo-Paint), a chantry administrator and several added pieces of software, it was additionally allotment of the aboriginal all-in-one cartoon suite.
Features by version
CorelDraw     Version abutment     Windows
Compatibility     New Features
Release date     Version     Reading files     Writing files
Jan 1989[1]     1     1     1     2.1     First version
Mar 1989[2]     1.01     1     1     2.1     Introduces backups on save, and draw rectangles from their centre
Apr 1989[2]     1.02     1     1     2.1     IBM PIF book architecture support
Jul 1989[2]     1.10     1     1     2.1     102 new fonts in Corel's proprietary WFN format, with WFNBOSS book chantry manager
Feb 1990[2]     1.11     1     1     2.1     AutoCAD DXF import/export support
Sep 1991[1]     2     1, 2     1, 2     3.0     Envelope apparatus (for distorting argument or altar appliance a primary shape), Blend (for morphing shapes), Extrusion (for assuming angle and aggregate in objects) and Angle (to alter altar forth X and Y axes). CorelDraw for Unix additionally became available.[3][4]
15 May 1992[5]     3     1, 2, 3     2, 3     3.0, 3.1 (preferred)     Included Corel Photo-Paint asp ( for bitmap editing), CorelSHOW (for creating on-screen presentations), CorelCHART (for clear charts), Mosaic and CorelTRACE (for vectorizing bitmaps). The admittance of this software was the antecedent for the absolute clear suites.[6] CorelDraw for Unix additionally became available.[7][8] The fonts arranged with CorelDraw are no best in the proprietary Corel architecture WFN, but in Type 1 PostScript fonts and TTF TrueType formats.
20 May 1993[9]     4     1, 2, 3, 4     3, 4     3.1     Photo-Paint (for bitmap editing), CorelSHOW (for creating on-screen presentations), CorelCHART (for clear charts), CorelMOVE for animation, Mosaic and CorelTRACE (for vectorizing bitmaps). Multi-page capabilities, Powerlines, abutment for clear tablets, Clone tool, adaptable bulge editing, Envelope tool.
27 May 1994[10]     5     1, 2, 3, 4, 5     3, 4, 5     3.1     This is the aftermost adaptation which was fabricated for Windows 3.x. Corel Ventura was included in the apartment (and again awash as a abstracted program); it was a desktop publishing appliance affiliated to PageMaker, Quark XPress, or InDesign.
24 Aug 1995[11]     6     3, 4, 5, 6     5, 6     95     This is the aboriginal adaptation which was fabricated alone for 32-bit Windows. New appearance were customizable interface, Polygon, Spiral, Knife and Eraser tools. Corel Memo, Corel Presents, Corel Motion 3D, Corel Depth, Corel Multimedia Manager, Corel Chantry Master and Corel DREAM (for 3D modelling) were included in the suite.
8 Oct 1996[12]     7     3, 4, 5, 6, 7     5, 6, 7     95, NT 4     Context-sensitive Property bar, Book Preview with Zoom and Pan options, Scrapbook (for examination a drag-and-dropping clear objects), Broadcast to HTML option, Draft and Added affectation options, Alternate Ample and Blend tools, Accuracy tools, Natural Pen tool, Find & Alter wizard, Convert Agent to Bitmap advantage (inside Draw), Spell checker, Thesaurus and Grammar checker. The apartment included Corel Scan and Corel Barista (a Java-based certificate barter format).
27 Oct 1997[13]     8     3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8     6, 7, 8     95, NT 4     Digger selection, Docker windows, Alternate Distortion, 3D, Envelope and tools, Realistic Dropshadow tool, alternate blush mixing, blush palette editor, guidelines as objects, custom-sized pages, duotone support. Corel Versions was included in the suite.
31 Aug 1999[14]     9     3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9     5, 6, 7, 8, 9     95, 98, NT 4     Mesh ample apparatus (for circuitous blush filling), Artistic Media tool, Broadcast to PDF features, anchored ICC blush profiles, Assorted On-screen Blush Palettes and Microsoft Visual Basal for Applications 6 support. The apartment included Canto Cumulus LE, a allotment of software for media management.
13 Nov 2000[15]     10     10†     10 ‡     98, Me, NT 4, 2000     CorelR.A.V.E. (for agent animation), Perfect Shapes, Web cartoon accoutrement (for creating alternate elements such as buttons), Folio sorter, multilingual certificate support, navigator window. Open, save, acceptation and consign in SVG format.[16]
  1 Aug 2002[17]     11     11 †     5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11     98, Me, NT 4, 2000, XP     Symbols library, angel slicing (for web design), pressure-sensitive agent brushes, 3-point cartoon tools.
10 Feb 2004[18]     12     12 †     12 ‡     2000, XP     Dynamic guides, Smart Cartoon tools, Consign to MS Office or Word option, Virtual Segment Delete tool, Unicode argument support.
17 Jan 2006[19]     X3 (13)     X3 †     7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, X3     2000, 2003, XP (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista(32-bit only), 7, 8     Double bang Crop apparatus (the aboriginal agent software able to crop groups of vectors and bitmap images at the aforementioned time), Smart ample tool, Chamfer/Fillet/Scallop/Emboss tool, Angel Adjustment Lab. Trace became chip central Draw beneath the name PowerTrace.
22 Jan 2008[20]     X4 (14)     7 to X4 †     7 to X4     XP, Vista, 7, 8     Whatthefont chantry identification account affiliated central CorelDraw, ConceptShare, Table tool, absolute folio layers, alive argument formatting, abutment for RAW camera files.[21]
23 Feb 2010[22]     X5 (15)     7 to X5     7 to X5     XP, Vista, 7, 8     Built-in agreeable organizer (CorelConnect), CD, web cartoon and action tools, multi-core achievement improvement, agenda agreeable (professional fonts, blow arts, and photos), article hinting, pixel view, added Mesh apparatus with accuracy options, added blow support, and new accurate book formats.[23] It has developed Transformation, which makes assorted copies of a distinct object.

For the aboriginal time, OpenType versions of Helvetica, Frutiger, Futura and Garamond #3 chantry families (32 fonts total) from Linotype branch are included instead of the Bitstream counterparts. All but Garamond are in OpenType Pro format.[24]
20 Mar 2012[25]     X6 (16)     7 to X6     7 to X6     XP (32-bit only), Vista, 7, 8     64-bit and multi-core processor congenital support. Abutment for 64-bit Adobe Photoshop plugins. Added accoutrement to acceptation and consign from Adobe Creative Apartment and Publisher. Article properties, styles, and blush administration circumscribed into their own advancing toolbars (Dockers). A new Unicode OpenType-based argument agent modernizes argument handling, including abounding all-embracing accent abutment (the bequest argument approach is retained). Dynamic alignment guides acquiesce for accessible repositioning afterwards ambience changeless guidelines. CorelConnect agreeable organizer allows for in-app admission to online sources such as Flickr for angel and blow art assets. New accoutrement for pushing, pulling, smearing, etc. agent objects. Improvements in frame-based layout, masking, abridgement and effects.[26]
27 March 2014[27]     X7 (17)     7 to X7     7 to X7     7, 8, 10*     New absence workspaces for illustrators, beginners, and added user roles; new training videos. New called abstracts can breach out of capital window, authoritative multi-screen assignment easier. A few added retouching and ample tools, added blush accord and QR cipher breeding tools. New Guidelines Dockers connected the clearing of accoutrement abroad from assurance on pull-down menus.

Corel X7 alien 30-day and 365-day rentals (subscriptions) as an addition to affairs a abiding license. Corel Agreeable Exchange, an online antecedent for fonts, ample patterns and added materials, appropriate continuing payments for admission to the abounding ambit of content.[28]
15 March 2016[29]     X8 (18)     7 to X8     7 to X8     7, 8, 10     Added new Chantry Account addition clarification system; Corel Chantry Administrator replaced Bitstream Chantry Navigator. Ability to adumbrate altar and groups, not aloof layers. Possible to archetype and adhesive portions of ambit segments. Adjacent bulge selection, bigger Knife tool, photo retouching Healing tool, bigger angle alteration tool, bigger (Gaussian) feathering on bead shadows, and automatic camera furnishings such as bokeh and sepia. Startup and affection tours; added Hints. Border and Grommet and Canvas Prep and Stretch accoutrement for ample architecture and bartering book applications. High-resolution displays became clearly accurate with new scalable icons and UI elements. Aboriginal adaptation to absolutely abutment Windows 10.[30]
11 April 2017[31]     2017 (19)     7 to 19     7 to 19     7, 8, 10     LiveSketch™, 4K and real-time stylus support, Added Chantry account Box and nodes, Supports Microsoft Windows book approach & apparent dial.
10 April 2018     2018 (20)     7 to 20     7 to 20     7, 8, 10     Symmetrical Cartoon Mode, Block Shadow Tool, broadcast to WordPress, Impact tool, Pointillizer™, and PhotoCocktail™, align photos interactively, acclimatize photo angle interactively, administer envelopes to bitmaps.[32]
12 March 2019     2019 (21)     7 to 21     7 to 21     7, 8, 10     Object Docker, Non-Destructive Effects, Pixel-perfect Workflow, Find and alter workflow, Supports 64-bit TWAIN scanner, PDF/X Support, agenda asset management, bigger performance, added book merge, avant-garde templates.

An online app is now included, and MacOS is supported, acute 10.12 (Sierra) or better.[33][34]
12 March 2020     2020

            7, 8.1, 10     Includes a apartment of accord tools, including Archetype editing, a Comments Docker, Annotation tools, and Cloud applicant sharing. Microsoft and Google GSuite sign-ons are supported.

Features accommodate new AI-assisted PowerTRACE, bitmap upsampling, and bitmap antiquity compression removal; new Stylized furnishings such as Pastel and Woodcut; nondestructive (lens) bitmap effects; addition edge-finding affectation tool; bigger chase and replace; and sliders to acclimatize OpenType capricious fonts (Windows only).[35]
:From Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit supported

† CorelDraw 10 to X4 can accessible files of adaptation 3 and later, but assertive appearance may not be supported.
‡ The account of book formats that CorelDraw 10 to X4 can address may not be complete in this table.
* CorelDraw X7 on Windows 10 requires Update 5.
Supported platforms

CorelDRAW Cartoon Apartment was originally developed for Microsoft Windows 3, and as of 2020 runs on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. macOS releases began on March 12, 2019,[36] afterwards an 18-year absence (the antecedent adaptation for OS X was adaptation 11, appear in 2001).

With adaptation 6, Corel alien assignment automation appliance a proprietary scripting language, Corel SCRIPT. Abutment for VBA (Visual Basal for Applications) macros was added in adaptation 10, and Corel SCRIPT was eventually deprecated. Abutment for VSTA (Microsoft Visual Studio Accoutrement for Applications) is now included in Windows and requires Visual Studio 2017. Adaptation 2019 added Javascript as an advantage for cross-platform scripting with MacOS support; however, the congenital IDE does not abutment it as of 2020.[37]
Previously accurate platforms

Until the absolution of adaptation 5, CorelDraw versions existed for Windows 3.1x, CTOS and OS/2.
CDR book format
CorelDraw book formatCDR-Fileheader RIFF CDR vrsn.jpg
Hex dump of the attack of a CDR book as RIFF container, accounting with adaptation 3
Filename extension   
Latest release    2019 v21
Open format?    no

In its aboriginal versions, the CDR book architecture was a absolutely proprietary book architecture primarily acclimated for agent clear drawings, apparent by the aboriginal two bytes of the book actuality "WL". Starting with CorelDraw 3, the book architecture afflicted to a Resource Interchange Book Architecture (RIFF) envelope, apparent by the aboriginal four bytes of the book actuality "RIFF", and a "CDR*vrsn" in bytes 9 to 15, with the asterisk "*" actuality aloof a bare in aboriginal versions.[39] Beginning with CorelDraw 4 it included the adaptation cardinal of the autograph affairs in hexadecimal ("4" acceptation adaptation 4, "D" acceptation adaptation 13). The absolute abstracts block of the RIFF charcoal a Corel proprietary format.

From adaptation X4 (14) on, the CDR book is a ZIP-compressed agenda of several files, amid them XML files and the RIFF-structured riffdata.cdr with the accustomed adaptation signature in versions X4 (CDREvrsn) and X5 (CDRFvrsn), and a root.dat with CorelDraw X6, area the bytes 9 to 15 attending hardly altered – "CDRGfver" in a book created with X6. "F" was the aftermost accurate hex digit, and the "fver" now indicates that the letter afore no best represents a hex digit.

There is no about accessible CDR book architecture specification.[40][41]

Other CorelDraw book formats accommodate CorelDraw Compressed (CDX), CorelDraw Template (CDT)[42] and Corel Presentation Barter (CMX).[43]
Use of CDR files in added programs

In December 2006 the sK1 open-source activity aggregation started to reverse-engineer the CDR format.[44] The after-effects and the aboriginal alive snapshot of the CDR importer were presented at the Libre Cartoon Meeting 2007 appointment demography abode in May 2007 in Montreal (Canada).[45] Afterwards on the aggregation parsed the anatomy of added Corel formats with the advice of the accessible antecedent CDR Explorer.[46] As of 2008, the sK1 activity claims to accept the best acceptation abutment for CorelDraw book formats amid accessible antecedent software programs. The sK1 activity developed additionally the UniConvertor, a command band accessible antecedent apparatus which supports about-face from CorelDraw ver.7-X4 formats (CDR/CDT/CCX/CDRX/CMX) to added formats. UniConvertor is additionally acclimated in the Inkscape and Scribus accessible antecedent projects as an alien apparatus for importing CorelDraw files.[47][48][49]

In 2007, Microsoft blocked CDR book architecture in Microsoft Office 2003 with the absolution of Account Pack 3 for Office 2003.[50][51] Microsoft afterwards apologized for inaccurately blaming the CDR book architecture and added formats for aegis problems in Microsoft Office and appear some accoutrement for analytic this problem.[52]

In 2012 the collective LibreOffice/re-lab aggregation implemented libcdr, a library for account CDR files from adaptation 7 to X3 and CMX files.[53] The library has all-encompassing abutment for shapes and their properties, including abutment for blush administration and atom colors, and has a basal abutment for text.[54] The library provides a congenital advocate to SVG, and a advocate to OpenDocument is provided by writerperfect package. The libcdr library is acclimated in LibreOffice starting from adaptation 3.6,[55] and acknowledgment to accessible API it can be advisedly acclimated by added applications.
Other applications acknowledging CDR files
Main article: Comparison of agent cartoon editors

CDR book architecture acceptation is partially or absolutely accurate in afterward applications:

    Adobe Illustrator – CorelDraw 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10[56]
    Corel PaintShop Pro
    Corel WordPerfect Office
    Inkscape with UniConvertor installed; fractional support[47][49]
    LibreOffice appliance libcdr
    Adobe FreeHand – CorelDraw 7, 8[58]
    Microsoft Visio 2002 – CorelDraw! cartoon book versions 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 (.cdr), Corel Clipart (.cmx)[59][60]
    sK1 – fractional support[44][61]
    Xara Designer Pro and Xara Photo & Clear Designer – aboriginal versions of CorelDraw CDR and CMX

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